Meeting Notes 2014 01 07
Moderator: Danny O'Brien Notetaker: Josh
Attendees: Danny: work on dysfunction democracies & functional programming languges
Josh: awesome notetaker, programs for IBM and self, supergenius
Ron: hack on liux help people learn
Dana: works on geoinformation
Brashant: first time at noisebridge
Romi: likes to make thnngs
Kate: first meeting, programmer, retro video games
Al: python for kids
Cynthia: retred physician find some to fix macs
Norman: Large events, learning mobile platforms
Charlie: that's all
Naomi : genetic programmer
Ari: android dev. Electro music
Nick: didn't intend to join meeting, dev, from portland, overworked, happy to contribute
Monad: fool around building fixing
Robin: bring art and tech together
Carl: mobile apps
Amy: forgot mouse, still sitting here
Kevin: exploring new languages
John: programmer, neurosurgeon
Douglas: circuit musician
Lauren: read about us
Sara: use darkroom, write, take photos, crafty
Tom: shocked by amount of ambient surveillance
X: Hacks on hacker spaces, midway through week of paranoia
Short Announcements:
Lockers now $10 month
Norman resigning as noisebridge radio operator
X: working to revive spacebridge meets 7:30 tuesdays
Blaire volunteers to take over as radio officer
godwafflenoisepancakes = Pancakes and free vegan waffles sunday at noon
planning on brewing mate for godwafflenoisepancakes
first mothly meeting for book fem for men : fem for everyone by bel hooks
Discussion Items:
Cost of lockers
Agreements without consensus
the bridge
Membership Binder:
chris wipple: last week taylor austin: last week Harry lesenski: week 2 Kanad Hackathel: last week other guy: last week kate kligman: week 1 alex perez: last week alex pique: last week john shut last sam teppa: last madeline: last douglas botten: last ronald kutoni: 1st
Financial Report: 33,214.19 $$ including noisetor ~ 23,000 excluding noisetor
Consensus Items:
cost of lockers, defrayed by rent, something, something
no sleeping at noisebridge
anti-harassment policy
- meeting move to 7 – passes provided it is publicized
prefer 8
get more things done if start at 7
gets up at 4 am
pdp-11's are awesome
7 pm is good 8pm is ok
7 pm slight preference
publicize if we do
- abandon consensus, etc.
continue/delay until they get back from CCC
will not consense this week
just discuss
go to disccussion for discussion
problematic because of block, gets in the way of progress
simply majority has problem, blocking has a problem, compromise supermajority
balances like 51% supermajority
anti-consensus – tyranny of majority, demographic shift have radical impact, gives power to those with politicking ability, dogmatism of majority
consensus fails when you fool all of the people some of the time, you can't fool all the people all the time thank god for consensus, it has passed shitty things,
majority alloows slightly smarter people to fool some of the people some of the time
the way that consensus is happening right now is not working, but there are other consensus models, like mostly consensus with the option for supermajority on
contensious issues, bring someone in to talk about consensus
consensus is great but there are problems wih any social construct exploits are possible especially wih a house full of hackers
express happiness that above was brought up, different process for different issues, don't spoil (kinda) winning tradition
items have lifetime where they die if they are not voted on within time period
emotionalism and theatrics will change if system of voting changes
don't believe that drama is inherent in consensus, hear how consensus has not been working specifically
people have been yelled at for things, their feelings were hurt, feel excluded
different things/discussion emailed to Al
- the bridge
what is it? For what will it be used?
X explains:
12 days ago 30c3 starts- logistical challenges with time differences, rearranged things to facilitate area delineated from the rest of noisebridge, work on elaborate projects/have nice things
there's a bed, who will be sleeping there?
X has been sleeping there, if anyone were sleeping there they should: not sleep there more than 4 hours, 2 people on the bridge at all times, be fully aware and accept that it may or may not be available, there was tension
why refuse to mention bridge && sleep in especial on discusss
claims some convo's are on the wiki, he unsubscribed from discuss, purposefully didn't want to do this because he was(n't) a member
there is a clear reason: unfriendly rhetorical techniques, scoial matrix of toxicity
seems like this is a residency, against terms of lease/zoning, heirarchical model that is counter to the space, doesn't know where this is coming from, place didn't get cleaner when this happened
space bridge did get cleaner
this is n the spirit of noisebridge, people take ownership because they stay there which helps people feel engaged
dan doesn't want to use discuss because he is creeped out by al
jc went against rules? For personal reasons, has been reticent to break it down, he is attached
glad we're talking about it, two questions and comment: is the bridge open to public? If not, who determines to whom it's open?
Attitudes toward sleep have changed, cleanliness issue, is this a know part of the space to be used by members guests, what?
Resmebles residece/place people are not welcome, mixed up?
Never been lock or door, never told anyone they are not welcome/ cannot come in, cautions people that innapropriate for children things might be happening, nobody controls access, some people have made use of the pod/space/whatever, no one has directly asked him to disassemble
idea of sleeping there not liked, place set aside not good, people prefer if it were opened up
people spend a lot of time in part of space, develop sense of ownership, at the end of that process need to take a break 8 people out of 30 asked to have pod taken down
not consensus, just asking
does anyone favor jc continuing the bridge
can the pod be turned into something more fluid/ moved
fine with it without sleep pod
agrees that removal of sleep pod can be done
someone took my fishtank
who the people are how many voted yay or nay?
Different topc
Different topic: kitchen, people are upset about things about the kitchen
for consensus next week: anti-harassment policy accepted in current form?. Now that the meeting is over, don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.