Meeting Notes 2011 11 15

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Agenda[edit | edit source]

The 187th Meeting of Noisebridge

Note-taker: Danny

Moderator: Rayc

Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]

  • What Noisebridge is about: "Noisebridge is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides a space for creation, collaboration, and learning about technology and creative projects. Noisebridge provides space, power tools, and infrastructure to help the public learn new skills and create cool things. Noisebridge continues to exist through and depends entirely on membership fees and donations. Our code of conduct is 'Be excellent to each other'."

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Zephyr -- he's hacking the ethyl-alcohol supply and cleanliness and financial condition and NOISEBRIDGE EVERYTHING. OCCUPY NOISEBRIDGE!!!!! #occupynb PLEASE RETWEET

Ada -- is laying mousetraps

Neil -- he hacks code!

Will -- disturbs people at 5mof!

Andy -- he hacks code! Ruby on Rails! He helped out on social engineering

Andrew -- he can teach voice lessons and project. He hacks stuff via the laser!

PeterJ -- hacks chi and tea

Miloh -- Miloh is EVERYONE. He hacks on Noisebridge. He makes Noisebridge and so should you.

Ramon -- he hacks electronics, linux stuff, getting into Ruby.

Jake -- He is not the other Jake, and made the robot over there, and if you'd like to hack on MC Hawking, ask him, and then we'll both forget about it.

Jesse -- Jesse is hacking on an electronics project, on a breadboard. It will work soon.

Mike -- working with Leif on a transparent computer, so you could see how it works. A hackable virtual machine. Make sure I'm the second or third person you ask about a technical person. He is not a quartermaster for noisebridge. (We all agree he is either an ombudsman or a corporation).

Kaya -- is hacking unemployment, consulting with Red Cross. Helping them improve their processes. Go to the Medicine Ball, it supports stuff!

Liz -- she writes code, and poetry and small press publishing. She blogs a lot. For noisebridge, I'm working on the photo wall. If you're not the wall, I may ask for your graven image and capture your soul for the wall.

Claudia -- I am the computer expert in after-school programs, which means forcing kids to do math instead the computer games they'd like to play.

Josh -- I do a fuckton of programming. More of my projects or not have something to do with classic MacOS. Currently working 68K emulator.

Max -- I'm hacking the planet. W00000T

Enric -- I do iOS stuff.

Danny -- I'm typing this sentence.

Rayc -- is community plumber for noisebridge. Helps NB to flow!

Shannon -- is not interrupting.

Short Announcements[edit | edit source]

Ilya[edit | edit source]

Ilya Zhitomirskiy passed away. Liz noted that if anyone else is depressed and would like to talk, many others at Noisebridge have experience with this. Mitch and Danny are specifically happy to talk about their experiences and help.

Josh wondered if we should have a way of depressed hackers to work together. We decided to enter it into the notes to see if we can pull something together.

Our Algorithmic Platform[edit | edit source]

Zephyr says the "We are the 1%" algorithmic trading platform (see last meetin) is not doing so well. Talk to Zephyr, Alex or Rayc if you'd like to help and know math.

A Bigger Lasercutter, and Other Lasercuttery Notices[edit | edit source]

Andrew says that he's been doing a lot of stuff on the lasercutter. Like to see if we'd like to get a bigger one, talk to Andrew.

Also please don't waste the expensive material in the lasercutter room.

Rayc says he is lasercutting some signs to put around the space, up for suggestions. He also encourages people to clean up and sweep. Also a sign for "HACKER ALLEY".

New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]

5MOF[edit | edit source]

5MOF is happening this week! Submit a talk.

Yes we have Machine Learning[edit | edit source]

"Is Machine Learning still happening?" asks Kaya. Yes! Get in contact with Zephyr or Max to continue it on Monday. There is also the Stanford AI study group on Wednesdays: see

C Study Group? Talk to Jim[edit | edit source]

Josh says that the C study group isn't happening right now. Others disagree. Talk to Jim on nb-discuss if you'd like to know more.

Perl Study Class[edit | edit source]

Kaya says there's new Perl class. NEW PERL. NEW CENTURY. Meets at 1PM every Sunday.

Replicator Wednesdays[edit | edit source]

Replicator Wednesdays is going gangbusters!

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Three Month Buffer A-OK[edit | edit source]

Rubin says our treasurer is in DC. She is ferried into the meeting virtually on a tiny lickle screen. Google Hangout crashes. We continue via a phone.

Kelly says it is the coolest thing ever. SHe gives a treasurer report. We've got our $20K buffer as usual. (To be precise: $21,104.81. )

Noisetor[edit | edit source]

Shannon is from Noisetor, but he doesn't know how much money we make. Kelly says that Noisetor should keep an eye on the monies, and should have a 30 day reserve. Shannon is now yanked into the conspiracy to fix the finances.

Membership Binder[edit | edit source]

Kaya is a Member![edit | edit source]

The Consensus is Kaya is a member! Welcome, Kaya!

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Soundproofing classrooms and workshops[edit | edit source]

Danny says there is a plan to build out the classrooms + workshop on Thanksgiving weekend.

Miloh is worried about legality.

Danny suggests curtains rather than sheet rock.

Liz suggests we put this to the wiki.

Rayc suggests possibly swapping the shop and Turing.

Miloh is not against it, and wants it done as quickly as possible.

Jorgen was worried about the curtain being unsafe.

Liz was wondering about what could be safe.

Andrew suggests look up the building and fire codes.

Shannon makes the bwahahah it is to laugh noise

Danny asks if we should postpone

Miloh says we shouldn't postpone, but it would take $1K to do, and maybe that $1K should go on fixing up the kitchen.

CAMEO APPEARENCE OF JAKE APPELBAUM WHO SAYS: hi. He's really glad that we're still talking about tearing down walls after all this time. (Noone has heart to tell him we're talking about building walls even higher, and sealing them to prevent anyone from hearing what happens on the other side.)

Shannon would like to facilitate a discussion to do it the weekend after Thanksgiving. Probably need $500, Friday - to plan and buy, Saturday -- to frame, Sunday -- and sheetrock.

It is asked who might be around to do this. It is uncovered that the following would be:

  • Miloh
  • Shannon
  • Liz
  • Danny
  • Liz's dad
  • Rayc
  • Zephyr
  • Kaya + her truck.

Ben appears, and is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very happy this is happening.

Kaya now in charge of the drink machine[edit | edit source]

Kaya asks: someone (no longer here) was taking liberties with the drink machine. We took $34.75 from the machine. She took possession the key. Now we have $75. Should she keep the key?

General feeling is yes.

Kaya takes recommendations for choice of sodas.

Danny points Kaya to the

Rayc would like to point out that the vending machine works by asking you to donate to Noisebridge and offering a free gift of a soda.

Humane mousetrapping[edit | edit source]

Ada says she has put four mousetraps down, map is on the fridge, please check them to catch the mice.

Ramon rats on the mice's behaviour. Ramon says we don't have a rice or a rat problem, we have a cat deficiency.

Claudia says the mice should be donated to Wells-Fargo downtown.

Jake says that cats are evil. He would rather have mice. The mice aren't hurting anyone and should not be imprisoned unjustly.

Miloh wants to help block a door.

Rayc wants to help patch some holes.

Mike says its not be efficient to catch the mice. We have stuff that mice like to eat on the floor. Mice do not like empty spaces. If nothing is on the floor than mice will not come.

(People hopefully expect that Mike will use this opportunity to announce his anti-gravity device. It is not to be. Maybe next week.)

Ada says: for dealing with the mice, we could loan them to people who have snakes who eat mice. Some discussion about whether this would technically be a loan.

Shannon suggests the construction of a rat-a-pult, that will fling small mammals a distance of more than one mile.

Josh suggests we merge the rat-a-pult with Spacebridge.

Ada responds to the ratapult idea by saying that particularly clever and fast hawks might catch the mice in mid-air.

Will offers his two kittens.

Danny offers to mail spacebridge to ask them.

Cleaners experiment[edit | edit source]

Will says that we're at the end of our three month experiment with cleaners. How do people feel about that?

Shannon says it seems cleaner.

It is felt that we should put it up for consensus for a further period, this time for six months.

Shannon asks can we get the mice to clean up? That works in fairy tales right?

Rayc suggests we make Second Saturday cleaning day, and make it more fun, like punch and pie, etc.

Kaya says we should encourage people who make a mess to clean up their stuff.

Claudia asks about the roaches.

Shannon suggests we can collect them to make joints.

Github[edit | edit source]

Zephyr would like Noisebridge to have its own github account. He is encouraged to do-acratically make it so.


End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

  • PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
  • Put back the membership binder in the black desk.
  • Save the meeting notes to the wiki.
  • Send a copy of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
  • Copy the Meeting Notes Template for next week's agenda and update the main wiki page's link to it.
  • Enjoy a cocktail with your fellow hacker or robot.