Meeting Notes 2012 06 05
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Agenda[edit | edit source]
The 219th Meeting of Noisebridge Note-taker: Snail Moderator: malaclyps
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
- What's an archy?
Moderation Technique: malaclyps shouts and points at people but is low status. Structure. Timekeeper is WSargent.
- malaclyps at the moment, building a small cute robot
- Leif building a faceted browser
- Will building a robot that kills people... or a cup holder for his bike
- Carlos want to be come a functional monk
- Snails take notes and distorts the truth
- Nick setting up a machine for makerbots
- Jessie is here to learn the fine art of trolling
- Mike technowander who works on deephack
- Kelly is the treasurer and works in neuroscience
- Claudia (yay)
- Tom thinks using cyber- makes him cool, but it really doesn't
- Casey
- Adam graduated from software college!
- Rubins on irc
- Jonathan measures your brain activity
Short Announcements[edit | edit source]
- TOORCAMP. We have a mailing list.
- If you want to see malaclyps in shorts on the beach, TOORCAMP.
- It's fucking burning man for hackers. No, it's a hacker camp on the beach.
- In the noisedome, two hackers enter, one leaves.
New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]
- Sunday June 24 @ 3: Mozilla kicks off Summer Code Party HERE. This is the site for the flagship kickoff event.
- Cyberspace will be involved.
- Software defined everything meet-up. Contact malaclyps.
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- Lots of names in the binder for people who are not here and have no proxies. :..(
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: $15,093.59
- We may have ~$5.9k of checks that are not deposited yet.
- We are building our own goddamn software from scratch and rapidly digging ourselvs into a hole.
- Noisetor (copied from the bottom of
- There are $2206.98 earmarked NoiseTor funds
- Colo service has been paid through Jun 7, 2012
- There are enough funds to pay for an additional 2 months of colo
- This information was updated at Tue Jun 5 20:30:02 2012
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]
- To ban Rob 2.0 because he has not attempted mediation, and keeps coming to Noisebridge even though he's not welcome here. --Proposed 5/29 by Tom.
- Define banning.
- What does saying he's banned (again) accomplished?
- Helps make it clear to Rob.
- Gives members a feeling they are being backed-up when they tell Rob to leave.
- Gives more power behind calling the police to escort him out. Makes it easier to explain to the police when it's a solid ban and not just that he's unwelcome.
- Tom wants to use the word BANISH instead of banning.
- What is the difference between now and then, if we consense on this item?
- The only reason to consense on a ban is to escalate the issue to the police, and that is not a good use of our time and consensus.
- We consense on this so we can use the consensus as the tool to keep him out, not just to call the police. "We could if we wanted to," etc.
- Mike Khan cussed. This is srs bznz.
- Overall, it's not one thing he has done, it's a culmination of everything. If he's going to be an asshole, he could at least be a respectful asshole.
- Rob 2.0 (aka Dank) is barred from Noisebridge. He is prohibited from entering the space or participating in the community.
Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]
Give the CPA power of attourney to handle our tax issues. (We've had this CPA one tax year. This person cleaned up the mess left by the "tax ninja".)
- We are do-ocratically giving the CPA power of attourney in the interim two weeks pending consensus.