Meeting Notes 2009 09 29
Crew[edit | edit source]
Moderator: Dr. Jesus
Note-Taker: JSharp
Attendee Count: 23
Officers: 2
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
Announcements[edit | edit source]
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
What Noisebridge is about[edit | edit source]
Treasurer's Report[edit | edit source]
Very brief primer on Noisebridge consensus process[edit | edit source]
What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
One short sentence about each of the following:
- Circuit Hacking Mondays (8PM, 83c)
- Machine Learning ?Wednesdays? (8PM, 2169)
- Year 1 Open Hacker House - October 2nd, 6pm - 11pm - Showing off cool hacked up stuff from the first year.
- Security group - Thursdays 8PM except when 5MoF happens
Project Updates[edit | edit source]
2169 Mission[edit | edit source]
- Electrical
- House keeping
- Another dumpster run?
- e-waste
- Drinking problem at 2169
- Cleaners
- Library
- Access Control
Maglocks still not installed because a part needs to be fabricated to compensate for the door frame being out of plumb. Stop distracting Jesus until it gets done.
- LDAP Database
See LDAP Proposal
- SCADA, HMI Panels
Need to examine the Windows driver packets in more detail to turn on certain necessary features. Some panels mostly work on a few machines. Considering temporarily mounting the laptops by themselves while the panels get figured out.
- VA Machines
Another round of formatting probably this week. Some of the nicer machines have been fixed up and are being allocated for scholarships to needy hacker sprouts.
Open Hacker House[edit | edit source]
Year 1 Open Hacker House/Setup
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
- Jeffrey Malone as new Noisebridge treasurer
- Redesign of multimedia center in Cuba, general concept; discussion of strategies how to obtain hardware, software, and funds. Frantisek Apfelbeck
- Obtaining a shrubbery. It must be nice looking and not too expensive.
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge notes:
Introduction of new persons What noisebridge is/consensus process explanation Introduction of existing units Treasure's Report:
good money situation some people haven't yet paid dues, explanation of dues payment, etc 3 months of operating expenses in the bank, not minus pending build out expenses donation instructions
Goings on at noisebridge -- see agenda Project updates
Electrical PG&E will turn on road side panel on next monday Power run to more locations in the space and getting rid of the extension cords Interface with individual space owners to setup space specific electrical requirements Tag wanted outlet/switch locations Rubin owns central table columns David owns chill space Crustcher and Jason D. own classrooms JSharp, Lamont, and Jim own library Housekeeping Trash cans replaced with larger units Shop trash can will not be picked up, trash needs to be removed Dr. Jesus loaned van to take things to dump To take garbage out: Monday night, curb -- Do not take out any recepticles that are not disposal company labeled Compact/Crush cans e-waste: scheduled pickup of e-waste Thursday at 2PM if you want it, please find a home for it, if it remains in the central pile it is most likey going leaving drinks out/concerns at 2169 please clean up and don't leave out stuff cleaners will be procured but there will be a chores chart put out by Rubin Access Control don't bug Dr. Jesus until it's in place LDAP database, SCADA, HMI : shortened centralized preference store in LDAP, see wiki LDAP Proposal VA Machines scholarship program: see Dr. Jesus Year 1 Open House Noisebridge needs to be cleaned Discussion about what's going on at the open house: see the wiki Year 1 Open Hacker House/Setup Please inform Rubin if you want to help out Performances and Presentations
Discussion Items
Treasurer proposal for dicussion for Jeffery Malone Mitch approves and will help out until things work Request for help with redesign of multimedia center and Cuba project David is attempting to get Francis in touch with MCRC Get in touch with Discussion about having a clean lab for fine measurement equipment, Michael Kahn would like to arrange a space for equipment sensitive to dust Request for Shrubbery Discussion about dedicated time for cleaning the space, general approval, needs more cowbell Announcement about the Alternative Press Expo, invitation to come and enjoy You can now get the bounching google logo at 2169 (IPV6 Connectivity is now active) Pvck now has a house! Lxpk is up for membership. annoucement, place for hackers to live in complement to noisebridge as a place for hackers to work and play. Ephemerisle practical experiement -- burning man on the water
Binder Names Read
Alex Peak admitted as a member to noisebridge.