Meeting Notes 2012 02 21
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Instructions[edit | edit source]
- Pick a moderator and a note-taker.
- Optionally: pick a membership-binder-wrangler; otherwise the moderator can take care of it.
Note-taker[edit | edit source]
- Open a text editor to take notes on the major points of the meeting, using this page at the template.
- Project the draft meeting notes and agenda in real time throughout the meeting.
- Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
- Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.
- Post the meeting notes to this page, and email out a summary with a link.
- Tell and if there are new members.
Moderator[edit | edit source]
- Understand the structure of Noisebridge decision-making
- Make sure everyone gets a chance to speak.
- Speak only minimally yourself.
- Keep the meeting moving, and avoid getting bogged down.
- Identify discussion items, arrange times limits for talking about each item.
- Identify and summarize consensus, suggest things that need to be done.
- Get the membership binder and ensure that it is returned safely.
Participants[edit | edit source]
- Say your name before you talk.
- Remain on-topic, and speak as concisely as possible.
- Assist the note-taker with any links or corrections that are needed.
- Remain respectful of other participants, their time, and the consensus and moderation process.
Agenda[edit | edit source]
The 205th Meeting of Noisebridge
Note-taker: Snail
Moderator: miloh
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
- Kelly gave a splendid introduction.
- Miloh just got back from 45 days in Germany, two weeks ago.
- Snail takes the notes and does not give them back.
- Olag just moved from NY, taking a development bootcamp in June.
- Casey likes doorbells.
- Dana works on LED stuff.
- Rachel does all the awesome things and some other things.
- Robert works on a clean box.
- Jedi might be a little famous. And a person protesting.
- Peter scans electrons.
- Aurelie and Cesar are from London hackerspace; working on autonomous aquatic robot. WOOt.
- Tommy from film collective in Sweden; making film about hackerspaces around the world.
- Max founded Charlotte Hackerspace, NC.
- Roquel also from Hackerspace Charlotte, is the hacker-to-human translator. Robotics & web dev.
- Sam is here for the second time today, in SF for an internship.
- Nick works on computers, art, and concept design.
- Cynthia is in Tastebridge.
- Ben is here to see how the space is doing.
- Erika lost her voice.
- Carl came here for a class and likes the space.
- Tom works in the workshop and Tastebridge.
- James is here for sysadmin.
- Nick is from Chicago; software engineer.
- Simon is visiting from Germany.
- Michael is here!
- Mark works on filesharing stuff.
- Jesse does early-morning coding and likes linux.
- Tom is a policywonk.
Short Announcements[edit | edit source]
- Cesar shows off the autonomous aquatic robot. Uses a remote control; arduino. OPEN HARDWARE. Launch date aims for September, in the Bay area ideally.
- Items in the back of Turing will be removed after this meeting. A warning messages was sent to the list 18 about 1730h on Thursday. -- They are going to be placed in the elevator area.
New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]
- We have events! on the wiki! Everything below is wikied or will be soon.
- Psycedelic Talk this Sunday! March 26.
- UNCONFERENCE March 15-18. Represent_Yourself
- TBD Part of UNconference: LED Art Show.
- Planning meeting for ZiP this Thursday, March 23.
- Life of Phillip K. Dick: March 25 at Noisebridge. Part of Free University.
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
[First] Names in Binder:
- Matthew.
- Aspen.
- Michael.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: $20,950.39
- Members: 40
- Subscribed Donors: over 9,000 [not really, but a lot]
- Noisetor ( $3,346.58
- Treasurer is going to e-mail the membership body to sign up for this Freshbooks things. It would be really nice to use an invoicing system to track whether or not people have paid their dues; makes the Treasurer's volunteer work easier.
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
- None this week.
Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]
- None this week.
Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]
- Noisebridge is a place for hackers, hacking, and learning to hack.
- It is not excellent to admit someone to Noisebridge unless you are willing to take responsibility for their actions here.
- It is excellent to do-ocratically remove someone who is being un-excellent from the space, pending mediation.
- If you are removed from the space for being un-excellent, it is not excellent to return until you have done mediation.
- Tom proposed this one. After a discussion of issues, these things were in agreement, and these things represent how the community feels about noisebridge. Wants to raise them to see if they are the Consensus of Noisebridge.
- Kelly agrees with all four of those statements but thinks none of them should go to consensus and will block all of them. She says it is excessive codification.
- Jesse provides context: person hanging around was picking apart how Noisebridge doesn't codify this is a hackerspace, so he can do whatever he wants. Jesse brought it up last week and got feedback from community that this person was wrong.
- Peter: define hacking. Has used this space to teach and learn skills. Does that come under hacking?
- Kelly: quick response. On our wiki is a vision page that describes hacking.
- Description on front page of wiki is not an official consensus, but is in practise.
- Kelly & Tom don't disagree on the substance of the statements but on whether or not to Consense on the statements.
- miloh is anti-cruft.
- Rayc suggests them as recommendations.
- Some would like to outline recommendations on the wiki but nothing officially consensed.
- Value to consenting as a group: reduced level of confusion.
- Btw, this is not result of policywonks discussion. Policywonks is completely unaffiliated.
- People are already following these standards and may not need these consensed to continue their behavior.
- What is a hacker: Hacker Manifesto and ____.
- Rachel: Not everything we consense on becomes a rule. Not all consensus items are rules, sometimes just one-time statements we make. Something like this would be providing clarity to people.
- We are skirting the dead-end discussion of WHAT IS HACKING?
- We can do-ocratically add these things to the wiki without making a Consensus.
- Community Standards.
- We've reached lower-case c consensus.
- We probably can't reword these items to pass Consensus.
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
- NOT AT NOISEBRIDGE, but miloh wants Noisebridge to have a presence at the Anarchist Book Fair on March 31st and April 1st. Miloh will contact the discuss list to raise funds ($120) and has plans.
- Kickstarer Campaign for Code Hero SUCCEEDED AT 8 P.M. TONIGHT! We are so proud and happy.
- Fuck the food in the fridge; eat it. Apparently there are signs, but nobody knows who put them up or agrees with them anymore. Spite and malice.
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
- PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
- Return the membership binder to it's rightful location.
- Clean and tidy the meeting notes, then save them to the wiki.
- Send a summary of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
- Enjoy the company of your fellow hacker or robot.
- Discuss any items for which there was not time during the meeting.