Meeting Notes 2012 03 06
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Agenda[edit | edit source]
The 207th Meeting of Noisebridge
Note-taker: Will
Moderator: Tom
Introduction[edit | edit source]
- "Noisebridge is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides a space for creation, collaboration, and learning about technology and creative projects. Noisebridge provides space, power tools, and infrastructure to help the public learn new skills and create cool things. Noisebridge continues to exist through and depends entirely on membership fees and donations. Our code of conduct is 'Be excellent to each other'."
- a brief primer on consensus process: We agree and so should you! Only paid-up members can block consensus.
- Tom explains moderation process including finger waggling and one sentence responses
- A mechanical sunflower is demonstrated, much ooo-ing ensues.
Names[edit | edit source]
- Tom (works for Mozilla)
- Kelly (works for teh brains, treasures)
- Brian (met RMS!!!)
- Matt (works on science)
- Darlene New here
- Bob writer
- Skye
- PrimerLab guy
- Richard
- Mike Kan
- Carlos
- Kaya
- Andrew
- Brannon
- Esbin
- Miloh ( cool flower)
- Erica
- Lily
- Carl working on iphone app
- Rayc
- Lief
- Xena
- Will (5mof, apparently career councilling / consoling)
- [More people who names I did not get]
Short Announcements[edit | edit source]
- Xena: working on documentary called Participate -- please talk about Noisebridge and what it means to you -- everyone is welcome.
- Stanford online classes just started - Numerical Algorithms, Cryptography, they are ****ing awesome and you should hop on noisebridge-discuss
- MIT online courses also started.
- Special note: RMS is in the space selling stickers and chatting.
New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]
- Five Minutes of Fame is coming up week after next. Speakers wanted.
- No contact info with the Free University -- the PKD event, do we know who they are? Email?
- Useless dead tree publication (aka Zine) is still ongoing.
- DR WHEN GAME: SuperQ was sponsor, people showed up for the game but no happen. Looking for a new sponsor: email discuss for more details.
- Some discussion about taking Hackmeet, Replication stuff and Tastebridge off upcoming events.
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- Harold Gaskill
- No sponsors
- Plays with concrete, likes electronics and UAVs, makes "stuff"
- Carlos Sos
- Gavin, Miloh, Jim
- I love space, community work, promoting it (Linux user group)
- Casey Sey
- Lief, MCT
- Because the planet remains unhacked
- Daniel Jabor
- Alex, Mitch
- Life long hacker founded by Gates foundations, helps kids learn to hack
- Organized PyschedelicSF.
No one eligible.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: 19723.21
Recently paid rent, had interim cash flow issues, now is better.
- We have a bill from Sprint for ~$500. Miloh thinks he knows who may be responsible.
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- $3432.37 paid
- $16290.84 total
- colo service paid through March 7th.
- funds for 4 months of service.
- Kitchen stuff
- Ben turned off a bunch of kitchen stuff to see how much power they consume.
- Breaking news, PGE is lame.
- Powergraph for last three months.
- Bursts of power through the night, dead period between 2 and 6.
- Baseline power on Saturday 2kw/H for two hours between 7 am to 9 am.
- Kitchen clearly shows over baseline.
- Ben and Kelly will do Science to it.
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]
Old ass proposal on the list that was not cleaned up:
- That Noisebridge reimburse Mr SuperQ for the remainder of the cost of the wire trays, after donations this week. (Wire trays cost $930, donations so far $100). SuperQ will write to the noisebridge-discuss list and the treasurer and the treasurer will take care of it. C0NSENSED.
Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]
- That Noisebridge reimburse Mitch for 6,000 Noisebridge stickers that he bought and paid for from Sticker Giant. 3,000 small Noisebridge stickers: $333.91 + 3,000 large Noisebridge stickers: $421.17 + shipping: $20 -- Total: $775.08
- NOTE: Mitch added this originally as 2012-02-04 but it was actually added in the middle of last week.
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
- Katherine brings up issue with Jesse's interaction with people.
- Morning day shift person. Regretfully brings drama.
- Problem with Occupy. Recent surge with people wanting remove all non-hackers from the space.
- Guy named Jesse (not a member) big guy, black hair. Removing non-hackers, but that's fine. HOW he is doing it is a problem.
- Caused woman to leave the space upset and in tears. Consistently treating people very badly.
- Katherine talked to him, his response was "I'm an asshole, deal with it."
- Tom explains system for discussion. Proposes time limit of 15 minutes. 10 minutes? Will stop at 9:15.
- Ron: has met this woman, is autistic and has issues. Need to be sensitive and deal appropriately.
- Gavin: many things could cause the reaction in autistic people.
- Kath: Jesse approached K, was clearly informed of autism. Refused to acknowledge gender, "wildly insane and retarded" in interaction.
- Rayc: She started crying before any of that happened, when Jesse asked Nyle to leave the space respectively. Was sitting NEXT to Nyle. He was helping the Nyle thing, that's when it happened.
- Kath: Nyle is one of the first people she started interacted with. Was afraid, based on previous interaction. "Just wanted to be Jesse's friend."
- Jesse arrives.
- Jesse: interaction with Nyle at the gate, not wanting to let him in. N wanted to get his stuff, "Is N in trouble?" J: "Not in trouble, he needs to hang out somewhere else." J: "Be a good thing to come to one of these meetings."
- J: The "retarded" conversation happened the previous day.
- J: Katherine did not want Jesse to talk to person. J not sure about gender talking to K.
- K: that was one conversation. Discussion of following conversations were more personal.
- Tom: to K, it sounds like you don't want specific action to Noisebridge. Are you comfortable moving to mediation going forwards?
- Kelly: is there anyone happy to proxy?
- Tom: We can proxy if mediation is unsuccessful, Kelly is happy to mediate.
- Karl: noted conversation of "insanity" after woman left, could have been done calmer and more appropriately.
- Miloh: NB has to be a safe space for all people, transgender or not.
- Tom(with cap, not moderating): Call for sensitivity.
- Jesse: No problem with transgender.
- Kelly: agree with miloh and points out that NB is sandbox where we encounter people who are different from us.
- Rayc: totally agrees with Miloh on safety.
- Jesse: problem is that there's a mentally ill person at the space.
- Miloh: reminded of someone who was mentally ill recently at the space (K: was intense). Have Mediator dialogue.
- Tom: add something to community standard page about this. We are already beyond time.
- Rayc: she has been several times, caught sleeping here once, not contributing to the space.
- Katherine: this is past tense, she is never coming back, is afraid.
- Kelly: not the first time we have had issues with how to handle living space discussions. She is getting lots of back channel emails rather, and the culture of excellence is weakest in the dark hours. It's a very small population that come in and check in.
- Tom: often requires a lot of personal strength to ask someone to leave the space. It's a tricky job.
- Rayc brings drama with Justin.
- Rayc: I was assaulted twice yesterday, no longer feel safe in the space.
- Tom: can this be dealt with by mediation?
- Justin: I have dealt with this by email, okay to read email from the discuss-list?
- Rayc: Justin was banging dishes and was asked to leave the space. Nick, Eric, Zach all agreed that Justin was out of countrol and should leave the space. Eric and Nick asked him to leave, Pearl overheard the yelling in kitchen, another one was recording the entire incident. The whole thing was recorded on video. Rayc didn't ask him to leave directly. He was spit on by Justin.
- Miloh: did you spit on him? Were you drunk in the space?
- Justin: I feel that if an individual makes a mistake, even if it is technically a criminal activity, he should have the right to continue coming to the space. I did some things that were irresponsible. I did not feel guilty or ashamed or repressed about any of it, but I will only feel bad if I repeat that offense, and I would only do that again if I felt those feeling again. I personally felt like I was being mistreated. The only reason I got up and left was because Pearl came up and nicely told me I was causing drama. I think that that's more than fair when dealing with people from the occupy movement -- I can go up and yell at people and they're not going to be co-operative about it.
- Tom: This is not an issue that can be resolved at this meeting. I am asking that you do not return until mediation is complete.
- Justin: that's a fair proposal, but I don't want to force mediation unless both parties agree with it. And if rayc doesn't want to engage in it, then I don't want to talk
- (Much crosstalk)
- Tom: It may take some time before this can be meditated.
- Rayc: it took 4 people to get him to leave the space.
- Tom: I am volunteering to mediate between you two. For the next week, Justin does not return until mediation has concluded.
- Rayc: No.
- Tom: would you feel safe if justin did not return until after mediation process
- Rayc: possibility of mediation is out there, but Justin does not return until meditation is completed.
- Justin: has a better idea - he just leaves Rayc alone and he hasn't burned all his social bridges.
- Tom: You should not be in the space until Rayc feels safe.
- Rayc: wants to leave for five minutes.
- Miloh: Rayc and Justin -- take a break from Noisebridge, both of you, you've been in fights
- Rayc: is not happy with this idea.
- Tom: Miloh is asking if you would LIKE to leave, Justin is being TOLD to leave.
- Justin says he feels it's wrong that he made two mistakes and is being told to leave as a result, as he feels everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
- Tom: says assaulted twice, sounds like a good reason.
- BritishGuy: Justin has described himself as alcohol, no treatment, a good place to start might be treatment.
- Tom: wrap up, please don't leave until speaking to both people.
- Meanwhile, RMS is in the back ACTUALLY HACKING.
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
- Yay?