Meeting Notes 2012 09 18
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Agenda[edit | edit source]
The 234th Meeting of Noisebridge
Note-taker: Snail
Moderator Tyrant / British Monarch?: malaclyps
Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]
- malaclyps: just had a drink
- Tom: building a phone with just a web
- Trip: building a better life for one-handed people
- Rayc: hacking ginger
- Snail: I am.
- mischeif: likes operating systems
- Ari: jquery ??
- Mct!
- Leif: is interested in kleptography
- Brandon: working on an android app to play music for REM sleep
- Myra: works at EFF!
- Rev. Mik: worldbuilding and hacking social issues
Short Announcements[edit | edit source]
- Stanford Cryptography class study group! We're meeting this Friday and meet periodically at noisebridge.
- Thursday, EFF Pioneer Awards, Saturday TOR hacking session!
- Thursdays are Tahoe LAFS meetup! @ 6:30 p.m.
- RevMik is planning a world-building workshop. Anyone interested should get in touch with him.
New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]
- Stanford Cryptography class study group! We're meeting this Friday and meet periodically at noisebridge.
- Thursday, EFF Pioneer Awards, Saturday TOR hacking session!
- Thursdays are Tahoe LAFS meetup! @ 6:30 p.m.
- Lazorcutting back on Thursday evenings!
- Health hacking on Sundays at 7 o'clock! p.m.
Membership Binder[edit | edit source]
- No new members this week.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: $22516.98
- This includes our recent $10k
grant from the Thiel foundationCIA/Palantir payoff - Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- There are $89.61 earmarked NoiseTor funds
- Colo service has been paid through Oct 7, 2012
- An additional $697.39 needs to be raised to pay for another month of service
- This information was updated at Tue Sep 18 21:30:02 2012
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
- CONSENSED!: Special additional order of t-shirts in women's sizes which have run out. $250 of Noisebridge general funds.
- Shirt sizes will not be dog-sized.
- Snail will collect donations for the Noisebridge dog-shirt fund.
Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]
Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]
- Tom proposed a lol I mean real cat for the space.
- Met with many people who want to block immediately. Tabled for offline discussion.
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
- Dogs. gquery! My g-dog. My gquery.
End of Meeting[edit | edit source]
- PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
- Return the membership binder to it's rightful location.
- Clean and tidy the meeting notes, then save them to the wiki.
- Send a summary of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
- Enjoy the company of your fellow hacker or robot.
- Discuss any items for which there was not time during the meeting.