Meeting Notes 2011 04 05
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Agenda[edit | edit source]
The 154th Meeting of Noisebridge
Moderator: User:Zed
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
- Zed
- Chris
- Shannen
- Aestetix
- James
- Jean
- John who is [not!] an alcoholic also his introduction was conjunctive and not two sentences
- A wanderer & drifter - computers, programming & infrastructure
- Miloh
- Mike
- Josh
- Rachel - Apple products
- Cynthia (question about spot; TAKE SPOT BY FORCE)
- Kelly - Neuroscience
- Ben
- Alison - Librarian - NEW?
- Franchesca - NEW
- Jamil - NEW
- Chris
Introduction[edit | edit source]
- What Noisebridge is about: "Noisebridge is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides a space for creation, collaboration, and learning about technology and creative projects. Noisebridge provides space, power tools, and infrastructure to help the public learn new skills and create cool things. Noisebridge continues to exist through and depends entirely on membership fees and donations. Our code of conduct is 'Be excellent to each other'."
- Round of introductions: What's your name, what do you do, and if you are new, how did you hear about Noisebridge? Start with the moderator and go left.
- A brief primer on consensus process: We agree and so should you! Only paid-up members can block consensus. (THIS IS ACTUALLY NOT OK, BUT BECOME A MEMBER AND TRY IT ON FOR SIZE. Become a part of the meta-community!)
Announcements[edit | edit source]
Lost in the hand-written mess of notes
Weekly[edit | edit source]
- Circuit Hacking Mondays: Mitch and Miloh.
- iPhone OS developer weekly meetup
- Python class -- still ongoing according to reports.
- Django_Study_Group on Tuesday
- Linux_System_Administration_Study_Group on Tuesday
- Tastebridge cooking class
- Probability class on Tuesdays
- Linux_Discussion_Group
- GameDevelopment
- SCoW Sewing and Crafting
- Machine_Learning – did not meet last week
- Noisebridge: In-Depth - 7pm: "Anarchism & Technology: An unbridgeable chasm". Aragorn! (aka Aragorn Bang
- Spacebridge is starting back up on Sundays
- Knots, Go, and Locks!
- Go playing
- 2nd Sunday of each month - BAHA @ 2pm
Non-weekly[edit | edit source]
- Second Saturdays are Noisebridge buildout days.
- 3rd Thursday of Month: Five Minutes of Fame -- is still open, so you can submit talks and be famous for five minutes.
- 2nd Sunday of Month Bay Area Hacker's Association
Note: Pwn Your Own is cancelled – person who organized it is in San Diego.
Note: BASE is no longer on our checkin list, what happened to them? Praveen knows about BASE, we should ask him.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: $15,917.89
- Rent has been paid.
- We would like to keep 10k in savings
- Working 5k expense buffer
- Have 5k cushion, get 3-4k more
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- Zed notes there are currently zero 4 week old membership applications. (perceive inference this is not good, see meta-community above)
What's Going On at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
Project Updates[edit | edit source]
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Three, NO, ONE! T-Shirts. How many? 200. Stickers would be nice. Stickers are discussion item for 11.04.12 meeting #151
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
Stickers are discussion item for 11.04.12 meeting #151
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]