Meeting Notes 2012 07 03
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Agenda[edit | edit source]
The 223rd Meeting of Noisebridge Note-taker: Snail Moderator: Leif
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
- Leif likes python software
- Not really is kinda lame and plays with things that blink and stuff
- Hao is building robots and wants to start with that noisebot [MC Hawking]
- Snail HHICcups
- Thomb really enjoys snails creative notetaking and am glad we are taking notes into an etherpad anyone can edit
- Joseph Machine learning, Ruby an rails and bitcoin
- Mike works on Fridays on DEEPHACK, digital spelunking
- Jake works on MC HAWKING and a nuclear analyzer
- Daniella just a membero f the community
- Chris; works on mathematics projects
- Dylan video projects
- Alan CS student, learning Java and likes to learn C++
- John does all sortsof things
- Claudia is on her way to Africa!! and will probably be teaching Excel
- Carl writing iphone apps and eating cookies
- Cynthia, background in medicine
- Nick, like to bring consenso into the physical realm
- Eric bangs on things like bongos
- Christopher from the Hackeria space in Norway
Short Announcements[edit | edit source]
- French lessons will be 5 - 7 on Saturdays now [time change].
- Tom is selling two computers. [ADVERTiseMENT] he knows where the jumpers are
New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]
- Go Sundays is officially revived!
- No Replicator Wednesday on July 4th or 11th.
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- Nicholas - potential spambot using a markov chain run against typical membership applications
- Adam
- mischief
- Ryan - week four, has only one sponsor; Tom blocks by proxy for an anonymous member (might be unblocked if Ryan becomes more familiar to the members first)
Jake is up for membership! Jake is a member!
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: 16 131.48
- Plus some uncashed checks slightly less than $6k.
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- There are $1663.38 earmarked NoiseTor funds
- Colo service has been paid through Jul 7, 2012
- There are enough funds to pay for an additional 2 months of colo
- This information was updated at Tue Jul 3 21:09:02 2012
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]
Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]
= Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
- Wall painting!
- Should we pursue Thiel foundation grant of $10k.
- We discussed this week and will continue to discuss next week.