Meeting Notes 2013 06 04
These are the notes from the The 268th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: MCT; Moderator: Leif.
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
June 14th, launch party for an iOS app, Parisoma 6:30pm to 9, with an after party at Noisebridge.
JC is developing one-byte computers, starting a recurring event on Tuesdays for hacking on small computers
Nana: Recently visited Civic Hacking space, 1131(?) Mission Street. Open for the next two days. Google for "Civic Hacking San Francisco"
Friday, at 7pm, open event at Sudo Room in Oakland. Co-incides with the art murmur.
Sunday 16th, second instrument hack. Following weekend, public concernt at Noisebridge.
Fist meeting of the month, we go through the list of recurring events.
Sunday afternoon, So You Like Letters, a class about creating fonts. Wiki page to come.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
- James Sundquist, 4 weeks, sponsored by Danny and Carlos
- James Cooper, aka JC 4 weeks, sponsors Danny and MCT
- Vincent Smith, 4th week, no sponsors
- Nicholas DeAnda, 4th week, no sponsors
Old names that have already hit 4 weeks, but no present:
- Jeff Arnold
- Richard Bottoms
Discussion around JC:
- Consensued, after a discussion about JC's understanding of what the
consensus process is. Tom abstains.
Discussion about James:
- Consensed, after a discussion about the conesnsus process (and the elevator)
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: Including Noisetor, but excluding rent: $34,980 (About 12K of that is Noisetor)
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- There are $2878.59 earmarked NoiseTor funds
- Colo service has been paid through Mar 7, 2013
- There are enough funds to pay for an additional 3 months of colo
- This information was updated at Tue Jun 4 20:45:02 2013
Plus another 10k donation that's not yet accounted for in the above
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
Mitch proposes: Purchase 133 more Noisebridge T-shirts for $989.29 from Eastbay Screen Print. Purchase 3,000 small and 3,000 large Noisebridge stickers for $775.08 from StickerGiant.
Discussion about the specifics of the stickers. JC will contact Mitch directly.
Discussion about possibly buying business cards. Useful for handing out at Maker Faire, etc.
The card could have bullet points about Noisebridge values, our purpose, etc. Perhaps a postcard.
Rather than ammending this proposal, someone will print a trial run.
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
what follows below is an edited broadcast of meeting notes and live realtime discussion via Internet Relay Chat, or IRC
20:51 < lilia> BEGIN MEETING BROADCAST 20:51 < lilia> currently doing new member process 20:51 < lilia> JC is up for membership consensus 20:51 < lilia> (again) *REDACTED* DISCUSSION OF ACCEPTING JC THEX AS MEMBER 20:58 < lilia> Consensus is reached. JC is a member. 20:59 < lilia> James Sundquist is now up for membership. 21:00 < lilia> James says he's been here on and off for a while, is a performer, works with children for a living, and co-taught linux sys admin class for 2 years. Started meeting more people after organizing fundraiser party recently. 21:01 < lilia> James does music programming, instrument making, and performing musician 21:02 < lilia> Monad asks if James will stand up for excellence and intervene in non-excellent behavior. 21:03 < lilia> James says he likes the space better than the people, and the community better than anyone who goes here. 21:03 < lilia> Someone is asking if James will...fix the elevator? 21:05 < lilia> Rhodey asks james: 'what is the best/worst trait of noisebridge'. james: "that anyone can come here" (to both) 21:07 < lilia> "what would you change about the space" "i want the space to be welcoming for families, kids, women, and whoever wants to be here" 21:08 < jjuran> lilia: What's currently preventing that? 21:09 < lilia> "what would you block in consensus?" "changes to consensus process" 21:10 < lilia> "what do you think of consensus process" "i've seen it used to kick people out of the space, order tshirts and reimburse people... you dont need to wait for consensus in order to take action" 21:11 < lilia> james goes downstairs. declines use of "hacker van" *REDACTED* DISCUSSION OF ACCEPTING JAMES SUNDQUIST AS MEMBER 21:15 < lilia> Consensus is reached. James is a member. 21:15 < lilia> ALL ACK CONSENSO 21:16 < mischief> FIN 21:16 < lilia> Consensus items time... Lief explains consensus proposals. 21:16 < lilia> Proposal: NB purchases tshirts and stickers. *much applause* 21:16 < lilia> various amounts of stickers and dollars are specified 21:17 < lilia> Proposed by mitch 21:18 < lilia> JC to talk with mitch about recent decline in sticker quality (no clear laminate on top) 21:18 < lilia> Monad asks about getting NB business cards 21:20 < lilia> Johnny radio suggests combining business cards with info on NB values/mission 21:21 < lilia> Danny price checks 5K business/postcards at $100 21:22 < lilia> Danny will do a trial run and come back with proposal for reimbursment later..maybe 21:22 < lilia> FINANCIAL REPORT 21:22 < lilia> total funds after this month rent: 34980 (~10K is noisetor) 21:25 < lilia> DISCUSSION ITEMS 21:26 < lilia> 1. Dan was asked to leave the space and is back to discuss it 21:26 < lilia> 2. Reboot/Rebase/`make clean` 21:26 < lilia> 3. Elevator damage and uncleanliness 21:27 < lilia> 4. 2 Reports of sexual harassment 21:28 < lilia> 5. Apartment complex neighbors/mgmnt next door has complained to JC about stuff 21:29 < lilia> 6. Requesting to paint the walls, or requesting not to paint on the walls. 21:30 < lilia> BRIEF ANNOUNCEMENT: someone named doug took a laptop and left a big cardboard drawing of a dragon and was asked to leave. 21:31 < lilia> now discussing Dan. person who asked him to leave is not here. 21:33 < lilia> Zephyr was the person who asked him an 21:34 < lilia> Zephyr 'laid hands' on Dan. Dan felt threatened and violated. Mischief does not think Zephyr was persistent but threatening or unreasonable. 21:34 < lilia> but *not threatening 21:35 < lilia> Vinyl cutter is loud. 21:38 < lilia> mischeif says that zephyr and dan conversed about it for ~30 minutes. Dan's son says zephyr did not fully investigate the matter. 21:40 < lilia> Dan who brings his autistic teenage son here. 21:41 < lilia> E-claire narrates her own negative experience with zephyr. 21:41 < lilia> Danny says the right thing to do when asked to leave is to leave, respect the process, come back for meeting 21:41 < lilia> ftoad: thats the one 21:42 < lilia> e-claire = claire bandersnatch 21:42 < lilia> headbanger? 21:44 < lilia> various people have also asked dan to try to not be here all the time. 21:44 < lilia> dan claims he tries hard to work on projects rather than playing video games and facebook. 21:45 < lilia> dan says he is disabled and doesn't have a lot of money or any place to go. 21:45 < lilia> he says this is a nice place to be and he's sorry he doesn't have much else he can do. 21:46 < lilia> mik asks 'what was the criteria used to asked dan to leave' 21:47 < lilia> mik says "being here too much" is very subjective criteria 21:49 < lilia> more discussion of people spending too much time here. superq and tom sticking toungues out at each other. 21:49 < jjuran> lilia: He frequently bounces his head up and down while wearing headphones, hence "headbanger". It's actually quite distracting. 21:50 < lilia> jjuran: gotcha 21:50 < lilia> dan now mentions zephyr grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him. also demonstrates on lief how he was slapped on the back by zv 21:51 < lilia> "There's no way to put enough into the community to spend 24hrs a day here" 21:53 < lilia> dante: "your structure is a bunch of bullcrap and hipocritical" 21:54 < lilia> dante: "kicking dan out and not me or others is hipocritical" danny asks dante to leave and come back to next meeting. 21:54 < lilia> not dante from the mailing list. some other dude named dante. 21:55 < lilia> dan says leaving here is uncomfortable because his medical issues require him to have access to a restroom 21:56 < lilia> tom asks if NB provides a critical resource in dan's everyday life 21:57 < lilia> dan says he can find resources on the street but its very uncomfortable. 22:02 < lilia> some discussion about possibly helping dan find other resources... 22:02 < lilia> "you lack so many resources that we can't provide them for you" 22:03 < lilia> "sense of entitlement is part of the problem" 22:03 < lilia> "you and your son are nice and intelligent, but once or twice i could not hack because you were occupying the electronics bench" 22:04 < lilia> "it seems like you're not hearing what we're saying, you're coming up with a lot of excuses. you're not making eye contact with me" "you're surfing the internet right now" 22:04 < lilia> dan: "it's weird that people who spend 2 hrs a week here ask me to leave" 22:06 < lilia> griffen claims that zv and casey admitted to "spying on people's computers through the hub" 22:08 < lilia> james: "the thing about spending a lot of time in NB, you become the physical manifestation of NB... NB is a space for anybody but not for everybody. If you think there's a problem, you're probably the problem and you should distance yourself until the problem works itself out" 22:09 < lilia> Tom proposes (not via consensus, just p2p) that dan not return for 1 month 22:10 < lilia> Dan says he is being singled out. 22:11 < lilia> rhodey: "what would you do tomorrow if not come here?" dan: "I'd go file some lawsuits" 22:12 < lilia> More seconds for Dan to leave for a month 22:14 < lilia> dan "I wish i could not have to be here. I don't have to be here but I don't want to be on the street with alcoholics and junkies" 22:15 < lilia> JC: "I was homeless and now I have a place to stay. I've spent lots of time at NB and slept here but not lived here. I've tested the limits of what's too much time... if you're here all the time you should be doing *alot*. when i was here all the time i was exhausted. it's not sustainable" 22:17 < lilia> its a big meeting. 22:18 < lilia> Lief suggests postponing the rebase discussion since it is fucking late already 22:18 < lilia> we will have a lightening round with stack on it 22:19 < lilia> since there are people who came specifically for it and wont be here next week 22:21 < lilia> danny: "This might be morphic resonance. I propose a two week shut down of cleaning/projects/reorg. We haven't worked out the proposal process for these projects and we need critical mass of big ambitious projects before proceeding" 22:21 < lilia> 'This is a physical reboot, not a policy reboot' 22:22 < lilia> mik: "If the reboot is for infrastructure and cleaning I am all for it but it seems that people are proposing this will solve cultural/social issues and i dont see how that would happen" 22:25 < lilia> praveen: "i want to see nb have 40K members. he was gonna block the shutdown but if we do it we should build in more inclusion to our physical and social infrastructure. recognize that wifi and tech services are things people need. NB is at this point a piece of SF infrastructure. We should realize that and take it as a creative challenge to improve NB' 22:25 < lilia> s/he/i 22:25 < lilia> jerry: 'a project like this should have its own weekly meeting' 22:27 < lilia> johnny: 'there are a signif # of folkes who think we should look at NB procedures, access issues, ... if it hasn't happened before people shouldnt be afraid of it. i would suggest a period of time for a gathering where different solutions are shared' 22:28 < lilia> rhodey: 'i dont think cleaning would require two weeks, maybe other projects would... i havent been here long so i dont feel comfortable asking people to leave. it'd be nice if people who do know whats what would come help point out campers. also deep clean is good but one week might be doable rather than two' 22:29 < lilia> tom: 'the reason for a long period is to do infrastructure projects.' 22:31 < lilia> jenny talks about her/marc's inventory tracking system as a possible project 22:32 < lilia> jake has a 7 cent rfid tag that could be used to detect when NB inventory tries to walk out the door. 22:38 < lilia> jake also proposes thinking about how we want the door/keypad system to work 22:38 < lilia> danny says we need to work out how the proposal system for reboot projecs will work 22:38 < lilia> lief suggests having a separate meeting about reboot. 22:39 < lilia> NEXT DISCUSSION ITEM: sexual harassment 22:41 < lilia> assault allegations have been made against Dru. Liz has discussed with Dru and heard a different story. No conclusion but felt she should make the community aware. Calls for any witness accounts to come forward. 22:41 < lilia> Dru says he is falsely accused 22:42 < lilia> Also reports that Ano Courtman, linux hacker working @ berkeley was convicted of rape and battery (violent). This is public record. 22:43 < lilia> jjuran: accuser has asked to remain anon 22:44 < lilia> jjuran: there were multiple accusers tho 22:45 < lilia> carl: 'we need to resolve this somehow and not sweep it under the rug.' 22:46 < lilia> ' we shouldnt tolerate sexual harassment here, how do we handle this?' 22:46 < lilia> liz suggests talking to dru but has no good answer 22:48 < lilia> liz says situation seems complicated. dan says there were extenuating circumstances? 22:48 < lilia> "we really need to hear from other witnesses" 22:50 < lilia> "do you think dru understands this was unacceptable behavior" "his account of things was so wildly divergent, and they all seem so wack that I wasn't sure what step to take" 22:51 < lilia> james: "you should always ask before you touch someone" 22:52 < lilia> mischief: mine's ok but im not doing much except irc 22:53 < lilia> No next step decided on... some discussion of possible mediation 22:53 < lilia> NEXT DISCUSSION ITEM: elevator 22:54 < lilia> Someone got stuck in the elevator and had to burrow out under the stairs. he was in there for 36 HOURS! 22:55 < lilia> And...he had to poop. 22:55 < lilia> and was dying of dehydration 22:56 < lilia> wait wait... so he was living in the elevator? im lost now and i dont even have beer. 22:58 < lilia> "We literally have homeless people coming out of the woodwork" 22:58 < lilia> "Just cause it's hilarious doesn't mean its acceptable. Also it's horrible." 23:15 < lilia> aaaand painting disscussion. and hacker nationale.... and meeting done END MEETING
== Painting
Attendance[edit | edit source]
- James
- Nana
- Jenny
- Rev Mick
- Joanna
- Douglas
- Darius
- Dan
- Alex
- Tom
- Jared
- Russ
- Rodie
- Sam
- JC
- Dan
- Ximin
- Monad
- Luke
- Morgan
- Dan
- claerbandersnatch
- Stan
- Leif
- Martin
- Liz
- Vincent
- Nick
- Carl
- Casey
- Bernard
Now that the meeting is over, don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.