Meeting Notes 2011 01 11
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
The 143rd Meeting of Noisebridge
Note-taker: Al Sweigart
Moderator: R. Miloh Alexander
- What Noisebridge is about: description provided by Adi
- A brief primer on consensus process: provided by Adi
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Treasurer Statement: currently about ~17k in savings[edit | edit source]
December dues payment: $4360.00 in December[edit | edit source]
this includes some prepayments for next year, meaning the monthly cash flow is currently negative The treasurer is trying to start tracking t-shirt and beverage income separately There was $363 in the Donation bin today (not counted since 12/20)
- side note by miloh: if members collectively fund %80 percent of the 'rule of thumb' $165/day costs, the leaves about a $33/day funding gap that needs to be covered with donations in order to maintain a neutral cash flow from month-to-month. This count from the cash donation bin holds only ~50% of this amount (21 days * $33/day = $693), which means Noisebridge will be cash flow negative month-to-month if we only rely on the cash donation bin)
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
Rachel L.H.[edit | edit source]
Chandra N.[edit | edit source]
Jack P[edit | edit source]
Josh Myer[edit | edit source]
see below???
R. Miloh Alexander[edit | edit source]
(that's me!) <-- these last two guise are 'trying to subvert the pro-cess by becoming members of Noisebridge!'
others[edit | edit source]
Others are still in process and it looks like they aren't showing up! If you can't show up then make friends with members who can show you how to subvert the process! If you don't want to be a member but are a regular Noisebridge user,then consider support by monthly donations to close the funding gap.
Project Updates[edit | edit source]
No project updates were discussed.
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Board election consensus item discussion[edit | edit source]
Discussion about the voting system for the board Election including voting methods. Discussion compares Condorcet with Approval voting, the election process (including ballot creation and processing), and the method for nominations and confirmation of acceptance).
Decision[edit | edit source]
It is the consensus of the group to agree to the proposal as outlined on the wiki by Jof as of 01.11.2011
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
Fund raising for a laser engraver[edit | edit source]
Shannon brings up the fund raising drive for a laser engraver: Noisebridge has attempted to obtain a laser cutter for a while.. last count, we only need $204 for a LASER CUTTER, namely a device to cut things with a laser. As an incentive, Donor's names will be on a special laser etched plaque above the laser cutter in the laser cutter room.
Upcoming Art Night collective event[edit | edit source]
The Fun A-Day round up will be held at Noisebridge on February 6th, 2011. Fun-A-Day_Round_Up Members of the Art Night collective attended the meeting to introduce themselves and this upcoming event
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
Meeting is ended at 930PM
Nota Bene[edit | edit source]
Question: What does a note taker do during the meeting?
Answer: The useful note-taker Should pass along the notes of anyone approved during the meeting to the current secretary of Noisebridge ( secretary at Should record upcoming events, discussion, and upcoming or recent consensus decisions Should promptly send notes to the mailing lists: nb-discuss and nb-announce for announcements of important consensus decisions
I'm late with these items and no one should follow my example!