Meeting Notes 2013 10 29

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Don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.

These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Kevin; Moderator: Monad.

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Martin and Norman are point people on Noisebridge Radio - apply for station construction permit and FCC licence and schedule content

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

  • **fill in later**

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which pass or are blocked to the Consensus Items History page.)

Banning Pigeon OR Jake's amendement that Pigon stay away from Noisebridge for 2 months[edit | edit source]

(Resolved without consensus after discussion)

Pigon asked to leave by Monad/RAYC and the Police were called for Pigon's 1) storing supplies and 2) storing dumpstered food @ Noisebridge

3 Conditions from mediation that Pigon and Monad agreed upon

  1. Pigon will not store food in refridgerator over night
  2. Pigon will leave when asked to leave
  3. Pigon will not store supplies at Noisebridge

Tom offers to mediate conflict when Pigon's behavior warrents being asked to leave the space.

Proposal to create an Associate Member role and limit access to Noisebridge 24/7 to Member, Associate Member and thoes hosted by M and AM[edit | edit source]

(Consensed Text)

There shall be a new tier of membership, called an Associate Member. An associate member shall have all the rights and privileges of membership except that an associate member shall not be entitled to full participation in the consensus process. The process for becoming an associate member shall be the same as the process for becoming a member, except that four sponsors shall be required instead of two, and that it shall not require the consensus of Noisebridge for a person to become an associate member, but that the consensus of Noisebridge may reject an application for a person to become an associate member.

Noisebridge's space shall be open only to members and associate members at any time. A member or associate member may at any time invite a person into Noisebridge and host that person at Noisebridge as long as that member or associate member remains at Noisebridge. No other person shall be permitted at Noisebridge at any other time.

Neither members nor associate members shall be required to pay membership dues as a condition of such membership.

(Proposed Text)

A new Tier of Membership to Noisebridge shall exist, called Associate Member. People can become Associate Members through the normal membership process. Associate Members are not required to contribute to Noisebridge financially, only to "contribute regularly" to Noisebridge.

Associate Members, while present, can host non-members in the space just like Full Members. But Associate Members cannot block consensus like Members.

Also the policy of Noisebridge as a space open only to Members and their guests shall be changed to 24 hours a day instead of 23:00 to 10:00. This means that at any time, a person who is without a live sponsor in the space can be told that if they cannot find a new live sponsor promptly they should pack up and come back another time, perhaps Tuesday night.


  1. Access to Noisebridge off the plane (first time coming)
  2. Classes/Meetings/Planned Hacking
  3. Two-tiered membership, pay + access + block and contribute time + access
  4. Blocking Associate Member status could be abused
  5. Creates Noisebridge middleclass, keep it simple
  6. File paperwork and pass consensus to access Noisebridge
  7. Less open ==> lose the golden egg and more opportunity for ganging up


  1. Good to introduce oneself before coming to Noisebridge (mailing lists, IRC, etc...)
  2. Docents can sponsor people at Noisebridge
  3. More were stated the notetaker failed to record, please add if currently insufficient

Amendemnts discussed:

  1. Create delay before 24/7 policy goes into effect
  2. Eliminate dues requirement from Member
  3. Only members can sponsor guests
  4. Must be an Associate Member before becoming a Member
  5. Associate Membership does not require consensus, but follows membership in everyother manner

De-membership consensus (-2)[edit | edit source]


Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

JC Proposes that Noisebridge install Mag locks on the inner door[edit | edit source]

Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]

Vaughn asked to leave and not come back til mediation occurs or discussion at a Tuesday meeting[edit | edit source]

Attendance[edit | edit source]

  • ___, ___, Vaughn, ___, ___, ___, Jean Claude, ___, Dan, Hilare, Monad, Melissa, Justin, JC, Ramone, Pidgon, Tom, Alteric, Kevin, Martin,

Now that the meeting is over, don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.