Meeting Notes 2013 09 03
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These are the notes from the The 281st Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: FIXME YOUR NAME HERE; Moderator: FIXME THEIR NAME HERE.
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
Cancellation of Rebase meetings. Rebase meetings have been suspended for low attendance. Many of the participants remain interested in do-ocratic improvements in the space
Progress of 9/1 Hackathon and Noisebridge apps? Robert: hackathon update started working on the features: built out todo list and wiki. Been making great headway. Django and Python. written in Rails. IOS app developed that pushes to the Ruby on Rails app. Carlos suggests putting this on Noisebridge's gethub
Josh: been here before and wrote an article for shareable magazine. Here to recruit. Coalition of Local LTFM applications. Common Frequency at Davis is the coordinator and organizer. I will talk about this. Go to for more info. David: Oct 6th Event. Art Group from Austria regarding Sex and Technology. There is something on the Wiki about it. One of the days is here. Other events are academic and there is a gala opening party as well. Sort of the only thing of its sort in this country.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
No names read.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: 34,348.98
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
(Add any items which pass or are blocked to the Consensus Items History page.)
- Robert proposes a person must have at least a minimum of one active project to be at Noisebridge
Robert proposes a person must have at least a minimum of one active project to be at Noisebridge. David asks what is an active project. Robert Clarifies. Jarrod Notes that this proposal is too vague. Carlos sort of seconds this. Proposal retracted.
- seriously? who do you think shwould decide what constitutes an "active project"? authoritarian nonsense like this shouldn't make it past discussion. noisebridge i am disappoint to see this listed as a potential consensus item. whoever proposed this should lurk moar and/or stop trolling.
- Pidgeon proposes to ban Dru from Noisebridge until there can be a confirmation that he does not jeopardize Noisebridge as a safespace
Noisebridge as a safespace. Pidgeon: I don't feel that I can represent this properly.
David: are you confident that this is a legtimate claim. Perhaps update us on the particulars
Dan: Since Last week. Dru read an email from Lillian, whom had been one of the people that brought this issue up to our attention. While this helps the issue with one of the individuals it does not resolve the other. I think it would be good if Dru could address the other person. Dan people who speak out should be heard and not retailiated against. David: askes for details.
J.C. recaps the history of this issue leading up to this meeting.
Dan: Let's look at this as an oppertunity to figure out how we handle these issues going forward. So that we do not keep doing stupid things. More sensitivity. Pidgeon: I did not know that there was energy work going on here. I saw Dru massaging/touching Dante's chest area. Pidgeon had a concern about boundaries during this. Pidgeon left for a while and then found out that Dante considered this assult. Cynthia: Dru was at the last meeting.
David: I believe the process is to Ban someone untill they can come to a meeting.
J.C. This happened, but now this is a formal proposal to Ban him.
J.C. This is an Ongoing process that could be continued to be discussed last week.
Pidgeon: I also want to discuss being bullied in the space. After bringing up concerns about rape culture at Noisebridge. I understand there is shock about using that phase. Now people are making jokes about it and trivializing it. This has been going on all week. I heard someone threaten to rape someone in the space, non joking. There has been a lack of sensitivtiy to this issue and gender issues.
J.C. We are off topic.
Pidgeon: Almost everyone is making personal attacks toward me. I don't know if I am the only person experiencing this. I haven't been threatened with rape but I heard a threat. People say things like don't talk about sex in front of them [pidgeon]
J.C. There are a number of people that will be willing to help resolve this. This isn't the best forum for this.
David: Is there anyone here that would block this? Drunk in the space and sexually groping. Ban until next meeting? Is anyone blocking baning him until he comes to a meeting.
J.C. There is a proxy block on banning Dru. None of the people directly harmed have been able to assist the process.
Kevin: People on both sides, or their advocates, have not stepped up to mediate with Dru.
David: Is the feeling that he generally contributes to the space.
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
- Harvey is unwelcome at Noisebridge. He is prohibited from entering the space or participating in the community. Proposer: Adam.
Harvey: The asking was done unexcellently. He also appropriated my computer.
Adam: I have asked him to leave and he keeps returning. You keep taking stuff from me and Noisebridge. The past several days I have been asking him to leave. I found him living in the stairway and with stolen stuff collected there.
Robert: Adam found a bag of tools, from Noisebridge, that were hidden with Harvey's things.
David: Is there a reason why they would accuse you.
Adam: this doesn't matter concerning the fact that you are living in the stairway. I have seen people accuse Harvey of stealing and Harver returning the items.
Russel: Harvy came in saying that the G5 was going to come in and take "his" G5. I'm pretty sure it is NBs
Harvey: The G5 is my computer. It was given to me by my former employer Bill Wurtz.
Jarrod: Recalls June 18th discussion with Harvey.
Harvey: issues a correction about the wording of the discussion, but pledges to not use the stairwell any longer.
Robert: recalls an incident of headphone stealing.
Harvey: explains that the headphones and that they were left out.
David: Shall we move forward with consensus.
J.C.: This is being proposed this week for consensus next week.
David: You have violated the trust of the community. You should stay away for the week. You can stay away for a week right?
Harvey: May I grab my blankets? Would someone help?
Kevin: I will help.
- Chris aka Raging Bull should be banned permanently from the space after physically assaulting a member of the noisebridge community. Proposer: Ryan.
J.C.: can someone speak to this. Monad: Dan had asked Chris to leave. Then I did. Then another gentleman was walking with him towards the door.
Chris says I will leave someone. The other guy grabbed his pack and Chris slugged him. B/C there was only two of us standing there he felt that he could target one of us.
J.C.: Does anyone have a photo or discription.
David: How is he getting in.
Monad: He is willing to jump over the gate. He was ready to "go" that night. He should have been arrested.
J.C. I thing we can say that Chris is not currently welcome in the space. Does anyone have anything to add.
Carlos: Of Course, let's ban him.
David: do we have a language.
Jarrod: I will use the standard language. "Chris is unwelcome at Noisebridge. He is prohibited from entering the space or participating in the community."
J.C.: The access control is currently being hacked.
David: Is there a picture?
Jarrod: At the last meeting he was described
David: There should be a low bar to unwelcome
Jarrod: Should we add that someone please get a photo.
J.C.: That is fine.
- Cynthia: people should have to reveal financial conflicts of intrest during community discussion.
David: what does that mean. Cynthia: I am concerned that people will be working with people that may steal peoples ideas.
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
LowPowerFM? OpenFM?:
Contact: Josh Email: Cell: 415.336.3418 Web:
Josh: The FCC is considering that there were a lot of repeater stations that were broadcasting religious stations. The FCC has rejected these repeater stations and opened up the There are two channels coming up in the bay area. The Common Frequency at Davis wants to see communities get these before the religious stations do. Todd Urick wants to help the Bay Area get a locally managed station. It is a long process that needs a organization that can work together Then there is a point system that encourages local non-profits to work together.
Bud: is this similar to the FM that we discussed last week? (apparently)
Josh: If you have people here that want to get involved in this please connect them with Todd Urick. There are various non-profits and groups that want to get involved in this. Some of them have not been around long enough, but they are interested in being involved.
J.C.: What is the next step?
Josh: The application. Todd said that he would do the engineering. Meeting tomorrow in the east bay with prometheus radio. David: Do we sign up to be part of the application process.
Josh: Todd started a googledoc to start gathering the resources. Everyone applies and the the FCC decides what they are going to do with all of them. There are various means (points) the will use to decide.
J.C.:Perhaps a meetup can be arranged.
Josh: Todd will do the application.
J.C.: This may take consensus. We will see.
Josh: Todd believes the application is a formality. Here is what Common Frequency wants to happen. Some of them will be fundraisers. Some will do events. Some sort of consensus process needs to be achieved to make decisions regarding the station. Noisebridge does consensus well, and would make a good base for this framework.
Monad: Are you saying that a number of organizations will be involved to maintain and pay for this.
Josh: essentially.
J.C.: We could continue this discussion outside of the meeting to work toward more clarity.
Josh: This is more of a coalition so that on single organization takes on the whole burden.
J.C: Closes the meeting.
Attendance[edit | edit source]
Pidgeon: Learning lock picking
Adam: working on the front
Emma: Just graduated. Visiting.
Josh: works on python stuff
Kevin: working on web design
Carlos: Knight of the Lamb
Jarrod: Note Taker,
Cynthia: retired Physician. Kitchen hacker
Robert: I do STuff (sic)
Douglas: Audio hardware hacker
J.C.: Moderator,
Spinach: does video shit
Russel: does hardware
Bud Lizer: game designer
Jade: I participate
Harvey: Software hacker. Working on a USB
David: Old member, Happened to be passing by.
Douglas: Audio stuff
Josh: 3d printing stuff