Meeting Notes 2009 09 08
Crew[edit | edit source]
Moderator: r miloh alexander
Note-Taker: naomi most
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
Announcements[edit | edit source]
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
What Noisebridge is about[edit | edit source]
Treasurer's Report[edit | edit source]
Very brief primer on Noisebridge consensus process[edit | edit source]
Let's Have an Awesome Time Doing Science! Event next month at UCSF[edit | edit source]
OCTOBER 8th-10th at UCSF Byers Auditorium
Un-conference sponsored by American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Participants "emerge" a conference based on networking & interest
- Cross-pollinate between disciplines, report on what everybody's working on
- Meet other scientists, researchers, and engineers
- Host your own panel on whatever you want
What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
One short sentence about each of the following:
- PyClass (Monday 6:30PM, 83c)
- Ruby R School (Monday 20:00, 83c)
- Circuit Hacking Mondays (8PM, 83c)
- Machine Learning Wednesdays (8PM, 83c)
- Kite Hacking Thursday (8PM, 83c)
- Science/Engineering Huddle (8PM Fridays, 83c) come early for one-on-one
- Shop Class - Most Fridays @ 8pm, check out the Mat_fab wiki page for details.
- Natural Language Corners
- Sensebridge Cyborg Group (Sundays)
- OpenEEG Sunday 3pm - 5pm
- Noisebridge CTF
- Go on Sunday 3pm
- Locks! Sunday 3pm
- Spacial Imaging Workshop - Sunday 16th, 7pm
Project Updates[edit | edit source]
- 2169 Mission
- Buildout team update
- Floor report
- Moving Noisebridge, 9/11
Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
- More T-shirts for Noisebridge
- More stickers for Noisebridge
Discussion topics[edit | edit source]
$12.99 Lead test kit[edit | edit source]
- We can find out if we have lead pretty easily with this home test-kit. There are others that are effective, too, according to Consumer Reports (Homax LeadCheck, First Alert Premium *Lead Test Kit*, and Abotex Lead Inspector), all probably about the same price.
- According to people I've spoken to, this isn't a big deal to deal with if we have lead in our old paint -- mostly just painting over it. -- Mitch.
- Why are we discussing this? People who are concerned should buy the kit and do the test and report their findings on the wiki or mailing list. Don't talk about doing it -- do it and talk about the results. Adi 18:32, 8 September 2009 (PDT)
Rachel get well soon card and LED lights[edit | edit source]
- Let's make a card and have folks sign it.
- Let's string it up with LEDs, fuck yeah.
Membership benefits[edit | edit source]
- What's up with the Membership Team?
- Where's all the awesome stuff the membership team has gotten through consensus?
- How should these be treated?
- Access to Noisebridge
- Shelf space
- Networked / powered shelf space
- Local machines, such as Pony
- Remote machines and VM instances
Noisebridge patches[edit | edit source]
- A la NIMBY patches, Noisebridge should have patches. Consensus item for next week.
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
The most important thing to notice is the need for BUILD HELP at 2169 (even 10-15 spare minutes in your day) because we are really behind schedule.
Some serious electrical help is needed at 2169. To help, just show up this morning (Wednesday) and save them from what was called "certain doom" in tonight's meeting.
Full Minutes below. --Nthmost 02:43, 9 September 2009 (PDT)
- lots of people make snarky comments.
- there are a few new people who are informed about what Noisebridge is all about.
- Bilal from Michigan is in town until Saturday - he's making a documentary about hackspaces and beginning his filming with NoiseBridge - see post-minutes below.
- $26,000 in the bank
- $9000 approved for build-out
- will be $16,000 after that's done...
- we're just shy of 3 months operating expenses - about $15,000
- we're short a LOT of dues (only 50 ppl out of 82 have paid)
- Mitch re-iterates what commitment to membership is all about (i.e. the Benjamins)
- Josh M. plugs the automatic recurring payment system.
- there is question as to whether Mitch wants to remain Treasurer much longer
- Py-class is kaput under Jason D., but Dan S. is back in town and taking it (back) over soon.
- Rachel reminds there are mailing lists for each of these activities.
- Naomi brings the Let's Have an Awesome Time Doing Science un-conference to NB attention.
- check out the "Foo Camp" model of conference participation, e.g. Science Foo Camp: [4]
- this is a good opportunity for hacker types to interface with researchers and theoretical types
- also a good opportunity for Noisebridge outreach?
- October 8-10th && FREE
--> WE ARE BEHIND SCHEDULE (Sept 11th move date is off)
- electrical reports "certain doom" happening - help is needed - SHOW UP AT THE SPACE in the morning (Wednesday)
- fill, sand, fix cracks in exterior walls - tonight/tomorrow would be GREAT
- start moving everything possible off this floor so we can paint and spray
- help w/ sanding all over everywhere
- electrical can helping in parallel but before painting
- where's the paint?
- we need PAINT! Rachel will look for eggshell or semi-gloss paint -- concern about cheap paint -> walls dirty faster
- only $1500 has been apportioned for building expenses thus far!
- ...have you bought stuff for buildout? send receipts to Mitch! (treasurer at
Scott & copper issue:
- floor piping will cost more... have to use copper or cast-iron ($45/piece) b/c PVC won't fly w/ SF code.
- the landlord gave us $6000 for bathroom/kitchen renovation but stuff's gonna cost a bit more.
- we need help! even 15 to 20 minutes while you're around.
- how do we keep track of these little projects: there's a whiteboard with tasks to accomplish.
The take-home message: many more man-minutes are needed on mudding, sanding, floor-covering before painting can happen.
The budget's already been approved for the paint. So let's buy some paint...
- Rubin says only 2 people have volunteered time and vehicles to move stuff.
- about 5 more people stood up to volunteer
- Rubin will coordinate volunteers. Sept 11th move will not happen due to buildout stall.
- front door of 2169: 125kHz cards will be used for authentication.
- maglocks for the glass door prevent people getting in after 5pm or before 8am on weekdays.
- the point of the system is to obviate the need for keys.
- system must provide total anonymity (lest there be blocking by some NB members)
- NEED: programmer who can do "protocol stuff" on the touch panels - email Dr Jesus
- Mitch: if you donate equipment, make sure you declare it on your taxes and make the value as high as possible... a maximally beneficial arrangement for you and for NB.
- Rubin opens the discussion by volunteering to get smacked for blocking t-shirts and stickers if they are re-ordered in black and red, respectively.
- WE NEED T-SHIRTS and STICKERS - missed opportunities at various conferences (says Mitch)
- $500 for t-shirts (50 t-shirts at $9/piece)
- $250 for 1000 stickers
- It seems we can make 30% profit on swag in a month
- John (new guy) will look into whether he still owns a screen printer that hasn't been destroyed by "crackhead former roommates". Noisebridge having ability to print own shirts would be nifty.
- Does MITCH have consensus to getting appropriate am't of money to get t-shirts and stickers? YES. consensed. done.
- "our money would be better spent not licking the walls"
- is the old paint a concern? apparently: NO. (NEXT!!!)
- Rachel is here (w/ visible arm injury from car crash) and is getting well... discussion fizzles but with warm fuzzies...
- Rubin notes that the person who put most of these items up on the wiki isn't here at the meeting.
- Miloh: "When you're writing on the wiki, write things that make sense." (re: "awesome stuff" = WTF ?)
- We guess that this stuff is about: "How should membership benefits be distributed?"
- What do members actually get? "They get to block consensus and they get to pay dues...and sponsor new members during the membership process" --Mitch
- Arbitrary dictatorship of services is fully within Noisebridge operational parameters. (e.g. admin Rubin denying root access to Pony to potential admin.)
- Miloh: Non-members have had shelf space and account access on servers just because of resource donation and whatnot.
- and... Some members don't have shelf space.
- Who is the membership team?
- Rachel and "some other people"... who figured out what the membership process should be, but nothing along the lines of what it "means" to be a member.
- Perhaps this is cause for wiki attention.
- Josh: let's have a wiki editing party! with beer! Joachim, Andy, Rubin, and others would be down for that.
- replace 83c w/ 2169
- WIKI JAM 2009 !!!
- Rubin volunteers to bring the peanut butter.
- Noisebridge should have them! many nods and grunts of agreement.
- Rubin says: $1.50/piece... you can get a whole bunch of different kinds (velcro, iron-on, etc)
- funding for patches (a form of swag) for fundraising parties would be good, says several people.
- let's clean up the stale entries at some point, shall we?
Bilal, who's working on starting a hackspace in Michigan, is making a documentary about hackerspaces which begins with Noisebridge - he'll want to do interviews and hang out and get a sense of what it's like around here. He's going to talk to Josh M. about putting it under Creative Commons licensing and possibly acquiring a nice server to host it for co-editing and distribution purposes.