Meeting Notes 2013 02 05
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You should read the meeting instructions forthwith!
These are the notes from the The 252nd Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Ken M. Haggerty; Moderator: Danny O'Brien.
- Today was a boring meeting.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Went through Events calendar to clean out stale events
- Cryptoparty II: Enciphered Boogaloo is happening on March 23 at Langton Labs. Go sign up to learn or teach!
- Corey is speaking at Borderlands.
- Clock has disappeared from Pole 3(?)
- Robert is taking break from NB :-( will be present once a month; will write what he does for NB so others can step up
- Casey: Donate money for vinyl + vinyl cutter!
- Art auction? Contact Dan! App hackathon? (whom to contact?)
- Milo + Joe(?) are working on SEM; has been moved into the science room; email the list for info!
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
- Ka-Ping Yee (@zestyping Week 3. Sponsor: MCT.
- Reverend Mik McAllister. Week 4. No sponsors. (not present)
- James "JC" Cooper. Week 4. Sponsor: Danny. (not present)
- Kevin Schiesser: Week 0!
Up for consideration:
- Thomas Harper: Week 4. Carl sponsors! Also one other person (but forgetting name :S) (present!) - Added!
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Kelly emailed further updates!
- Funds in bank: $13,411.77 <-- still low!
- Noisetor balance: (what is this??)
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
- FOIA Consensus Item (Tom) - Tom is not present; we will discuss next week and consent the week after.
- 2013 Board Elections (General) - Holding off because 5 applicants for 5 slots.
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
- FOIA discussion tabled to next week.
- Board election discussion tabled to next week.
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
Board Elections[edit | edit source]
- Danny nominates Ping and Jonathan Moore.
- Someone nominates Rachel McConnell.
- Adding Leif back in and will find a way not to make it a conflict of interest.
- Someone nominated Jake Spaz and Jake Applebaum.
- Danny nominates Robert!
- Someone nominates Yan.
- Danny nominates Thomas!
- Someone nominates Casey.
Fundraising[edit | edit source]
- Thought about proposing consensus proposal to solicit donations from companies and individuals but did not end up proposing.
Attendance[edit | edit source]
- Danny O'Brien
- Ken
- Felipe
- Thomas: wants to quit day job, nonprofit for artistic youth to quit day job and be self supportive; also filming music video, casting for extras
- Kevin: has been at NB for a couple of months; software hacking, learn data science, math, stats, hoping to become a member!
- Max: JS in Oakland but hanging out in SF, lots of open source
- Nicolo: Grad student in Wisconsin (visiting), working at subsidiary of 3d systems, visiting Max
- Dan: NB for a few months, making himself home at NB & studying strange dynamics of NB hackerspace :-)
- Carl: Has been at NB for a while, iPhone apps + timebanks (?) software, wants to start new open source project to take down FB
- Robert: does stuff
- Trav: silent radio station, fixed couch, online democracy
- Josh: musical stuff
- Monad: tinker
- Ping: hanging out, programmer, 5mof, Chrome extension to liberate core documents (?)
- Casey: vinyl cutter!