Meeting Notes 2014 06 18

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Meeting Notes June 17 2014

These are the notes from the The 318th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Naomi; Moderator: Jarrod.

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

John Shutt: This 5MoF is going to be cool. Thursday at 8pm.

Jean-Jacques: the front doorbell still doesn’t work.

Cory: the kitchen group met, talked about taking food away. JJ: let’s put up signs.

Kevin: ToorCamp organization — I’ll post to the mailing list when I have a wiki page.

Matt: building an IndieGoGo campaign for Noisebridge. Organizing the party!

Jarrod: we’re closing in July!

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

Qbit - week 4+ - one sponsor

Sid Scott - week 4+ - blocked, one sponsor

Jarrod - week 2 - two sponsors

John Ellis - week 4+ - two sponsors

Xavier - week 4+ - one sponsor

Tristan - week 1 - no sponsors

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • Funds in bank: ~$39,603K
  • There are $5576.33 earmarked NoiseTor funds
  • Colo service has been paid through Mar 7, 2013
  • There are enough funds to pay for an additional 7 months of colo
  • This information was updated at Tue Jun 17 19:00:03 2014

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

Access Policy Reboot proposed by Dan F.[edit | edit source]

  • Dan: Casey had problems with this, so I would not be comfortable putting this up for Consensus without Casey's assent. I don't mind if we table this.
  • Cory asks for clarification -- we're changing it to "Noisebridge should be as open as possible"? Jarrod: yes.
  • Dan: there are Consensed-upon policies such as "NB should be able to be closed when not in use"... I'd like to get Jake to weigh in on this stuff. "It doesn't compile", no one actually acts on it; let's get rid of that code. It's no-op. Put something Real in there. The policy still has AMs and Access Control...
  • Kevin: are we waiting on Casey for a legitimate reason? haven't heard anything from him and nothing's moving forward.
  • Naomi: There's no reason a proposal has to "go forward" or not.
  • Dan: I want to err on the side of caution and build a true Consensus. Set a precedent of good behavior.
  • Josh: what were Casey's actual concerns?
  • Dan: I don't really remember. Just want to give him a chance to articulate the reasons for his discomfort, either stand aside or block. This does not matter that much right now. What matters is respecting Consensus.
  • Dan: Next week - either blocked or pass.
  • Naomi: Or keep it tabled. "pass/fail" is a false dichotomy we've invented for the Consensus process lately.

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]


Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge Reboot Planning Update[edit | edit source]

[This item occurred first in the meeting to make sure it was given a lot of time.]

Neil: we’ve been in the space about 3 times, different lengths of time, figuring out what’s here, what the inspector might not want to be here. We have 21 items on this detailed list. Hard copies and a copy on a USB disk. (You can view the PDF here: File:Proposed scope for noisebridge v2.0.pdf)

The subpanel outside the door is going to be replaced, which implies a bunch of other work.

By JULY 8TH we’re hoping to have the inspector come through and say, “you have to do X, Y, and Z” and then we’re good.

Naomi: we may have to plan a little ahead of when we’d like, in terms of how we might reorganize the space.

Jim: Beware of too much planning. We overplanned when we moved into this space [5 years ago].

Neil: We’d like to come in for 5 consecutive mornings since we see most of your stuff happens at night. Starting this Friday, and then next Thursday and Friday.

A group of interested NBers need to talk about what to do with/about the “member shelving” area.

Jim: general point - subpanels are good, efficient way of distributing things. Neil: yeah, I think there are 4 or 5 of them, if you know if you need another one, but at this point we’re thinking there’s one that’s not even being used [points to the member shelving]

Neil: come up with decisions on your usage of the space (the areas that are currently ??? like the member shelving area) within the next week or so.

Neil: Let's make sure we communicate current conditions of the space to people, especially during “soft close” (could be open panels, draped wires…)

Neil: do we want multiple light switches controlling the lights? Jim: [shakes head “no"] Simple, simple, simple.

Cynthia: did we solicit other bids? how did this all come about, how was it decided, etc?

Naomi: No, we did not solicit other bids. The membership looked to the board to solve this problem. Neil and Tim were a good choice because they have a nonprofit rate, they helped build the Noisebridge electrical infrastructure in the first place, and they understand that hackers are going to want to participate and they have been thinking in terms of incorporating Noisebridge working groups into the whole plan.

Neil elaborates on the working groups identified (see PDF). Jim has many things to say about paint.

Naomi spreads the word about the riseup pads we are now using for organization -- here they are:

Neil & Tim Schedule for Immediate Term:

  • this Friday 8am-noonish
  • next Thursday 8am-noonish
  • next Friday 8am-noonish

Handful of people need to be “around” to keep the electrical workspaces clear and help move things around. About 6 people raise hands to say they can help with that.

Attendance[edit | edit source]

  • Chuck - computer shop in BayView, contribute food.
  • [missed your name sorry] - from Colombia, anthropologist interested in hacker communities
  • Allen - software & photography, looking for AM sponsorship
  • Matt - “it was nice to take a break from NB, hahahaha”
  • Kevin - here on Wednesdays for neurohacking, doing machine learning
  • Daniel - been meaning to come for about a year, came here to help when he heard about the NB Reboot [awesome!]
  • Jim - “My name is Jim.”
  • John - I host 5MoF, THIS THURSDAY
  • Cory - [something]
  • Alma - sewing area
  • Chris - helping with the Reboot
  • Naomi - doing too many things
  • Jean-Jacques - solar electric cells, handyman business
  • Jarrod - moderating, making cool drawings.
  • Neil - C10 Electrician here with a solid report
  • Deja - feeling ?apprehensive? about being here
  • Emerson - fixes computer screens
  • Dan - programmer, been here about a year and a half. feel gratitude & strong desire to help NB.
  • Joshua?