Meeting Notes 2010 11 02
financial report Funds In bank: $9550 Monthly outflow is at $5000 we need more money we are getting a lot of random anon donations if donations wish to be made send an email to the treasurer mailing list. its a matter of our nonprofit status people
circuit hacking mondays awesome teach people to saucer every week
Iphone Dev Meet up happens may be canceled this month
python class is happening we have a new teacher
taste bridge we are alive and kicking always accepting donations
Game bridge looking for a unity teacher
tast bridge culturing making a meed and other stuff
scow it is happening 7Pm Wednesdays
Machine learning they are meeting
Linux SYSadmin Study group active and meeting
Pwn Your Own Postpwned this month to gather extra hype see wiki for more Info
space bridge May be on hiatus
Knots and locks happens Sundays 3PM
Zergbridge on saturday nights lan party and then learn about game stuff
FMOF Thursday the 18th if you want to do a talk submit it to aestetx
Membership Binder
John E. wants to be a member to make neet stuff and have fun doing it this is marks first tick
does anybody want to be a member who is not a member no last chance ok thats a no
Project updates Frangeshek the hacker bus meeting is happening tonight and will get its start shower cleaning of noisebridge kitchen was dirty lately including broken glass in the sink and knives Frangeshek cut himself
Consensus items none
announcements frangeshek is thinking of having a party to help raise money for our outflow.
thursday screening exit through the gift shop
Mike wants a reminder popup on the screens to remember to take out the garbage cans Leif is going to look for a LED sign now
thus concluded the 10000000000000000 meeting of noisebridge