Meeting Notes 2012 06 19

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Agenda[edit | edit source]

The 221st Meeting of Noisebridge

Moderator: Danny

Note-taker: MCT

Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]

(oops, skipped)

Short Announcements[edit | edit source]

Tom says, via Kelly: "Tom is purchasing entropy keys -- hardware random number generators with USB ports, which need to be ordered from the UK in packs of 5 or more. Contact Tom directly, or see his post on noisebridge-discuss."

No French class this coming Saturday due to Gay Pride.

City of Oakland is shutting down the Lakeview School. 7 students enrolled yesterday, and 20 more today for summer school. Every day from 9-3pm, at 746 Grand Ave.

Jake: Lakeview will be running a radio station and streaming online this week. They could use audio-related equipment -- CD players, mixing tables, etc. Contact him for donation information.

Jake: Saturday, Bicycle Music Festival.

Nathan: Please participate in a hackerspace survey. See noisebridge-discuss post for the URL. Danny: I filled out the survey and it was a lot of fun.

James: Reddit World Meetup is on the 23rd in Golden Gate Park.

Leif: This Sunday 5-10pm at the Sycamore it will be possible to purchase beer with bitcoin, via Leif. If there is any profit, it will be donated to Noisetor. (Any loss will be eaten by the backers.)

James: The Systems Backups and Recovery Class is meeting

New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]

James: Linux 101 class every week in Turing. Also a C and Assembly class at 5:30pm in Church. See wiki for details.

Membership Binder[edit | edit source]

John Withers is up for membership.

John is now a member.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • Funds in bank: $14,621.57 (but has not yet deposited approximately $6k yet)
  • Kelly got the tax forms from the CPA and will be mailing them off tomorrow, and she has already sent in the power of attorney form that we consensed on last week.
  • Kelly has not yet received any updates from Will about building a new bookkeeping system.

Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of

  • There are $1523.43 earmarked NoiseTor funds
  • Colo service has been paid through Jul 7, 2012
  • There are enough funds to pay for an additional 1 months of colo
  • This information was updated at Tue Jun 19 16:30:03 2012

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]

  • Noisebridge should extend the authorization of the Noisetor project indefinitely
  • Consensed

Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]

Consensus item for next week, proposed by Miloh: Noisebridge should buy 200 t-shirts for $1,377.00

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Jake: Noisebridge should fund an electric wheelchair based robot project. A number of questions were raised; Jake will create a wiki page for this for next week as a discussion item.

Grant[edit | edit source]

Danny: A foundation would like us to apply for a $10k grant from them. There're some obligations for accepting the grant. (Requirements were read at the meeting, but we haven't yet asked for permission to publish them)

Leif: Including the words "co-working" space is a bad idea (but you said it was negotiable).

[General questions about how we could spend these funds]

Duncan: Does the foundation have a mission statement?

Danny: I don't know; you can Google it.

Isis, Superq: I see no problems with this.

Kelly: I'd like to exclude all of the words in the "purpose" part

Danny: We could suggest "Direct operating expenses in support of Noisebridge's mission statement"

John: This is extremely nicely worded

Kelly: We've never taken a grant before; this needs to go through consensus

Danny: We should continue to talk about this next week, and confirm with them that we can make the terms of grant public.

Kelly: I think it's generally time for Noisebridge to start spending money like an organization.

Leif: I don't think we should get this grant without a good idea of what we're going to spend it on.

Jake: We should use the money to build an Army of Killer^H^H^H^HFriendly Robots

Danny will propose a consensus item, and we'll continue to talk about it

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

  • PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
  • Return the membership binder to it's rightful location.
  • Clean and tidy the meeting notes, then save them to the wiki.
  • Send a summary of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
  • Enjoy the company of your fellow hacker or robot.
  • Discuss any items for which there was not time during the meeting.