Meeting Notes 2013 03 19
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These are the notes from the The 258th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Ken; Moderator: Jarrod.
Key Meeting Points[edit | edit source]
- Shawn Landden is banned from the Noisebridge space and community.
- Fundraiser on the 30th! Lots of volunteer opportunities.
- Mitch will be reimbursed up to $1000 for Noisebridge t-shirts.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Fundraiser on 30th! Lots of info on discuss list. A million introverted geeks bumping into each other! Art, music, food, hacking, art for sale, short talks, demos, interactive workshops, and whooping! 5 YEARS! Opportunities for volunteers.
- March 23rd: Crypto-party SF! Something something bugaloo. Intro to cryptography! At Langton Labs (2-6pm)
- 5mof on Thursday! 8:00pm
- Burton HS visit on April 2-3 (on Wiki)
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
- Snail describes membership process
- Week 4 for Joseph C. Jackson (not present)
- Week 4+ for Nicholas Granado (not present)
- Week 3 for Abram Clark (not present)
- Week 4+ for Ryan Rising (present!)
DISCUSSION: Ryan Rising (sponsored by Lyra and Kevin)[edit | edit source]
Ryan's application for membership did not reach consensus.
- Learned about NB 2 years ago via Occupy SF; interested in robotics as kid; become interested in permaculture (growing for earth care, fair share, people care) since robotics tied to military; wants to do direct action and organize for social justice; interested in drones for moving supplies; interested in sound
- Will use consensus during Occupy SF; appreciate 100% consensus because blocking isn't for disagreeing, is if "harmful towards organization or people in it"; block if physically harm another human being; would wait 1-2 years before blocking; needs to learn more about NB before blocking
- Will try to be best person he can be to resolve conflicts, hopes other people will too; learned about mediation in college
- Thinks the best thing for NB is to communicate it to others, make sure others know it exists; clean bathrooms, organize
- Will tell others if not being excellent (kicked someone out last week for sleeping in utility closet)
- Wants to be member to participate more, do more, not necessarily meetings but to have common agency over space, make space feel welcome to others
- His friends have sound equipment, would like to have second fundraiser at a separate space to help sponsor members who cannot afford
- Can't think of issue/proposal he would block; would block if NB hacked food stamp system so others could not eat
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
None since key members are absent.
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Consensus Items From Last Week[edit | edit source]
- YES = Up to $1000 for Mitch for Tshirts: American Apparel for men, Gilden for women
- NO = Danny for Treasurer, Tom for Secretary, Snail for President: Enough discussion? = NO (email discuss? + more notice)
- YES = Banning Shawn Landden is barred from Noisebridge and community (including online)
>> Thanks to Alex for his courage in raising the issue (since he did not know at the time that other victims existed, and since by raising the issue others felt comfortable to speak up)
Consensus Items For Next Week[edit | edit source]
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
- Leif wants to build sleeping pods: Should we encourage sleeping? Do we need 3 pods? Leif will be building this coming weekend.
Attendance[edit | edit source]
- Rob: hack on livestream protocols, Linux
- Snail: just here
- Mitch: co-founder! turns TV offs, teaches soldering, helps with other hacker spaces
- Darius: LED workshop, been once before
- Romy: LED workshop
- Ryan: applying for membership, livestreaming for street actions, drones for moving supplies, robotics, social justice tech
- Philip: on vacation! visiting SF, had to stop by Noisebridge, member of hackerspace in Cologne!
- Dan: starting to think about membership!
- Monad: tinkerer, little bit of this, little bit of that
- Jason: heard about Noisebridge 1.5 year ago, hacking since 2000, music
- Kyle: architecture student, studying Noisebridge as a community
- Carlos:
- Merlin: hardware hacking, robots, languages
- Ken: I just launched Threeo for iOS! Available on the App Store. (Android coming soon?)
- Jarrod: Junior Architect
- Tyson: first time here was yesterday!
- Dan: LED hacking! weekly meetup on Tuesdays
- Leif (late)