Meeting Notes 2014 02 11
You should read the meeting instructions forthwith!
Don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.
These are the notes from the The XXXth Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Kevin; Moderator: Jarrod.
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
- Banning Pidgeon for stealing a tool week 1 discussion
- Sharing of data on recent policy changes related to access to Noisebridge
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Bullet point list of announcements and events
2nd Wednesday Feminist Book Club meets tomorrow [1]
Free security conference at DNA lounge When: Sun-Mon, Feb 24th-25th, 2013 Where: DNA Lounge 375 Eleventh Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Contact: @bsidessf Email:
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
- The name of the applicant, the week of their application, and their sponsors.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
- Funds in bank: $32,000 and change
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of Included in the above figure
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
(Add any items which pass or are blocked to the Consensus Items History page.)
Add qbit to BoD Ballot[edit | edit source]
Many present not in favor of adding qbit to the ballot. The deadline was hard.
Expiration Period on Member, aka Associate Member, role[edit | edit source]
Tabled, needs further clarification. Kevin will make a pull request after Tom initializes the Noisebridge Policy git repo.
Language Change to Member, aka Associate Member, policy[edit | edit source]
Deferred in favor of having futher discussion on the successes/failurs of policy
Ban E. Bandersnatch[edit | edit source]
Agreed that a solution besides banning would be best
Ban Pidgeon[edit | edit source]
Pidgeon took Robin's tool from Noisebridge
Pidgeon had the tool for a month
Pidgeon returned the tool to Robin when asked by Robin for the tool
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.)
Ban RAYC[edit | edit source]
For a period of 6 months starting February 18, 2014, RAYC is unwelcome at Noisebridge. He is prohibited from entering the space or participating in the community during this period.
RAYC put himself in direct personal danger. This is unexcellent. He has made valuable contributions to Noisebridge. Hence, a 6 month break and not a permenent ban is in order.
RAYC prefers to see action taken other than a mandatory break. RACY agrees not to sleep at Noisebridge again, on the elevator or otherwise.
RAYC is a good person to have at Nightbridge
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
Attendance[edit | edit source]
- Sachi
- Carlos
- Phil
- Alphalus
- John
- Chris
- Norman
- Josh
- Madalyn
- Ron
- Charles
- Robin
- Kevin
- Dan
- Caleb
- Monad
- Justin
- Tom
- Matt
Now that the meeting is over, don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.