Meeting Notes 2012 04 24
Agenda[edit | edit source]
The 213th Meeting of Noisebridge
Note-taker: User:Malaclyps
Moderator: Neutral Eric
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
- Invite a knowledgeable volunteer to explain what Noisebridge is about:
Noisebridge is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides a space for creation, collaboration, and learning about technology and creative projects. Noisebridge provides space, power tools, and infrastructure to help the public learn new skills and create cool things. Noisebridge continues to exist through and depends entirely on membership fees and donations. Our code of conduct is 'Be excellent to each other'."
- Invite a knowledgeable volunteer to give a brief primer on consensus process: We agree and so should you! Only paid-up members can block consensus.
- Introduce any new or unusual moderation techniques that you may be using during the meeting like: direct responses, limited speaking time, orderless stack, &c.
- Round of introductions (remember, announcements come later):
- What's your name,
- are you a member,
- what do you do, and
- if you are new: how did you hear about Noisebridge?
Eric says hi. He's been coming for a month and a half. He's absorbing a whole lot. He's majoritywhip on the wiki!
Nick -- he likes to write Lua!
Andrew -- support tech for Occupy Wall St, hack Arduino stuff, interested in everything
Ximin -- member of london hackspace, interested in decentralised co-operative tools
Mike -- i'm a technowanderer, not a quartermaster or a stock clerk.
Mark -- non-member, like to do data analysis and visualisation, interested in getting into wireless stuff
Isis -- interested in AI stuff
Leif -- still working on library in Python
Corey -- builds robots
Kelly -- work in neuroscience, am your treasurer
Tom -- fights for the user
Miloh -- perform primary reduction on robots
Max -- member on hiatus, BACK BACK!
Monad -- made all those sculptures
Danny -- hacks free speech
Milo -- I like legos and droids and I like my party
Jesse -- interested in poetry and philosophy and EMBEDDED LINUX
Hipe -- normally software hacker, lately exploring why people don't do space-hacking
Michel -- "French guy" ask me about the French elections
Rayc -- I've somehow tripled my efforts.
Short Announcements[edit | edit source]
- Cool new projects? Something you'd like people to know? Say now, but keep it short!
- Any happenings at the space of which members should be made aware.
There's a vegan hacker thing going on. The dirty shop has been improved beyond all recognition. The Bash class.
Danny talked at GREAT length about
Hipe talks about the work on the kitchen and the dirty shop. They're improving usability, and reducing redundancy.
Monad says he has brought a key-cutter.
Eric says he sells laptop locks. And he wants to donates these locks, proceeds go to Noisebridge. Leif says its a false sense of security.
New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]
New event! Brewmaster's club here at 9.30, under the "influence" for David and Malakar.
Rayc would like to show Hackers' Wanted this 8.30 Friday.
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- Invite a knowledgeable volunteer to describe membership, and the application process.
Being a member of Noisebridge is not like being a member of a gym or your local chess club. Anyone can come to Noisebridge to hack and learn: you don't need to be a member for that. At Noisebridge, membership is something different: it means taking responsibility and committing to help to maintain, improve, and govern Noisebridge. As a member of Noisebridge, you don't just come here to hack and learn, you actively work to improve what you see around you, help to deal with problems, and make this community better than it is today.
- Read off any names from the binder for the past month. Write a check on every open application.
- Anyone eligible to join this week should
- introduce themselves,
- answer any questions members may have for them, then
- leave the area in search of gifts (traditionally beer and a lime, or cookies) for the rest of the group.
- The rest of the meeting should reach consensus on whether they may join.
- Remember to applaud new members when they return.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: $17174.6
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of $2255.87
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
You may wish to invite a knowledgeable volunteer to repeat a brief primer on the consensus process.
Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]
(Add any items which pass or are blocked to the Consensus Items History page.)
Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
Hipe says there's a delicate balance for chores. Talking to Miloh and Rayc about how to show what things get done.
Malaclyps asked whether we should go for more money, or stay as we are. General consensus to go for more reserves.
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
- PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
- Return the membership binder to it's rightful location.
- Clean and tidy the meeting notes, then save them to the wiki.
- Send a summary of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
- Enjoy the company of your fellow hacker or robot.
- Discuss any items for which there was not time during the meeting.