Meeting Notes 2009 12 22
Crew[edit | edit source]
Moderator: Jason Dusek
Note-Taker: Seth Schoen, who expresseth herewith his Regrette that he hath not the Recordyst's Flaire lately shewn & demonstrated by Danny O'Brien
Attendee Count: 10
Officers: Seth, Jeffrey
Agenda Items[edit | edit source]
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
Please set your phones to silent, Steve Jobs is about to take the stage.
What Noisebridge is about[edit | edit source]
Treasurer's Report[edit | edit source]
We have about $18,500. We have 80 members no more than 3 mos. late on dues Of these 36 members are late on dues, 12 members are more than 1 mo. late. (So 44 members are current on dues.)
The number of Noisebridge members has decreased due to people leaving and due to clerical error.
Very brief primer on Noisebridge consensus process[edit | edit source]
Membership binder[edit | edit source]
Abbreviated. Some old membership candidates have been moved out of the ring section.
What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
One short sentence about each of the following:
Weekly[edit | edit source]
- Circuit Hacking Mondays (7PM, 2169) - circuits are made out of parts!
- Python Mondays (6:30 PM, 2169) - hope Dan feels better
- Project Euler now on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. - nobody is coming
- Mandarin corner is happening on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. - not happening now but might resume in the new year
- SCoW craft group - Wednesdays at 7PM - you can learn about sewing machines
- Security group - Thursdays 8PM except when 5MoF happens - if you want, you can come to this or join the mailing list
- Shop Friday still plans to come back when the shop is done.
NEW EVENT: Thursdayish -- a 3D model of the space is being put together and will be publicly announced soon. This will involve more volunteers to help map out the space in 3D so that the model will be available for various purposes, including visualization and planning.
Q. Can we combine the security and 3D model activities? Q. For example can we make a model of Noisebridge and then try to break into the model? A. No.
NEW EVENT: Spacebridge group met on Sunday. This was attended by 12 people, including people with various connections to the aerospace industry. They are interested in putting things into space, using high-altitude balloons. This group will be meeting regularly to discuss balloon launches starting in the new year.
One-time[edit | edit source]
- First Aid/CPR class - Christie knows about this.
Project Updates[edit | edit source]
- Noisecloud - gave us lots of computers (this is the new name
of VA Software!) -- roughly 300 machines, 50 are currently operational right now in Redwood City. Dr. Jesus copied public keys from pony. We will use these machines to provide useful services and satisfy things that other nonprofits have had trouble with; for example, we can provide build hosts to FreeBSD or other projects that need build hosts.
Colocation and other related services are also being donated by another entity. Thanks!
Q. How do we log in to these? A. You can talk to Dr. Jesus for access. There are 111 cores in 45 available machines up and running right now, with quite substantial memory, processing, and storage capacity.
- South stairwell fire escape
A few weeks ago there was a small fire in the south stairwell. Dr. Jesus talked to the landlords about this: the south stairwell should be used only in case of emergency. It cannot be used for non-emergency purposes. There will be a security system that will alarm on use or monitor use of the stairwell. Other discussions are in progress with the first floor tenant to ensure that the exit will be clear and that it will remain usable as an exit. This work is not yet complete, but it's underway.
2169 Mission[edit | edit source]
- Electrical
- Library
- Kitchen
- Network
- Heat
Andy bought some plastic film that prevents heat from escaping as readily through the skylights, particularly the skylights with vents. There is more film available and some ladders if people want to put up more of this.
Meeting sponsorship[edit | edit source]
This meeting was brought to you by the letter W and the number 6.