Meeting Notes 2013 01 29
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You should read the meeting instructions forthwith!
These are the notes from the. Note-taker: Tom. Moderators: Joshua Berkowitz & MCT.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Reverend Mik is holding a Workshop this Friday at 7: Anarchy 101.
- Cryptoparty II: Enciphered Boogaloo is happening on March 23 at Langton Labs. Go sign up to learn or teach!
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
- Ka-Ping Yee (@zestyping Week 1. Sponsor: MCT.
- Reverend Mik McAllister. Week 3. No sponsors.
- James "JC" Cooper. Week 3. Sponsor: Danny.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: 13121.47
- We have paid rent and have no pending large expenses, but still: this number is too low. It should be larger.
- We need more folks to make recurring donations. Even as little as $5 a month make a huge difference.
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
- It is the consensus of Noisebridge that Danny send the DreamworksReply on Noisebridge's behalf.
- It is the consensus of Noisebridge that Ping is authorized to send FOIA requests on behalf of Noisebridge for records related to Noisebridge.
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
- Tom would like to propose that <some people> send <some> FOIA requests on Noisebridge's behalf.
- If you have suggestions about how this might work, please get in touch with Tom, either by email, or in person. We shall work out the exact details at next week's meeting!
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
Scud & Chrissie[edit | edit source]
- Scud is present, and apologies for his abuse of the space.
- It is agreed that the consensus item will remain open while Reverend Mik mediate the concerns that Miloh, Rob Benson, and RAYC have with Scud & Chrissie. The results of that moderation will be reported at a future meeting before we complete consensus on this item.
Board Elections[edit | edit source]
We talked about the nominations. The first part of the slate-locking is now complete, for consensus next week.
Attendance[edit | edit source]
- Joshua Berkowitz is from new york, likes hyperlinks & python
- Felix likes Linux, Noisebridge, webdev
- Yan likes linux and Noisebridge and calculating machines
- Adam likes computers as he hopes they will be, and self-driving cars
- David likes software and flufflyware
- Leif is counter-anti-dis-intermediation [member]
- Melissa loves building computers
- Reverend Mik like software that uses lots of random numbers
- Snail is here [member, president]
- Karl is visiting from Berlin likes node, and especially nodecopter
- Ken uses Mac OS, and his favorite software is Textedit
- Tom is the high priest of Consenso (all praise be upon hir)
- Michael
- Dan has been coming here a few months, and likes C
- Josh knows dumb ways to die
- Monad tinkers, and is applauded for his infrastructure development
- Micheal finally admits to being a techno-wanderer