Meeting Notes 2013 07 30

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You should read the meeting instructions forthwith!
Don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.

These are the notes from the The 276th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: User:Kalessin; Moderator: Jarrod.

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Fellowship consensus will be delayed until September so everyone can continue developing it.
  • August 10th Fundraiser is fast approaching. James wishes to discuss it during the meeting.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

  • Three people in the binder need sponsors.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Treasurer was absent.

TLDR[edit | edit source]

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which pass or are blocked to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposal to ban Brandon from the space

  • Drama all over;
  • Consensus couldn't be reached but only members can veto the ban and no member did.

Proposal about Mediation by Monad

  • Needs to be clarified;
  • Deferred to next week.

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]

Alex[edit | edit source]

Alex is taking care of the dog of Veronica. The dog has been barking and pooping in some part of the shop. The discussion is about Alex and the dog belonging to the space or not.

  • Johny: has seen the dog barking, snapping at people. Alex has been very defensive against myself and Leif about taking the dog out;
  • Monad agrees with Johny;
  • Alex: I'm not familiar with the dog snapping at anybody, the dog didn't bite anybody. I always stay close to the dog, and in the worst case I tie the dog up;
  • Kevin: this discussion should not be happening, there is a policy that says if somebody feels threatened by the dog, then the dog shouldn't be here;
  • Ryan: If the behavior of the dog is taken care of, then I think a ban is not the appropriate reaction.
  • Jake: Non-service dogs don't bring anything to Noisebridge.

Kitchen[edit | edit source]

James Sundquist: We moved 1.5ton of stuff out of the kitchen, money used to dump things out and buy new stuff needs to be expensed.

This will be discussed at the next meeting.

Fundraiser[edit | edit source]

  • Saturday 10th August, all welcome to celebrate Noisebridge. All ages, all welcome events. You're welcome to bring food.
  • Publicity is key right now.
  • Church is gonna be experimental music, whereas Hackitorium is gonna be more conventional music.
  • Have a look at for how to help and what to expect.

Announcements[edit | edit source]

  • Bryan/Brad: looking for bluethoth experience and Arduino experience;
  • Rody: present privacy and pizzas: tomorrow Wed 31;
  • Dan: CollaborationStation, (the computer with large display) is now official with a wiki page, use the page to make reservations;
  • Danna: Bought bunch of arduino clones, ask her if you have a project that could use one of them;
  • Johny Radio: Seeking 15/15 foot heavy curtain to help isolate church;
  • Blue Dan with rollerblades: hacker space/video space portal more led things coming;
  • Jake: need a mmcx connector (used for wireless cards);
  • James: if interested in led projects, make contact with the Rebase group. Fundraiser party is 8/10, ask me any question.

Attendance[edit | edit source]

  • Jarrod: maker and junior architect
  • Ryan: Started coming couple months ago, to work on a personal project;
  • John: Stumbled upon the meeting;
  • Dan: Dreamhack member;
  • Kevin: Working with Dan;
  • ???: with a beard: Offering help;
  • Robert: Failed at installing android, hacker;
  • Chris: programmer, working with a book scanner thing;
  • Xiu: Just here;
  • Bryan(/Brad?): PoC on wearable device involving children;
  • Owen: Savior;
  • Jenny and the guy with her: Producer about a theater show;
  • Hany?: Web developer;
  • Auley?: Radio stuff?
  • Adam: you can find about him in the wiki, does everything;
  • ???: fresh from Connecticut;
  • Jake: playing with a quadcopter, got the door working again \o/;
  • Johny Radio: Created noise orchestra, come to him if you built an instrument and want to participate in a sessions;
  • ???: Engineering stuff;
  • Norman: programmer, working with James;
  • Cinthya
  • James Sundquist: organizing the events;
  • Jake:
  • Mark?: I don't have a brief description of me;
  • ???: Wants a bagel;
  • Louis: Software developer, been sporadically working from the space, trying to take notes right now (sorry for all the errors, especially on names).