Meeting Notes 2013 07 09
You should read the meeting instructions forthwith!
Don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.
These are the notes from the The 273rd Meeting of Noisebridge.
Note-taker: Malaclyps
Moderator: Jarrod
Holly -- I'm a student. I'm doing a story about Noisebridge for KALW radio about people sleeping here. Holly asks if the meeting can be recorded. There's consensus that maybe it shouldn't.
Dana -- she's the greeter, and hacking on RFID!
Rory -- software engineer, curious on how things are run.
Jon -- artist and designer, and working on dissembling on signage.
Steve -- theoretical physicist and hacker from Austin
Cynthia -- help out with kitchen events. Interested in privacy, right to free speech.
Adrian -- I hack wifi.
Leif -- interested in privacy technologies.
Martin -- interested in various things
Nick -- I really like games and like all kinds of things. I work on the stories behind games.
Rayc -- something about drumsticks
Carl -- write mobile apps
Kevin -- firing up sleep studies. Building website, resolving conflict.
Henner -- works on software at day and electronics at night.
Mischief - works on Lua, Plan 9 and Go
Monad -- tinkers
Danny -- note-taking, and working on Noisebridge's ledger in Haskell
Daniella - member of the community
Sam - new to hacking
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
Daniella - there's going to be a three day cleaning of Noisebridge! And she's going to do a weekly cleaning of the fridge every Wednesday by her.
Nadya(?) -- working on projects for people not as tech-savvy. She'll be in the workroom tonight.
J.C. -- forming a loonie crew, a crew of pirates who are professional partiers. We throw parties and support fundraisers. If any has any skills in party-throwing.
Danny plugs Techno-activism third mondays and
James -- putting on a party August 10. Called ____ the bridge! Five bands and a DJ.
- Bullet point list of announcements and events
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
Members were read!
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: $37,511.53
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- $3967.56 + $10K == $13967.56
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
Monad proposed a change of the meeting structure. He's going to flesh things out. And bring out the details to another meeting.
Proposed, consensed: The door button at the top of the stairs shall be replaced with a numeric keypad. Only those with valid codes can remotely open the door. This change shall be extensively communicated before it is implemented. This change will be implemented for two months, and in two months will be up for permanent consensus.
Proposed, consensed: Tony Longshanks LeTigre is unwelcome at Noisebridge. He is prohibited from entering the space or participating in the community.
Proposed, consensed: Noisebridge pay back the landlord for the cost of Tony's escape, and not to even consider re-admitting Tony until he pays us back for that.
So Mike turned up at the space, and was asked to leave, as per his agreement at the last meeting. He then "occupied" the street in front of the space with others and said offensive language to noisebridgers, in particular women, in front of the space. He said that "the barbarians were at the gates" and that he planned to overthrow Noisebridge. Eventually after more disruption, the police were informed, and he and his fellow barbarians left.
Proposed, cautiously consensed, with further discussion next week because Leif wasn't sure it was sufficiently communicated for two week's communication: Michael "Occupirate" Clift is unwelcome at Noisebridge. He is prohibited from entering the space or participating in the community.
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
New proposal: Noisebridge disallow use of poisons to control insects and other animals in favor of using diatomaceous earths and other materials benign to large animals for a period of time no less than four months, and if results are favorable, for continued sets of four months with reviews comparing with measurements to be taken this month of July 2013.
New proposal: The guy with no pants and cheesecake on his face be banned.
New proposal: That there should be service animals only at Noisebridge.
New proposal: To create a process for re-admitting people into the community: a book, like the membership book. Or something. More details to come.
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
Danny is talking about the book scanner. Wikipedia has leant to scan books here at Noisebridge. Would like to keep it in the dark room.
We suggest that they talk to the dark room mailing list. Security is a concern.
Dan Freeman was in mediation with Patrick. Dan has asked to return for a neuro-hacking event. (Alex is the mediator)
Dan can come back, and we will give him a stern glare and raised eyebrow and discuss improving his behaviour.
Attendance[edit | edit source]
- List of names and short summary. For bonus points, link wiki user pages.
Now that the meeting is over, don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.