Meeting Notes 2011 08 30

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Agenda[edit | edit source]

The 176th Meeting of Noisebridge

Note-taker: Malaclyps

Moderator: Miloh

Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]

  • What Noisebridge is about: "Noisebridge is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides a space for creation, collaboration, and learning about technology and creative projects. Noisebridge provides space, power tools, and infrastructure to help the public learn new skills and create cool things. Noisebridge continues to exist through and depends entirely on membership fees and donations. Our code of conduct is 'Be excellent to each other'."
  • Round of introductions: What's your name, what do you do, and if you are new, how did you hear about Noisebridge? Start with the moderator and go left.


Miloh -- I make Noisebridge

Laura -- I used five words. Yes.

Mike -- I am a technowanderer if you will.

Rubin -- I am Noisebridge. I am unpopular. I touch the peoples. I touch them so they stay touched.

Ed -- I have 45 hours of community service to go. Woo.

Duncan -- I am here.

Eric -- I work for the (local) Man.

Kelly -- I work in neuroscience.

Danny -- I am Cafe Gratitude.

Jesse -- I like technology.

Shaun -- I am at SFU

Mike -- I am from New Orleans, Gumbo hackerspace

Josh -- I write code, lots of it. We already like. OVER 10 KLOC

Rikke -- I am just awesome. The end.

Miloh welcomes people, and then gives a consensus process pitch.

Rubin interrupts to explain sudo-o-cracy.

Miloh says THINGS WORK, YAY!

Short Announcements[edit | edit source]

Cool new projects? Something you'd like people to know? Say now, but keep it short!

Hacker Equality site/group[edit | edit source]

At CCC camp, there was a radio talk program, including Mitch, and others, about queers and geeks. We talked about tolerance and equality and diversity -- tolerance for people who use vim or emacs, tabs and spaces, and boys and girls and others. We would like to start a group to encourage accepting other hackers for what they are. So Rubin is going to start a site for hacker_equality, and encourage hackerspaces to join the movement, and sign up.


New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge 3 Year Anniversary and Hacker Prom, October 1st[edit | edit source]

Johannes is doing Arse Electronica again, where the Austrian government pays to ship him to San Francisco to talk about sex. So lots of people here talking dirty.

And we'll also be planning the annual Noisebridge party -- it will be hacker prom themed. We'll have tuxes, colored lights, awkward dance, chaperones, and awkward photos.

Contact Rubin if you would like to help.

Rubin encourages Miloh to create sudo pop again.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Miloh demands a financial report.

THere is an awkward silence, then Kelly goes:

Funds in bank: $18,859.14

We're really really very close to having three months advance operating expenses, even when we've dug down into paying the full amount.

We have 45 members, and 14 regular donors. 31 regular, 18 people paying starving hackers, 2 doing well hackers.

Membership Binder[edit | edit source]

  • Read off any names from the binder for the past month. Write a check on every open application.
  • Anyone up for joining this week (ie have four checks by their name + have two sponsors) should introduce themselves then leave the area in search of gifts (traditionally beer and a lime) for the rest of the group. The rest of the meeting should consense on whether they may join.

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Mike talks about the computer that was broken, and asked someone to fix it. Leif said yes.

Tor Project Report[edit | edit source]

Tor project has now $411, 8% of which will be skimmed off by Noisebridge for "expenses" and "flowers and dining costs" and "pajama requirements" and "entertainment" and 3% "Paypal" "charges". We are actively looking around for hosting providers. We are looking for hosting providers, with .5GB or more pipe, where they can put a linux box in a supportive environment.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

  • PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
  • Put back the membership binder in the black desk.
  • Save the meeting notes to the wiki.
  • Send a copy of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
  • Copy the Meeting Notes Template for next week's agenda and update the main wiki page's link to it.
  • Enjoy a cocktail with your fellow hacker or robot.