Meeting Notes 2009 12 08
Crew[edit | edit source]
Moderator: Rachel
Note-Taker: Ani
Attendee Count: ~30
Officers: Shannon, Rachel, Andy, Seth, Jeffrey
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
aestetix's underwear
Announcements[edit | edit source]
Shut off your cell phones.
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
What Noisebridge is about[edit | edit source]
Treasurer's Report[edit | edit source]
Very brief primer on Noisebridge consensus process[edit | edit source]
What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
One short sentence about each of the following:
- Circuit Hacking Mondays (7PM, 2169)
- Python Mondays (6:30 PM, 2169)
- Security group - Thursdays 8PM except when 5MoF happens
- Project Euler now on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.
- First Aid/CPR class
- Mandarin corner is happening on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m.
- Shop Friday still plans to come back when the shop is done.
Project Updates[edit | edit source]
Board member elections[edit | edit source]
Pumping Station: One[edit | edit source]
Greetings from the future. I'm at the PS:1 Tuesday general meeting. I have gifted them the following items in the name of Noisebridge...
- Noisebridge stickers
- Gifts from the CNC mill group
- Demo of North Paw
- Sixteen Noisebridge keys
- aestetix's underwear
In return they are using our stickers as pasties.
It is fucking cold here and snowing, and by snowing I mean Uncle Jesus is shitting nasty snow cones.
--rubin110 21:06, 8 December 2009 (CST)
2169 Mission[edit | edit source]
- Electrical
- Library
- Kitchen
- Network
- Heat
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
they're making me take notes. those fuckers.
meeting, begin!
we're skipping aestetix's underwear
shut off your cellphones. all of them.
everyone is going around saying their names which everyone will forget later
people are checking us out, its totally hot
jeffery is bribing people
what the hell is noisebridge about? talking about interesting noises at the door we're apparently also excel to each other, who knew? and we have to educate people, wtf did we get ourselves into?
we're a consensus driven organisation except when we vote blah blah, blue haired dude is talking about consensus
treasurer states we have approximately $13k in the bank as of now PAY YOUR DUES BITCHES OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES
what's going on at noisebridge? not much to say as people who are doing things are not at the meeting nonetheless, people still try to find stuff to talk about project euler, something that I couldn't hear what it was about people speaking foreign languages that no one understands shop class on fridays, learn how to use tools to build shit omg, bathroom progress (wondering why my text editor is auto correcting omg to omega hey, its a letter from a tiny asian writing from tiny bootcamp mike talking about a microscope to see tiny hair follicles
apparently there's a board election going on
seth and leif will count the ballots looks like we just made a huge mistake apparently the system we chose would only provide us one winner (doh). well that's just brilliant. talking about running the ballot again minus the previous winner.
there's a guy with some pink foam as a hat
people talking about stuff I can't hear
Rubin announces presents for Pumping Station One in chicago.
shannon talking about bathroom, apparently we're all pitching in to help with the bathroom. nightly workshops about how to build a bathroom, also talk about hacking scott's injury library, kitchen still in progress, kitchen to be done with bathroom
hey look, a new dude called scott who also happens to be a contractor wants to help with the buildout
talk about networking very confusing talk about networking stuff i don't understand
apparently its fucking cold in here.
nils brings out a hair drier. ani wants to continue video rendering in order to heat up her laptop to make her lap warm talk about electric snuggies, everyone cringes thinking we should have fire art in the space to warm us up heating subcommittee
no consensus items, yaaaaaaaay
sewing machines now have their own mailing list: nana needs hearing aids
membership binder time. let us feed upon prospective members. generic names get called out got distracted due to watching weird porn, remembered there was a meeting going on.
aestetix just showed up, no one is sure if he's wearing underwear or not
tracy jacobs is a member, everyone cheers and dances
more ballots are being printed
calamity happens, meeting ends.