Meeting Notes 2012 01 24
Agenda[edit | edit source]
The 201st Meeting of Noisebridge
Note-taker: User:Malaclyps
Moderator: User:SuperQ
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
- What Noisebridge is about: "Noisebridge is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides a space for creation, collaboration, and learning about technology and creative projects. Noisebridge provides space, power tools, and infrastructure to help the public learn new skills and create cool things. Noisebridge continues to exist through and depends entirely on membership fees and donations. Our code of conduct is 'Be excellent to each other'."
- Round of introductions: What's your name, what do you do, and if you are new, how did you hear about Noisebridge? Start with the moderator and go left.
- Matt! He does permaculture!
- Jake! He does websites, and webservices. Also interested in hacking hardware. Wants to be adopted by hardware hackers.
- Martin! Wants to have a meeting in the space!
- Sole -- adapting videogame software to do animations!
- Cally -- fixing the sewing machines!
- D0n -- interested in newer versions of Windows and making it run cleaner and tighter
- Andre -- from Ukraine, opening a hackerspace there. Working on distributed currency projects
- Caitlin -- game designer, virtual worlds, love stuff here!
- Robert -- working on a clean box a miniature clean room to repair hard drives
- Della -- run a creativityspace in North Beach, want to bring stuff like this conjunct it with nature, art
- Leif -- I'm interested in deprecating hierarchical file systems
- Aspen -- go by Oliver now. I'm Anonymous.
- Alex -- second time here. Hi! Philosopher, but my Mac is seven years old. I want to be an empowered denizen of the future! I am SPURNING the idolatories of the individual in preference to systems
- Lako -- into crypto, math, free class is starting, and looking to do a study class
- A brief primer on consensus process: We agree and so should you! Only paid-up members can block consensus.
Short Announcements[edit | edit source]
Cool new projects? Something you'd like people to know? Say now, but keep it short!
Cally says that we fixed the knitting machine. If people want to knit things, they just need know how to set it up. There will soon be a book explaining such things.
Robert is tackling hacker alley! Help him!
New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]
Tastebridge is going to be making hummus from scratch next Monday! Come along and bring hummus ingredients.
Spacebridge has moved to Tuesdays!
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- Read off any names from the binder for the past month. Write a check on every open application.
- Anyone up for joining this week (ie have four checks by their name + have two sponsors) should introduce themselves then leave the area in search of gifts (traditionally beer and a lime) for the rest of the group. The rest of the meeting should consense on whether they may join.
Caitlyn is a member!!!
Snail is a member!!!!!
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Funds in bank: $17479.98
Noisetor ( $3880.74
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
- Noisebridge should use the approval voting process for Board elections. CONSENSED
- In the case of a tie between Noisebridge board candidates, we have a lottery among the tied persons. CONSENSED
- Adopting the Policy Wonks' suggestion for membership expiry CONSENSED
- Adopting the Policy Wonks' suggested clarification of the membership application process CONSENSED
- Adopting the Policy Wonks' suggestions for how to be a Noisebridge member CONSENSED
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
- His name is Martin. A group of people are reading David Graeber's Debt: The First 5000 Years. He wrote Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology. Sunday 4.30-7.30pm to meet to discuss them. Danny will sponsor the shit out of this meeting.
- Alan are creating a puzzle hunt game, and we'd like some help from NB. We'd like to use this as a clue pickup site. We're running it on March 24, March 31st. Ten teams, who will drop in between noon and two. SuperQ sponsors the shit out of this item.
- Discuss adopting the Policy Wonks' suggestion for members going on hiatus, for consensus next week.
Rayc would like to apologise for his behaviour last week, and not turning their backs on me when I turned my backs on them.
Jake feels that the hacks space things are destroyed. We have a long way to go before we reach the productivity level before we started this move. It's going to take a while to get back to that point. The thing that could disrupt that is that if stuff gets moved again. The process of moving things around is disruptive, and we need to come to some sort of agreement that we're not going to move things around without compensating the hit that we take. If you move the test equipment, but now it's disorganized instead of organized.
Snail thinks in the future moving requires labelling.
Jake gives the example the hack area and the instrumentation area. each person who comes through the hackspace gets to know where they are, and if everything gets moved around, that gets destroyed. People who move stuff needs to understand something is destroyed.
Danny said some stuff about notifying things.
Leif says that notifying people in advance is less important for some types of changes than others, but the case of moving fragile personal possessions is when it seems most important. I knew it wasn't guaranteed to be a safe place to leave things, but I didn't expect stuff to get broken. Moving people's personal stuff without notifying them was not cool at all.
Kelly says that moving things physically in the space has been a consistent source of drama. As you have know learned, this is a great way to make drama. Given that reverting was not possible, it was important to notify people. The reason why we have a one week delay is because it takes time to propagate. So you need to give that time to propagate unrevertable items.
Rayc is empathetic to the cost of moving. If there's anything I can do to deal with misplaced items. Only one or two people couldn't find their stuff.
SuperQ says there's drama, but there's nothing wrong with what you did. Don't do it again! Do it again!
Someone whines from the corner of the membershelves.
- Laser Lounge ceiling leaks.
Oh shit it is raining in San Francisco! It is raining inside the laser lounge.
Andy will call the landlord. Somebody email noisebridge-discuss.
Danny reminds people not to use paper towels in the toilets or ever.
Rayc is going to take a photo of everything EVER and post it.
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
- PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
- Put back the membership binder in the black desk.
- Save the meeting notes to the wiki.
- Send a copy of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
- Copy the Meeting Notes Template for next week's agenda and update the main wiki page's link to it.
- Enjoy a cocktail with your fellow hacker or robot.