Meeting Notes 2012 12 11
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You should read the meeting instructions forthwith!
These are the notes from the The 246th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Tom; Moderator: John Withers.
- Mice are a problem. Don't leave food
- Several events coming up.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Johnny is starting a musical project called Noisejam, an improv musical performance based around a loose score. The twist: you must use an instrument that you build yourself.
- RAYC & Link are working on the makerbots. They have a working cupcake, and are working on making one really quite large printer .
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
- Andrew Byrne [4+ weeks], sponsored by Danny.
- Charles Cordies [2 weeks],
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: $16188.23
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
There were no consensus proposals from last week.
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
Tom proposes: it is acceptable to use humane mouse traps at Noisebridge, but that it is not acceptable to disable or destroy those traps.
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
Ethan: wants to run Occupy Forum at Noisebridge.
- Occupy Forum puts on talks on progressive/lefty topics on Mondays 6-9. They need a new space next year, and want that to be Noisebridge.
- RAYC: logistical concerns with Mondays; Thursday or Friday might be better?
- Tom: needs one person bottom-line, and manage the logistics
- Charles: What topics are covered? Answer: non-technological progressive political lectures
Bo: Hacker lounge
RAYC proposes a Noisebridge chess tournament. The prize: a laser-cut board, 3D-printed pieces.
Johnny: either ban or accept the mice
- Mice want to live free, not here. Mice are a health hazard. Let's remove them.
- Mike points out that killing mice is cruel. A cluttered space invites mice, clearing up would make the mice feel unwelcome
- RAYC proposes an extensive program of careful mouse-removal
- Eric identifies that food is a risk, both donated and cooked here and wishes it to be known at this time and in this place that do not leave food here, or face his wrath.
- Consensus was not reached, and discussion persisted after the meeting
Attendance[edit | edit source]
- Marcus is from Finalnd
- Josh hacks software, mostly C++. He's newly employed in San Mateo
- Bo is a former longtime SFer who now hails from Portsmouth NH He drove out in his mobile hackerspace, a converted ambulance
- Kevin is inattentive, a project-manager, who is currently working on a music website
- Chris is a Mac hacker
- Joe Black enjoys web development
- Dan Johnson runs a makerspace in Reno, Nevada
- Mike is a technowanderer, not an ombudsman, a stock clerk, or quartermaster
- Thomas (not Tom), who does painting and printing, and sells things through
- Ethan Davidson is from Occupy Forum
- Charles hacks on arduino and is a beginner at 3D printers
- RAYS does a lot of 3D printing and just started IC design
- Johnny Radio lately builds amps, and does an educational program teaching electronics and mechanical skills to at-risk youth
- Martin hangs out
- Dan is taking apart an ardiuno
- LV has been hacking here for a year, teaching classes for the disadvantaged, and has been learning about programming and building network systems
- Dan just found this place, heard about us on a radio interview. He's a programmer & artist, with a background in cognitive neuroscience and machine learning
- Zephyr is inside a plan nine VM (the trick is thinking of yourself as a file)
- Tom is our one-person secretariat, & temporary financial intermediary
- John is a neurologist, fabricator, and unquestioned hegemon of this meeting