Meeting Notes 2013 12 10

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You should read the meeting instructions forthwith!
Don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.

These are the notes from the The 292nd Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Kevin; Moderator: Al.

  • One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
  • Sleeping at Noisebridge

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Bullet point list of announcements and events
  • Massive clean-up happened, some stuff in middle needs to be sorted. Boxes on shelvs are empty. Keep it organized, or sadness and anger ensue.
  • Al doing safety committee for preparedness
  • 30c3 simocast @ Noisebridge

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

  • The name of the applicant, the week of their application, and their sponsors.
  • The question of the membership of Sam and Robin was raised and tabled by proxy.

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Lockers at Noisebridge[edit | edit source]


Money could go towards more productive secuity solutions

Lock picking is taught at Noisebridge

Open for abuse by people not working on projects at Noisebridge >charging creates incentive to turnover stale lockers

Locker point of contact has too much power >day use lockers, pay by hour

Noisebridge not in the business of providing secure storage for a fee >electonics are sold at circut hacking monday >>not sold by noisebridge, sold by individuals at cost

Folks with shelf space can install personal lockers >Not everyone has a shelf

Odd to introduce paywalls at Noisebridge

Banning Nick[edit | edit source]

Nick found sleeping at Noisebridge twice.

Nick sat in a chair with eyes closed, not asleep. Talking with Josh from 20:00 to sunrise. Verified independently twice.

Nick found sleeping overnight at Noisebridge by another source several times.

Noisebridge has no rule that prohibits sleeping at Noisebridge. It's absured to discuss banning someone from the community for _appearing_ to be asleep. Nick has not abused Nosiebridge.

Nick is not an example of the type of sleep that Noisebridge has had a problem with.

Here, mean well for the space, here to hack are key qualities. Cannot get to a point where you depend on Noisebridge.

Nick's case too gray to warrent banning.

Would be great if the report came from several independent sources. >not many others care to come early to wake sleepers

Are there other courses to action to take in this case? >Whatever course of action results in people not sleeping at Noisebridge

People who abuse sleeping at Noisebridge will adapt to morning check-ins

Nick came to this meeting to Nick's credit

Asking sleepers to leave is appreciated. Others should help.

Banning Jean Jeacques[edit | edit source]

Jean fount sleeping at Noisebridge twice.

Yes, once I was sleeping and on the other occassion I was resting my eyes, in the midst of a 2-hour nap. I thought the way I was awoken was rude and I felt unheard and not listened to. I do not abuse Noisebridge. I don't make a habit of sleeping at Noisebridge.

All partipants of Noisebridge should try best to engage in excellent communication.

Jean Jeacques was rude and irritated when awoken. Said that he would not stop sleeping at Noisebridge. 2 hours is a long time. >I have and will not make a habit of sleeping at Noisebridge. I was snide and not rude.

Attach expiration period to Associate Member Consensus[edit | edit source]

Announced and opened for questions/discussion briefly.

Tabling items proposed by Jake and Tom, cannot make meeting tonight[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

(Add any items which pass or are blocked to the Consensus Items History page.)

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)

Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]

  • How should proxy block be used?

Attendance[edit | edit source]

  • List of names and short summary. For bonus points, link wiki user pages.
  • Al
  • Robin
  • HowardUser:HelloHowardYou
  • Mischeif
  • Kevin
  • Josh
  • Jean Jacques
  • Steven
  • Sara
  • Madillin
  • Monad
  • John
  • Sam
  • Summner
  • Mike
  • Milessa
  • Patrick
  • Mark
  • Jade
  • JC
  • RAYC

Now that the meeting is over, don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.