Meeting Notes 2010 12 21

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The 140th Meeting of Noisebridge

Crew[edit | edit source]

Get someone to grab the membership binder now. Get someone to take notes.

  • Moderator: Rachel McCONNELL
  • Note-Taker: Rachel HOSPODAR

Agenda[edit | edit source]

Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]

  • What Noisebridge is about: "Noisebridge is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides a space for creation, collaboration, and learning about technology and creative projects. Noisebridge provides space, power tools, and infrastructure to help the public learn new skills and create cool things. Noisebridge continues to exist through and depends entirely on membership fees and donations. Our code of conduct is 'Be excellent to each other'."
  • Round of introductions: What's your name, what do you do, and if you are new, how did you hear about Noisebridge? Start with the moderator and go left.
  • A brief primer on consensus process: We agree and so should you!

we skipped this.

Announcements[edit | edit source]

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • Funds in bank: $53xx
  • Recent donations: $2525 in one-time donations and new memberships, since 12/19
    • 5 sponsor-a-days
    • lots of people bumped up from $40 to $80
    • lots of one time donations
    • miloh says we have $10,000 in paypal, 6 or 700 in square too. whoo! lots of new donations lately, ref. "death and taxes" thread on discuss.

mark burdett is going to make a pay-us widget.

katie from hackerdojo offered us their user management source code. way cool!

yay transparency!

patrick offers to wiki record how we solve these problems as a best practice.

Membership Binder[edit | edit source]

  • Read off any names from the binder for the past month.

we read off a bunch of names. some people have sponsors and some people need sponsors.

  • Anyone up for join this week should introduce them selves then leave the area in search of gifts for the rest of the group.

What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]

One short sentence about each of the following:

Weekly[edit | edit source]

For locations at Noisebridge, see a map of the 2169 location of Noisebridge.

Non-weekly[edit | edit source]

Project Updates[edit | edit source]

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Board member election process

rachel m gives short explanation of exciting board election issue.

lief explains condorcet voting method. he thinks it is too complicated. he likes approval voting method - you vote for as many candidates as you want, and the most votes win. unranked voting.

(question: why is that better?)

he thinks this is simpler, less of a popularity contest. more noisebridgey.

(shannon suggests a hack on the condorcet method that renders it equally good.)

lief explains why this only eliminates popularity contests if everyone does it. He swears it been used in the "real" world, but has no cites.

this way selects the people that the most people are ok with, vs. condorcet which selects the people that ?????

if there is a tie we will need a runoff election.

we need to consense on this next week if we are going to do it this time, it might delay elections. leif offers to proxy for anyone who wants to block if it means we can accelerate the process of adopting this while people are gone.

we need to do the elections to follow nonprofit guidelines.

we start discussing condorcet software upgrades. lief will write approval voting in python if we want to do it. shannon proposes a programming race between the two softwares.

does anyone else care? only sort of. we could do a parallel vote to compare the methods.

andy suggests we set a date but not a type of voting. aren't we going to modify ping's condorcet implementation anyway? we promised to change it because it picks only one person. we all agree we need to consense on the code we use.

we will vote condorcet as long as the code is updated to elect five people so that it is available for review by the end of the year.

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

  • Handling press at Noisebridge

maybe we could have a workshop about press, how it works, how to handle it? we did this 6-9 months ago and it was awesome, let's do it again.

if someone starts asking questions, you can always refer them to our press kit [[1]] or press@ alias. a line lots of people use is "i am not in a position to speak for noisebridge"

how do we handle new visitors? is this similar? do we have or want a system for what we tell people, etc? Well, we have a poster. We haven't really agreed to anything in particular. it's great to do your own take on it.

  • Noisebridge Cultural Reboot --Turkshead 01:33, 22 December 2010 (UTC)
   reboot: must be superuser.

shannon: we are doing something wrong here. it is awesome here but we have been lacking a certain something. how do we get people back?

maybe the culture needs some shoring up. how can we make sure noisebridge is awesome. jesus thinks we need to make sure we provide value, if we are inspirational people will see more worth in our culture. We need to build this between ourselves.

also reducing the friction to donations. bigger button on the wiki?

miloh says no, we think about it wrong. members don't get something, they give something. they are the ones who are responsible.

we will have a noisebridge hackathon monthly, on second saturdays. please feel free to call a second one on a random day to make sure they happen more often.

check it: [[2]]

we could do more classes. mentoring! this is a type of teaching that we could do really uniquely.

what's our twitter? can more of us have access to it?

  • Electric Heater

they're expensive. wear a sweater or talk to mike about alternate ways to heat yourself with technology. put your laptop in your lap.

  • Clarification of drink/snack policy - John

Noisebridge should not purchase beverages. if you want to purchase beverages out of your own pocket with the intent of people donating for drinking them, feel free. it is questionable how efficient this is. maybe we should buy a crushing machine.

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

  • PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
  • Put back the membership binder by the Shrine at the northeast corner.
  • Save the meeting notes to the wiki.
  • Send a copy of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
  • Copy the Meeting Notes Template for next week's agenda and update the main wiki page's link to it.
  • Enjoy a cocktail with your fellow hacker or robot.