Meeting Notes 2012 05 15
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Agenda[edit | edit source]
The 216th Meeting of Noisebridge
Note-taker: Jehan,
Moderator: Malaclyps
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
(and many others -- we only got started on the note-taking after a few intros had gone past)
- Cynthia: keeps place going
- John: Hacking on Biomonitoring
- Michele: French?
- Robert: Linux, DBs
- Ava: Visiting
- Julian: Spectator
- Liz: Hangs out sometimes
- Miloh: Circuit hacking and replicating
- Jared: Machine Learning, Hadoop
- Will: 5mof
- Corey & Marnia: Robo-Gardens
Short Announcements[edit | edit source]
- Daniella- Great idea, provisional patents. Entering tech awards. In Santa Clara, third party recipiant = NB!
- Intro to Linux one night a month. Non techie. Will be posted.
- Hard drive enclosures, internet archive, new fund.
New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]
- R started Ruby collaborative mondays 5 oclock
- Thursdays 5mof, looking for speakers. Talk about mother or interpretive dance.
- Maker Faire this weekend- Page on wiki to sign up and volunteer, talk to Chris Lincoln.
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- Zephyr
- Blake Griffis 4
- Daniel Jabour 4
- Aspen 4
- Tobias 4
- Jim Sweet needs 2 sponsors
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank:
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- There are $2101.33 earmarked NoiseTor funds
- Colo service has been paid through Jun 7, 2012
- There are enough funds to pay for an additional 2 months of colo
- This information was updated at Tue May 15 20:21:07 2012
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
You may wish to invite a knowledgeable volunteer to repeat a brief primer on the consensus process.
Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]
(Add any items which pass or are blocked to the Consensus Items History page.)
Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]
- That we extend the cleaning contract with Skyline Building Care for another six months. (Added to Current Consensus Items)
Add 70 minute limit on meetings
Select Time-Keeper = Miloh
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
- Additional: Cleaning Service- Have we gotten a good deal? Should we continue?
- DIY bio: 10 minutes
- 2 refrigerators
- Full of papayas, now empty, group tried to throw it out.
- Does anyone want fridge?
- 5MoF Pitch
- "R" (edited to "R" after meeting to avoid linking an individual's initials to an embarrassing series of events -Jehan) discussion
- Gavin Says:
- Threatened to kill other members
- Tony felt uncomfortable because of other members- i.e. R
- Support or help R?
- Traditional option is mediation
- R has made some threats to someone at Noisebridge -- safety could be a concern to some people
- Mediation hasn't worked for at least one person.
- R Says:
- Truly appreciates community
- Takes responsibility for what has happened
- Admits was in wrong
- Lack of communication with parties involved
- Cycle of wronggness
- Drunk
- Drunk during meeting as well
- Not as jovial as usual
- Tony came up to R in agressive way
- Would not let him speak
- told R to suck cock
- R suggested inverse cock sucking relationship
- Many cocksucking suggestions were made, according to Kayla
- Kayla gives a very vivid description of the cock-sucking language used
- Cocksucking story may be wrong according to R
- No Cocksucking after all
- Kayla just wants to say that R does many positive things around the space as well
- Miloh is pissed about R 2.0
- Hacking and not finishing
- Miloh says R should leave for month
- R doesn't finish his projects, and only makes a mess.
- Daniella says give him a second chance.
- Kayla says 2 week hiatus
- Will has never had problem with him personally- but when he has heard problems they involve alchohol (mild claps)
- No drinking in space for some people
- Some people do not believe that the details should be in notes.
- Kayla recieved text claiming to be proxying for Tony
- Zephyr has had a few problems with R and feels that the solutions are appropriate
- Gavin says what about an email list? Mediators as admins.
- Jim says that he doesnt like the idea that R leaves. Likes no drinking.
- Liz says we should support R if you haven't had problems with him
- Ramone says taking break from place is not solution, mediation is good solution type thing, not super opposed to break. But it's not direct solution.
- Kayla says brief hiatus from NB can be good.
- R says it's a good idea. If it makes people feel comfortable. He is willing to take a break from the space for a month.
- Miloh says that R can't argue with charges. It is sexual harassment (of tony)
- R says that Kayla's credibility on alleged cocksucking comments should be disputed.
- R says: He is not agaisnt anyone for any sexual orientation. Has numerous gay friends and roomates. (loud arguing) (5 minute break)
- (meeting recommences)
- More to it than is on the board: Complicated proposal:
- Bad for NB as whole to tell ppl to leave and send them off
- Spending some time away can be good in general and good for R in particular
- People feel that it is bad to explain things to R because there can be confrontation
- People think that R should spend time away but that they feel that he should not be asked to spend time away
- People feel that it is good to ask him to not be drunk (and rowdy) in NB
- Does the space need to have a no shitfacedness policy?
- Claudia agrees
- A few people disagree
- Group feeling is that drunkeness is an essential NB ingredient
- Alot of people love R, and the events, and the hour long meeting is a tragedy
- R agrees with the above.
- Miloh advocates for 10 week break
- MC Hawking says 20 weeks
- No real consensus
- R says that he would be comfortable taking month off
- We should work out way to co-exist
- Space may not be big enough for both R and Gavin
- R intends to take legal action about above slander as he alleges
- Is 4 weeks too long?
- 3 weeks as a medium between 2 weeks (hippie mob who is kindly) 4 weeks (r in his self-flagellation)
- Conclusions:
- 3 week break and no drinking for R
- Community can drink R's beers.
- R can drink water, and eat ice cream
- Hippie group therapy and avengers movie counseling
- R insists no problem with "homophilia"
- Whoa, R may be drinking in the corner. But agrees not to drink.
- R wants Noisebridge Postcard, sounds like a good idea
- but wait, this isn't democratic process.
- We're not a democracy dammit.
- This shoudl be voluntary for R (it is)
- We're not the fucking police (goddamn right)
- At the age of 7 R was diagnosed with Posttraumatic stress. This has haunted
- Noisebridge demands new Icecream diet for R
- let's mediate bro
- Our fearless temporary spokesperson demands 3 weeks.
- Gavin Says:
- Bio hacking. papayas. on thursday people tried to throw out the broken fridge. something something rotten papayas. What?
- Miloh says it's just that we had 2 fridges. it is not a bio hacking thing at all. at least sell the fridge to benefit the space.
- jesse - suggestion that something about biohacking.... ?
- Oh. okay jesse is actually saying, Does Noisebridge NOT have a problem with diy bio hacking?
- This doesn't make sense, both fridges wer