Meeting Notes 2010 08 03

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The 121th Meeting of Noisebridge

Crew[edit | edit source]

Get someone to grab the membership binder now. Get someone to take notes.

  • Moderator: Ronald Miloh Alexander
  • Note-Taker: Sai Emrys


Quote of the day: "Someone told me to come to 2169", "Are you sure they meant mission street?"

Welcome to 2169

  • What noisebridge is about
 - We are excelent
  • Who's here?
 - Do the names, it's important.
  • Tres. report
  • membership binder

Agenda[edit | edit source]

Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]

Announcements[edit | edit source]

Ace Monster Toys, the East Bay Hackerspace - 6050 Lowell, Oakland/Emeryville,

We have a large designjet - large format inkjet printer. People should set it up and use it more.

SEM needs operators. Ask Mike how to teach people how to use it.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Funds in bank:

There is no active treasurer. We don't really know who's a paid-up member, whether members are being reminded, etc. Someone should step up and do this.

Membership Binder[edit | edit source]

  • Clean up binder pages, remove pages of any approved members into the records binder.
  • Read off any names from the binder for the past month. (edit this step to include current checkmark system)
  • Anyone up for join this week should introduce themselves then leave while the present group comes to a Consensus about their membership.

What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]

One short sentence about each of the following: (Ideally delivered by the *moderator*)

Weekly[edit | edit source]
  • Circuit Hacking Mondays (7PM, 2169)
  • Tuesday general meeeting
  • I/phone development discussions (please link and add in time here)
  • BACE working group on Monday evenings
  • Python Mondays (6:30 PM, 2169)
  • Linux system administration certification study group 3 PM to 6 PM (turing) (what day?)
  • Linux discussion group 6 PM to 8 PM (turing) (day?)
  • Machine Learning (please link and add in time here)
  • Tastebridge (Taste bridge usually meets for planning following the Tuesday meeting)
  • SCoW craft group - Wednesdays at 7PM
  • GameDevelopment - Wednesdays at 8PM, back from Berlin(? please edit) and 2010 class is in session
  • Programming_for_Poets Gentle introduction to Processing; most Thursdays at 8 if !(Currently on Hiatus)
  • Sensebridge and the EEG group - Sundays at afternoonish (1-2ish) - come to try brain scanning
  • Spacebridge - Sundays at 5PM planning meeting this Sunday to decide
  • Knots, Go, and Locks! - Sundays 3PM
  • D&D Sundays: A group has been holding campaigns in Church on Sundays for the last month at least.

Other groups

Android Development



Non-weekly[edit | edit source]

Trying to find a time:

  • Bay Area Hacker's Association monthly or fortnightly meetings.

Project Updates[edit | edit source]

Your mother was a build out.

Consensus items[edit | edit source]


Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Ethics workshop coming to Noisebridge?

What does Ace Monster Toys need that we don't need?

Does noisebridge have a Ignore_all_rules clause? People should at least hear about it.

Noisebridge affinity area orientations. Are you a software developer who occasionally uses a hammer? Are you a chef who doesn't know what a Pony is? Are you a junk hoarder with a spare kansnoodelater who doesn't know that *that* it is precisely what Noisebridge needs to survive?

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

  • PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
  • Put back the membership binder.
  • Save the meeting notes to the wiki.
  • Send a copy of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
  • Copy the Meeting Notes Template for next week's agenda and update the main wiki page's link to it.
  • Enjoy a cocktail with your fellow hacker or robot.