Meeting Notes 2011 03 08

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Agenda[edit | edit source]

The 150th Meeting of Noisebridge


Moderator: User:Hurtstotouchfire

Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]


  • Kelly – Treasurer and Darkroom Stuff, sometimes electronics
  • John – Wordpress Hacking
  • Anonymous Person
  • Mike – Linux Systems and how to make good hot chocolate
  • Arnold – First time here
  • Oliver – sysadmin, interested in Linux and Ruby
  • Mike – techno floater, and anything but programming
  • John – manufacturing, interested in learning programming – shop has suffered in absence
  • Rachel – working on a rolly house
  • Will – writes code, most of the time it doesn't work. And has magic pen.
  • Ben – interested in learning Linux and Python
  • Catherine – likes Noisebridge
  • Cynthia – looking for research into internets and stuff
  • Rich
  • Mike – quit job at Zynga (note: mass applause and congratulations) just a little while ago.
  • Richard – iPhone programming and distilling stuff
  • Mattias – Web Developer, curious about Noisebridge
  • Jason – interested in functional programming, coming to noisebridge for a while
  • Robert – nonmembered member, web developer with Drupal
  • Meredith – soft circuit stuff, scarves, smart clothing
  • Maryanna – been to noisebridge 3 times before, this is her first meeting, learning how to sew
  • Dr. Jesus – no explanation necessary.

Introduction[edit | edit source]

  • What Noisebridge is about: "Noisebridge is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides a space for creation, collaboration, and learning about technology and creative projects. Noisebridge provides space, power tools, and infrastructure to help the public learn new skills and create cool things. Noisebridge continues to exist through and depends entirely on membership fees and donations. Our code of conduct is 'Be excellent to each other'."
  • Round of introductions: What's your name, what do you do, and if you are new, how did you hear about Noisebridge? Start with the moderator and go left.
  • A brief primer on consensus process: We agree and so should you! Only paid-up members can block consensus.

Announcements[edit | edit source]

Scheme language meetup -- anyone interested in exploring the Scheme programming language? I just donated a book "The Little Schemer" to the Noisebridge library, and would like to use this and Chicken Scheme as starting points. johnm

The Little Schemer donated to Noisebridge. The Little Lisper also donated to Noisebridge.

Kelly recommends John post a call for a learning group to noisebridge-discuss.

Kelly recommends Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.

Weekly[edit | edit source]





  • Spacebridge is starting back up on Sundays
  • Knots, Go, and Locks!
  • Go playing
Non-weekly[edit | edit source]

Note: Pwn Your Own is cancelled – person who organized it is in San Diego.

Note: BASE is no longer on our checkin list, what happened to them? Praveen knows about BASE, we should ask him.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • Funds in bank: $16,457.63
  • Some membership issues still, but not huge.
  • Huge backlog of stuff to audit from previous treasurers for taxes this year
  • If you are interested in being a treasurer minion, you can email and help out.
  • Our average dues payment is about $65 or $60. This means more people pay starving dues than non starving dues.
  • 12 non members also make regular donations.

Membership Binder[edit | edit source]

  • Daniel Dunbar – not here, no ticks, no sponsors “For the purposes of hacking, soldering and possibly teaching a class or two”
  • Glenn Wright – Rachel is a sponsor.
  • Sam Pomeroy – no sponsors
  • Alex Paul - “I like being excellent” - two sponsors but Rachel can't read them.
  • Gardener Bickford – no sponsors - “I like to learn and hack.”

What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]

Project Updates[edit | edit source]

Spacebridge is starting back up again!

  • Have a reasonable payload with photographic equipment, releasing into upper atmosphere
  • Last one landed 100 feet from a jail, but the payload was retrieved without incident.

Consensus items[edit | edit source]


Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

  • I am asking if the person managing is authorized to unilaterally discard freelance opportunities, job positions,etc. emailed. Cynthia lee

Cynthia's first email was blocked as spam: the given mailing list was not under noisebridge authority, and it's not obvious how this can be avoided without causing other issues, and does not seem to be a general noisebridge issue so far. If it's a persistent social problem, will revisit.

  • What could we have done better with regards to last week's consensus process and the do-ocracy that preceded it? (Hurtstotouchfire will facilitate)

Last week: dramatic consensus banning someone from community for the first time, and was suggested to have more discussion about how NB could have handled that better. Since there are very many new people and not so many regulars, Kelly suggests deferring it to next week. Any objections? Deferred.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]