Meeting Notes 2012 10 23

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Minutes[edit | edit source]

These are the notes of the the 239th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Tom; Moderator: Danny.

  • It is the consensus of Noisebridge that Brandon Edens is a member
  • It is the consensus of Noisebridge Tom Lowenthal should replace Danny O'Brien as the secretary of Noisebridge

Introduction and Names[edit | edit source]

The following people introduced themselves:

  • Danny O'Brien is the Moderator
  • Monad
  • Brandon
  • [Martin Bogomolni], a founding member of ATX Hackerspace and Early member of Noisebridge
  • John hacks brains, both his own and others
  • Tom is taking notes
  • Josh has been working on Noisegate and he brought cookies
  • Mike is a technowanderer not a stock clerk or quartermaster
  • Casey hacks on software defined radio
  • RAYC
  • Liz is a techno-domestic engineer and a quartermaster and an ombudsman. She hacks on Hackability, Helps Circuit Hacking Mondays
  • Justin hacks on TDCS, 3D printers and fabrication
  • Will is a codemonkey
  • Kevin is not a member, and he's learning Big Data
  • Shawn <3 OLPC
  • Mike is a recent (~2mo) SF transplant, founded the Shangahi hackerspace and likes hardware
  • Martin is a lurker
  • Karl has been working on an iOS version of the Noisegate

Short Announcements[edit | edit source]

  • Josh: with revisions to the Noisebridge API, there's new Noisegate Android app which uses payphone codes to remotely open the gate
  • Want bandwidth and quiet at conferences? ATX Hackerspace is starting to sponsor hacker lounges, using the NB key as an universal hacker authenticator.
  • The doorbell buzzer is broken.
  • The monthly cleaning service is raising rates from $145 to $160 per month. Will would like someone else to take over from him in managing this
    • Liz has some feedback from the cleaning lady: Noisebridge is confusing, and she doesn't get what this place is; nobody talks to her and that's somewhat uncomfortable for her; it sometimes looks like people maybe steal things and she doesn't want to be blamed for that.

New or Stale Events[edit | edit source]

  • RAYC: On Saturday, there's a Neuro TDCS meetup, starting around 12-2pm. Look for RAYC, John, or Justin.
  • John: neuro meetups Monday nights at 7pm
  • Tom: SF Cryptoparty on Sat Nov 17th at Mozilla's SF Office

Membership Binder[edit | edit source]

  • Andrew Burns: Week 1
    • Sponsor: Danny O'Brien
    • Sponsor: John Withers
  • Branden Edens: week 4
    • It is the consensus of Noisebridge that Brandon Edens is a member

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week[edit | edit source]

  • It is the consensus of Noisebridge Tom Lowenthal should replace Danny O'Brien as the secretary of Noisebridge

Proposals for next week[edit | edit source]

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Harassment[edit | edit source]

Context: [1]. We had a wide-ranging discussion of how Noisebridge is a challenging environment for this sort of thing, and how we can deal with this.

The following were concrete suggestions as to how to resolve this problem:

  • Martin proposes and extensive re-education campaign.
    • Educate all members of the community and legal standards
    • Define a person at NoiseBridge who has the 'ombudsman' responsibility
    • Set forth a clear procedure to follow if there is sexual harassment
    • Respond swiftly and clearly
  • RAYC proposes to prepare and distribute useful literature about our Community Standards
  • We should provide more help and guidance for people who are running events.
  • Mike suggests serious and blinking signs.

The Door[edit | edit source]

The buzzer is broken. Jake might fix it, and might implement other solutions,

  • The option to silence the buzzer without opening the door.
  • Soon, you will need a code to open the door at the the top of the stairs (otherwise, you need to physically open the door).
  • There are plans to implement another closed circuit camera in the phone, for a second view.

Cleaning[edit | edit source]

The monthly cleaning service is raising rates from $145 to $160 per month. Will would like someone else to take over from him in managing this. Danny suggests that Will just discontinue the service. Will agrees.

Other[edit | edit source]

The following were inconclusively discussed:

  • hacker shelves
  • a pilot program
  • roles and responsibilities