Meeting Notes 2013 11 12

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Summary[edit | edit source]

These are the notes from the The 289th Meeting of Noisebridge.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Folks are putting together a new hackerspace in SF. Join us on #sfhackerspace on Freenode.
  • Alex Gudkov has just signed a lease on a 3500 sq ft space at Mission & 6th, perhaps for use hacking, or as a coop. Get in touch!

Membership [edit | edit source]

Full Members[edit | edit source]

  • Robin Noël; week 2; JC, Monad.
  • Kinnard Hockenhull; week 2; no sponsors.
  • Raul Calderon; week 2; Monad, Nick.
  • Alex Pérez; week 2; no sponsors.
  • Taylor Austin; week 4+; Kevin, Monad.
  • Alex Peake; week 3; no sponsors.
  • Christina Olson; week 4+; JC, Jake.
  • Mary Paniscus; week 4+; no sponsors.
  • Chris Whipple; week 2; Monad, JC.
  • Sam Tepper; week 2; JC, Kevin.

Associate Members[edit | edit source]

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • No Report was provided.

Consensus Items[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

  • We discussed JC's proposal to secure the space. We agreed the following:

It should be possible to secure Noisebridge when not in use. Noisebridge should be secured when not in use. All Noisebridge Members and Associate Members should have access to Noisebridge.

We decided to form a cabal to work on the details, and actually build this. We noted that we haven't decided to spend money on this, just agreed on the principle.

  • We discussed Tom's proposal to make the list of members public. We agreed the following:

It shall not a secret whether a person is a Member of Noisebridge. It shall be the responsibility of each member to identify themself as a member by adding the Category:Members to their wiki user page. Until a Member so identifies, they shall not be entitled to any privilege of Noisebridge Membership. Likewise, if a member is on Membership/Hiatus, they must indicate this by adding the Category:Hiatus to their wiki user page; this method of so identifying shall replace any other notification requirement for going on and coming off hiatus. Although it shall generally be a responsibility shared by all members to ensure that this category of identification is used correctly, in cases where its use is disputed, Noisebridge's secretary shall be the final arbiter.

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

  • As a result of our prior conversation, we collectively propose: If a member has not identified themself as such by adding the Category:Members to their wiki user page by $DATE, they shall no longer be a member of Noisebridge.
  • Tom proposes that: If a paper membership application has been in the binder for more than twelve weeks, that application should be discarded. If that person still wants to become a member, they must start the application process over from scratch.

Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]

  • We had a lovely and constructive conversation about how we should most effectively introduce folks to the space and make Noisebridge a safe and inclusive place to work.

Attendance[edit | edit source]