Meeting Notes 2013 02 19

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These are the notes from the The 254th Meeting of Noisebridge.

Note-taker: Tom; Moderator: Leif.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Francesco has a series of paintings he wants to hang on the wall, ideally in Turing. [There was some discussion of aesthetics and security.]
  • Jake & Jof are working on a keypad for the top of the stairs. Soon, you will need a code to buzz the door open.
  • Let's donate some things (mice) to Community Art Center at 1000 Market!
  • Justin ( needs playtesters for his metroidvania style game Old School.
  • Cryptoparty II: Enciphered Boogaloo is happening on March 23 at Langton Labs. Do you know someone who needs to learn these skills? Have them sign up! Have skills to share? There's a form for that too!
  • Ryan (yes, that Ryan) is wants to make a network of virtual machines to use for teaching and penetration testing.
  • These hard drive enclosures are part of a fund-raising project. Talk to Miloh to help with this. If you want one, only take one from a damaged box.
  • Noisebridge's Annual General Membership Meeting is next week. Come to the Tuesday meeting next week to cast your ballot for the board, and talk about the officers for this year.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

  • James "JC" Cooper. Week 4+. Sponsors: Danny; Linkreincarnate.
  • Nick "heatxsink" Granado. Week 2. No sponsors.
  • Kevin Schisser. Week 3. No sponsors.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • Funds in bank: $14227.50. This is not enough.
  • Noisetor balance: $200

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

No items were decided this week. The FOIA discussion was postponed for time reasons.

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

No items were proposed for consensus this week.

Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]

Ryan's behavior[edit | edit source]

Preface[edit | edit source]

Mitch posted the following to noisebridge-discuss on Tuesday 2013-02-19:

Ryan was here tonight. He said he was at the meeting last week, but left early. I asked him why he came without discussing matters at the meeting first. He argued in a raised, excited voice. After some non-useful back-and-forth, I lost it. I told him he had to leave. After much ado, he left. Leif and others who will be at the meeting were present for this unfortunate occurrence.

It seems to me that Ryan doesn't belong at Noisebridge. He does do something with servers here, which may be some sort of hacking. He also sleeps here. And he lies when confronted with this. He's also agro about his sense of entitlement about being at Noisebridge. If others at he meeting think he belongs at Noisebridge, then I would find that unfortunate, but this is up to people at the meeting. And, unfortunately, I can't be there tomorrow night. Ryan said he would be at the meeting.

See also the notes from last week's discussion, and Mitch's previous email on this topic. Ryan did not participate in last week's meeting.

Discussion[edit | edit source]

An animated conversation ensued. Ryan was instructed to leave. He was instructed not return for any reason at any time. An advocate of his may arrange mediation with those who have taken issue with his behavior.

Cameron[edit | edit source]

Cameron was asked to leave on Sunday after he was seen picking up a phone which did not seem to be his. Cameron initially refused to leave and was not polite about it. Rob rapidly persuaded Cameron to leave. Rob has previously found Cameron investigating the member shelves in manner that appeared less than above board. Cameron states that he was searching for his own lost property on the hacker shelves.

A heated discussion ensued, pitting fact against counterfact. Nothing is certain now; all is flux.

Attendance[edit | edit source]

  • Leif is moderating, and python geek
  • Jake
  • Francesco
  • Kevin
  • Cliff
  • Johan
  • Philippe
  • Ryan
  • Justin
  • Justin
  • Melissa
  • Snail
  • Tom
  • Hannah
  • JC
  • Naomi
  • MCT
  • Cameron
  • Jeffrey
  • Mike
  • Monad
  • Kyle
  • Rob
  • Nick