Meeting Notes 2013 04 02

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These are the notes from the The 261st Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Ken; Moderator: Sai.

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

Danny explains the concept that is Noisebridge, while Tom explains consensus at Noisebridge.

Announcements[edit | edit source]

  • Someone was seeking assistance or feedback on something... :S
  • Martin: Burton High School physics students visited Noisebridge today! It was really exciting. We had several stations, Jill from the SF Chronicle was here to report, and their photographer was happy. Thank you everyone!
  • Taylor: I want to take music from my computer and turn into FM (Miloh responds: use Raspberry Pi!)
  • Danny: Phil Lapsely (who presented at 5mof, co-invented the Usenet protocol nttp, and wrote Exploding The Phone about phreaking) will be speaking this Friday, 6:30pm at Noisebridge!
  • Danny: I will request a new mailing list,, for those interested in helping coordinate and run events at Noisebridge.

New Events[edit | edit source]

  • James: May 18th Maker Faire After-Party! Help Mitch & James organize :-)
  • James: Juggling with Judith on Saturday mornings, 10:15am to 12:10pm!

Old Events[edit | edit source]

As the first meeting of the month, we went through the Noisebridge Events calendar and deprecated the followinge events:

  • WED 20:00 - 22:00 ZinesFromOuterSpace - A biweekly (once every 2 weeks or twice a month) meetup for zinesters / printing hackers / DIY publishers, and brainstorming session for the next chapter of ZiP. Next meeting is 1/30/13, followed by another in mid-Feb (TBA).
  • THU 19:30 Machine Learning come in and learn about statistical learning techniques.
  • THU 18:00 - 21:00 Privacy Bay - A monthly meetup for Bay Area folks interested in privacy. Meets in Church on the last Thursday of the month.
  • FRI 19:00 - 21:00 Anarchy 101 - a class/seminar on what anarchy is and is not, and how it impacts us as individuals and as discrete groups.
  • SUN 13:00 Songbridge: (Bi-monthly) Learn how to make and record music with a computerWe cover midi and vst as well as multi-track recordingBring your laptop.
  • SUN 14:00 Bay Area Hacker's Association - security meeting (2nd Sundays)

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

  • Joseph Edward Martin (Week 1) – No sponsors
  • Sai (Week 2) - 1 sponsor (Danny)
  • Nick Shapiro (Week 1) - 1 sponsor (Miloh)

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

We raised at least $4489 in cash donations via last Saturday's 5-year Fundraiser! We also have $520 in new one-time PayPal donations, $1930 in new monthly donations, $1675 in new-but-not-yet-paid one-time donations, and $1199 in new-but-not-yet-paid monthly donations!

That was very fast, very impressive, widespread donation and pledging. We still need more to get to our $18K goal for 3 months' expenses in reserve.

  • Funds in bank: ???

We did not discuss Noisetor funding at tonight's meeting.

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

There were no existing consensus items discussed at tonight's meeting.

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

Tom and Ken are in the process of formulating appropriate wording for a consensus proposal aimed at aiding the redesign of the homepage to make it more user friendly.

Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Danny: Cory Doctorow has offered to auction the name a character in one of his future novels for Noisebridge!
  • We had lots of discussion about ideas for revamping the Noisebridge front page, including possibly having direct users to an HTML page rather than the Wiki. Lots of opinions were exchanged regarding the flexibility and maintainability of a MediaWiki splash page versus an HTML/CSS/JS splash page. A mailing list would be very useful to coordinate efforts and solicit opinions and necessities.
  • Danny has the power to create new mailing lists, so if you are ever unable to get a new mailing list created via rack, contact him.
  • Miloh says to smite Andi if you are unable to get a mailing list created. (Andi has blue hair! and refuses to give others access)

Attendance[edit | edit source]

  • Snail: Just snail (President of Noisebridge!)
  • Sam: Some guy, non-member, lives a block away; wants an underground train to Noisebridge
  • Josh: does stuff sometimes
  • Mischief: Linux and Unix hacker, looking for job!
  • Martin: part of the tree people
  • Taylor: has been here 3 times, learning circuitry, hopefully programming to make something
  • Ken: taking notes, has been here 3 months
  • Tom: he is an installation art project
  • Josh: wrote Noisegate Android app, working on web application, needs bottle opener
  • Tayupa: spelling?
  • James:
  • Noam: program, nonmember
  • Ross: nonmember, program
  • Carlos: member, rewriting Noisegate API
  • Miloh: interrupted w/ best procedures
  • Evan: fair weather Noisebridger, likes to meditate
  • Nick: Makes games
  • Dan: relatively new(?), Renaissance hacker, dilletante, hacker
  • Curtis: nonmember, program, rewrite Gate API in Clojure
  • Carl: wrote iPhone app for Noisegate, needs to finish
  • Jarrod: junior architect, freelance junior architect
  • Sai: nonmember