Meeting Notes 2009 09 01
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Crew[edit | edit source]
Moderator: Ceren
Note-Taker: SuperQ
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
Announcements[edit | edit source]
- Introduction and Names
- What Noisebridge is about.
- Treasurer's Report
- Very brief primer on Noisebridge consensus process.
What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
One short sentence about each of the following:
- PyClass (Monday 6:30PM, 83c)
- Circuit Hacking Mondays (8PM, 83c)
- Machine Learning Wednesdays (8PM, 83c)
- Kite Hacking Thursday (8PM, 83c)
- Science/Engineering Huddle (8PM Fridays, 83c) come early for one-on-one
- Shop Class - Most Fridays @ 8pm, check out the wiki page for details.
- Natural Language Corners
- German Thursdays 7PM 83c, beginners earlier, advanced come later.
- French Wednesday
- Sensebridge Cyborg Group (Sundays)
- OpenEEG Sunday 3pm - 5pm
- Noisebridge CTF
- Go on Sunday 3pm
- Locks! Sunday 3pm
- Spacial Imaging Workshop - Sunday 16th, 7pm
Project Updates[edit | edit source]
- 2169 Mission
- Buildout team update
- Floor report
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
Discussion topics[edit | edit source]
- More T-shirts for Noisebridge
- More stickers for Noisebridge
Notes[edit | edit source]
Crappy notes by SuperQ:
Tres report:
- 3 months == 15k in bank
- 11k In bank right now
- Move expenses over budget (we're on par with CA)
- Loans
- Sucks
- Bad idea
Primer on consensus process
- Nobody objects (strongly) to a decision
- Poll people to understand or agree to ideas
- Blocking is a last resort?
- Long process.
- 1 week and written notice
What's going on right now:
- pyclass mondays
- science friday
- buildout
- shop class
- Languages
- German - thursdays
- French - wednesdays
- Mandarin - tuesdays (6pm) - It's all about the tones
People are at burningmans
- Slackers
- They suck
Noisebridge CTF
- What?
- Go on sundays
- Lockpicking on sundays
- Sunday 16th Sep - Spacial imaging
- Erlang class - Some guy
Project Updates
- aka, holy crap, 2169
- Rats?
- Sheetrock is going up
- We have a toliet
- 5min of Fame - THE shit
- dance and a giggle
- Holy shit--- walls.. not the ones you thought we were making
- Electrical looks awesome.. BOXES
- Switches
- Ampers
- HVAC Update:
- Huge, move air
- talking offline
- Tshirts
- Stickers
- Patches? Patches! We need stinking patches!
- Is it ok to pocket profits from noisebridge logo'd items?
- Hell Yes/No?
- Fundraising is good
- Stickers = free/outreach
- Tshirts = Profit!
- Trademark / creative commons copyright - discussion topic.
- Buttons
My laptop is dying
Updated logo/address
- new shirt designs, woo
- Open for proposals
- Bike sheds
Dr J status update
- Touchscreen
- You can touch them
- They do stuff
- Fuck windows
- (they run in linux)
- That is all
- No VOCs paints taste good
- Easy to find these days
- Water base paints
- Lead doesn't taste good
Cleaning service
- Looking for replacement
- It makes no sense to clean our own space
- We suck at it
- ha-ha
- we have a way, but not the will
- Seriously
Fire Safety
- Wikipage
- Stuff on wall
- Fire extinguisher logo on wall not acurate
- Safety dance
No membership binder this week