Meeting Notes 2014 02 25
You should read the meeting instructions forthwith!
Don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.
These are the notes from the The 000th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: FIXME YOUR NAME HERE; Moderator: FIXME THEIR NAME HERE.
- Ban Robin consensus decision discussed, will be back for further discussion next week.
- Banning of Lee discussion
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Fractals at Noisebridge tonight
- Protest Chris Inglis, NSA Deputy Director at the 4 Seasons Hotel, 757 Market on Wednesday, February 26 at 6:30 PM. Sponsored by Code Pink.
- Digital currancy maker with website
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
- The name of the applicant, the week of their application, and their sponsors.
- Hephestus, W4+, Al, Will, Ron
- Kate K, W4+, Al
- Qbit, W2,
- Howard T, W2,
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Consensus items[edit | edit source]
Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]
Ban RAYC permenently or for X seconds[edit | edit source]
Publish member list on git repo[edit | edit source]
Proposal to change the consensus process[edit | edit source]
Should be rewritten as a pull request Language is old, needs to be brought up to date There should be a quarom for consensus to occur
Should be a seperate proposal
Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]
Ban kyle, johnny, kara[edit | edit source]
Blood on syrenges found on the floor People in the darkroom and bathroom for hours before this was
Only members can join the council[edit | edit source]
Refactor the policy to say member everywhere besides the block privillage Tabled for further discussion
Affirm policies in git repo[edit | edit source]
Should affirm the initial state of the repository
Ban Robin[edit | edit source]
N0_Hat has been on this for a while N0_Hat reads out concerns with Robin's behaviour See nb-discuss post Qbit reads an independent list of concerns with Robin's behaviour Robin responds:
I don't use racial slures I am enthusiastic about being a council member, not abusing power I have been in coflict with N0_Hat, and we do not share space at Noisebridge I have never asked anyone to leave
John feels harrassed by Robin Robin asked to leave until next week's meeting Phil expresses concerns with Robin's behaviour Mediation has happend and failed
Robin disagrees, would like to see more mediation
House Rules[edit | edit source]
Add stairwells (back and side) to out-of-bounds list Add exception in case of emergency situations Asking someone to leave may put them in harms way. Ex 4am Short naps not the worst thing Be excellent or leave, Noisebridge is not a space to be policed Define napping, 5 hours?
From biorythm perspective a nap is 24 minutes
Add comments to git document as needed
Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]
Conflict resolution and Lee[edit | edit source]
Lee comes and requests resolution Tom explains the concern
Ex Lee sent 15 emails in 4 months
Consensus process abused in Lee's banning Lee reiterates the story:
In November, Lee made an edit to the Noisebridge wiki Tom undid the edits without comment Lee asked Tom why Tom responds that Lee should only edit typos on the 'Membership' page Lee made edits to tyops on said page Tom removed Lee's wiki privs to edit said page Danny restored Lee's wiki privs Lee tried reaching Tom on the wiki, private email, noisebridge-discuss email, phone call Lee was seeking to understand the conflict In the beginning of January, Lee commented on Tom's organizing the feminist bookclub at noisebridge
Tom took the actions, with regard to wiki privs, that a reasonable person would take Tom claifies the story
The level of importance of the interaction on the wiki much less than the level of importance of the events the followed Tom made an email to the noisebridge-discuss list describing the actions to remove wiki privs Tom asked Lee not to contact him anymore on the phone Tom did not reply to any of Lee's emails
Tom describes the harrassment practice of boundry testing to the group Consensus recap:
Jan 21 consensus proposed, not discussed MCT offers mediation 2 weeks tabled week 3 no discussion week 4 consensus people not present at the meeting that should have been there
There a weakness in the consensus process that given a queue it is difficult to predict when an item will be consensed
Should be solved with policy
Much discussion ensues Agreed to come back to this item after we handle N0_Hat's proposed bannings... To be continued next week. Lee asked not to come back next week.
Noisebridge BoD Elections[edit | edit source]
Enjoy Noisebridge creative community Teaching, leanring, etc. Depart from tradition? Strong supporter of tradition. leave it up to others. Override consensus? No
Been apart of Noisebridge community since 2009 Plans to do next to nothing Depart from tradition? Somewhere in the middle, go with the flow. Override consensus? No
Make Noisebridge a place to build new shit Nb should be a safe space for people come come and be creative Depart from tradition? Strong favor to depart from tradition. Council should guide vision. Override consensus? No
Spend time improving Noisebridge Noisebridge not served by do-ocracy Put people on the spot to do things Board should be responsible for ensuring that things get done <up to code> I do tasks as secretary,t he board should have tasks too Depart from tradition? Good reasons for the board to meet more often. Primary decision making should be consensus process. Override consensus? Only if the consensus asked me to break the law
Attendance[edit | edit source]
- Tom
- Charlie
- John
- Bill
- Chad
- Mikey
- Lee
- Chris
- Madalynn
- Brandon
- Ari
- Norman
- John
- Josh
- Naomi
- Phil
- V
- Monad
- Robin
Now that the meeting is over, don't forget to post the meeting notes to the wiki and e-mail the discussion list with a short summary.