Meeting Notes 2013 11 19
These are the notes from the The 290th Meeting of Noisebridge.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Jack wants to teach an intro to Perl class
- The bookscanner is up & running, and works super fast! Currentyly searching for anyone with awesome or rare books to scan.
- Gamebridge doesn't seem to be hapenning, haven't been able to reach Alex
- Baythreat is a security conference happening at Hacker Dojo Dec 6-7. Consider volunteering for it!
- 5mof is happening this Thursday. This month's 5MOF will star Mitch and otKevinher fantastic guests. Why not give a talk about whatever you want for five minutes in front of 40+ people.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
Applicants[edit | edit source]
There were no new members this week. The following applications are in the binder:
- Robin Noel; week 3; JC, Monad
- Kinnard Hackenhull; week 3; no sponsors
- Raul Calderon; week 3; Monad, Mischief
- Alex Peake; week 3; no sponsors
- Taylor Austin; week 4+; Kevin, Monad
- Christina Olson (Daravinne); week4+; JC, Jake
- Chris Whipple (crw); week 3; Monad, JC
- Sam Topper; week 3; JC, Kevin
Associates[edit | edit source]
The following people are new associate members this week:
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Danny thinks we have about $36,411k, not including the sale of bitcoins today. We have paid our insurance this year.
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
Membership identification[edit | edit source]
Both Jakes (local and remote) are unhappy with the following proposal:
If a member has not identified themself as such by adding the Category:Members to their wiki user page by $DATE, they shall no longer be a member of Noisebridge.
We have therefore declined to continue this proposal.
Membership application expiry[edit | edit source]
We agreed the following:
Membership applications should be dated. If a paper membership application has been in the binder for more than twelve weeks, that application should be discarded. If that person still wants to become a member, they must start the application process over from scratch.
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
Access policy changes[edit | edit source]
Jake proposes a change to the previous consensus agreement regarding access to Noisebridge.
We should replace:
Noisebridge's space shall be open only to members and associate members at any time. A member or associate member may at any time invite a person into Noisebridge and host that person at Noisebridge as long as that member or associate member remains at Noisebridge. No other person shall be permitted at Noisebridge at any other time.
Noisebridge is open to Members, Associate Members, and guests sponsored by same, at all times. Any person who is not one of the above may be asked to leave if no Member or Associate Member present wishes to sponsor them at that time, with no other justification being necessary.
People coming to Noisebridge who don't know anyone should be introduced to members who are present so that sponsorship can occur if members present choose to do so at that time. Noisebridge should present itself as "open to public visitors and guests as often as possible".
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
- Whe had a short discussion about maintenance of the network.
- We then discussed Jake's proposal for next week, extensively.
Attendance[edit | edit source]
- Danny is hacking on haskell and the UN general assembly
- User:BrandonEdens hacks network software
- Mike Lasseo is hacking his life
- Robin Noel is amalgamating art, tech, & fashion!
- Max is hacking Ruby on Rails and whatnot
- Sam is playing with machine learning
- Gardner is finding technical solutions to social problems
- Mike is hacking his diet
- Dan is hacking cellphones
- John is working on whistleblowing, the book scanner, and some rails & js stuff
- Josh is a neuro-hacker
- Dan is working with an RPi
- Hillaire is working on NB radio
- Monad is tinkering
- Chauncey Davenport is from NYC and hacking whatever he can find on Google, which is a lot of of stuff when you think about it
- Dan is a programmer specializing in ironing
- Jade works with Python, Machine Learning, & Neuro
- Darius is a designer currently playing with Drupal. But really, soap is super fun
- JC plays with games, Linux, and LEDs
- Tom is writing these notes, and working on anonymity online
- Jack wants to teach a Perl into class