Meeting Notes 2013 02 26
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These are the notes from the The 255th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Tom; Moderator: Danny.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Noisebridge board elections start today. If you're a member, contact Leif or Tom to vote.
- Reverend Mik encourages you to beware the Ides of March, because that's when his new book, the first in the Sorcerer's Sanctuary series, is released
- Naomi accidentally challenged someone to a coding diversity duel: Python vs Ruby. Join with her to bring coding to under-served communities!
- James is planning a fund-raising benefit concert for Noisebridge on 29/30th March. Suggestions ensue!
- Cryptoparty II: Enciphered Boogaloo is happening on March 23 at Langton Labs. Do you know someone who needs to learn these skills? Have them sign up! Have skills to share? There's a form for that too!
- Mellow Beats and Boardgames is happening a Langton Labs this Thursday.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
- James "JC" Cooper. Week 4+. Sponsors: Danny; Linkreincarnate.
- Nick "heatxsink" Granado. Week 3. No sponsors.
- Kevin Schisser. Week 3. No sponsors.
- Joseph C Jackson. Week 2. No sponsors.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
We have $14841.86 in the bank. We haven't paid rent yet; after rent, it'll be more like $11k. The treasurer gave an extended report, which the secretary did not take notes on. High points:
- Spreadsheet with graphs of individual donations over the last few years.
- State tax exemption situation has been long and roundabout but looks like it might be sorted out in the next few weeks, including a reactivation of our corporate status.
- Federal IRS has decided we owe large fees. We are working with our CPA to sort this out.
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
There were no consensus items proposed or agreed this week.
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
Eviction: Junior[edit | edit source]
Danny re-iterated his post to noisebridge-discuss.
Eviction: Nicholas[edit | edit source]
Miloh reports than Nicholas was sleeping in the utility closet on a sleeping pad and with a pillow. Miloh asked him to leave; there were numerous excuses, but Nicholas eventually left. Mik corroborates this and adds that Nicholas returned on Sunday.
Space usage[edit | edit source]
We had our usual 20-minute discussion about
Attendance[edit | edit source]
Members in bold.
- Yan likes physics and Noisebridge, but not the warped colors on the projector
- Liz is tired, and messes around in the library. She also dabbles in anarcho-feminist hacker hive.
- Abraham has been here about six months and wants to become a member. He's working on Newhive, a blank canvas for web publishing.
- Andrew is an interface designer and frontend developer.
- Mek is an all-around brogrammer & likes open access.
- Naomi has a new job as of tomorrow and does a lot of python. She's working on her streaming radio bullshit and can now request almost any song in the internet via Youtube.
- Monad tinkers.
- Reverend Mik hacks on social issues. His latest book is out soon!
- Jade is not a member. She enjoys spending time here and learning how to hack.
- Kyle is an architecture student; he likes space-hacking.
- Jonathan is visiting from Phoenix and this is his second time here. He's a musician and writer, and hacks psychology.
- Brandon is a computer engineer, and claims not to be a member.
- Carlos writes Cobol and Pascal for fun and profit!
- Tom runs one of our many cabals.
- Snail doesn't do anything of consequence or get involved, she just pets the Drama Llama. She's also the president.
- Leif is on hiatus, and has recently been working on an e-waste group.
- Miloh has highly symbolic paper.
- Dan is a member in bad standing. He's working with LEDs, and is soon to launch an Indiegogo campaign to bring blinkenlights in Noisebridge.
- Danah is also working on blinkenlights which are thoroughly mesmerising. She should become a memeber.
- James is here to coordinate music for a fundraiser.
- Dan has been getting to know Noisebridge over the last couple of months, and spends a lot of time here.
- Philippe works with free software research, audio/videos streaming, and GPG
- Danny