Meeting Notes 2012 10 16

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Agenda[edit | edit source]

The 238th Meeting of Noisebridge

Note-taker: User:Malaclyps

Moderator: User:Leif

Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]

  • Monad says "We're a radically inclusive tinkerspace"
  • Gnusosa says "We're not a democracy or a dictatorship!"
  • Introduce any new or unusual moderation techniques that you may be using during the meeting like: direct responses, limited speaking time, orderless stack, &c.
  • Round of introductions (remember, announcements come later):
    • Carlos has an upward 180 degree rotated noisebridge wiki with Comic Sans.
    • John does fab stuff! Bio stuff! Electronics stuff!
    • Tom is well on his way to seizing absolute power.
    • Alex is from Germany, he is working on "From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg"
    • Monad and I'm a tinkerer.
    • Danni coming for about three months. Right now, learning about cryptography, and prime number generation.
    • Kim -- third day here, interesting in circuit-bending.
    • Jason -- researcher been looking at maker culture.
    • Danny -- I've just finished a summit on online press freedom and phil zimmermann crashed it and it was awesome.
    • Hao -- builds robots.

Short Announcements[edit | edit source]

    • Jason says the Brightworks folks are organizing a mini-maker faire. Also looking for possible sites. Thinking of it as a distributed nodes.
    • Hackmeet this Saturday! It's an unconference disrupting the disruptors. It's about activists and hackers talking about stuff.
    • Noisebridge is mentioned in two theses this term: one from a sociologist in Mexico, and another one is from Brazil.
    • Another cryptoparty! This one will probably be in the Mozilla offices. Go to [[1]]

Membership Binder[edit | edit source]

No new members.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • Funds in bank: $20669.52

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

You may wish to invite a knowledgeable volunteer to repeat a brief primer on the consensus process.

It was agreed that three consensus items from last week be dropped, given that there is no consensus whatsoever.

Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]

(Add any items which pass or are blocked to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]

Danny resigns being secretary contingent on a new secretary. He also proposes that Tom be a new secretary.

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

  • Windows on the classrooms

Brought in windows, want to put it into the classroom. Will have a whip rand.

  • Workstation space where Zebra was is going to be upgraded.
  • Vending machine? Should we lose it?

We talked about Kim and Brandon and stuff.

We talked a bit about Danny not being secretary, and what being a secretary involves.

We talked about Anthony. Anthony is generally perceived as a Sketchy person, has had his access number revoked. He's 24 years old, 5'2", in a grey and black hoodie, has short fade headcut, has headphones and doesn't talk to anyone much. If you see him, please ask him to come to the meeting.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

  • PGP Key Signing could happen now, check the list to see who wants in on the action.
  • Return the membership binder to it's rightful location.
  • Clean and tidy the meeting notes, then save them to the wiki.
  • Send a summary of the meeting notes to the discussion list.
  • Enjoy the company of your fellow hacker or robot.
  • Discuss any items for which there was not time during the meeting.