Meeting Notes 2014 11 18

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These are the notes from the The 336th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Pod and Jade; Moderator: Kevin and Torrie.

  • NB hackerspace community run by volunteers, be excellent, doacracy, run by us ...

Attendance[edit | edit source]

Monad: full and round tinkering , making things

mike: from meetings at muddys 2009 , b4 the space ... sense of community...

alma: a project about electro-magnetic radiation, maker garments

mohammed: mechanical engineer, micro-controllers, maker community thru tech shop, 3d modelling class, need for people to create helping community.... met noisebridge at a diificult time, came to help during the reboot. bring new ideas and new classes, helping to make a better place. inviting the maker community.

RAYC: hack the planet ,,, hacker movie ... had a good idea.

torrie: Xbees

gustavo: audio, artists

eric:world bank

jade: neural hacking , pyschology, tutoring

james: theater artist, more things at NB

marcell: for 8 months, loves it

stephanie, e. engineeer, lokng for jobs, new

steve: coders






david: consensus experience

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

-eff rally on THIS Thurs. !! - Sa 22nd - holiday party this weekend, 3 musical acts, new to the space... sudo room, 7pm , potluck, ... -indiegogo stuff, shit needs to get sent out - electrical reboot, updates... 85% rebooted awesome. agenda item

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

membership at NB...

consensus,... lalala ...

important that comments about a person applying should probably not be in the notes...

  • steve young

( 2signatures ) 2nd week read.

  • sam tupper

( 2sponsors )

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • $28,000

Consensus items[edit | edit source]

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

(Add any new items for consensus to the Current Consensus Items page.) kevin: rfid keys access rules.

torrie explains the system of rfid access...

proposal: members can give access, distribute keys suggested that the consensus on it happens when the system is fully in place. is it related to closing hours? no. idea of a 3rd permission, access to outer gate, but not inner. securing the gate upstairs is essential, downstairs is not secured. permission to grant mitch talked about taking responsibility of guests. closing hours access issues going up the chain, responsibility ( trickle down responsibility )

steve: don't let someone in unless u want to take responsibility. who gets RFID tags? members? - no

RAYC: there is a horrible things that have caused a huge divide b/w members and those of the community - trust issues, a)membership spacific is problemmatic. - unexellence

Kevin: critique of status quo is valid but off topic. James's suggestion of key revocation leads me to the question: what is the process of revoking keys.

James: the process wouldn't neccessarily work for noisebridge. A tree of trust could work.

Monad: have a record of who sponsored who, the whole chain, you can track them.

James: Can notice increased acitivity after an event where access codes were given out, and we can revoke that code.

Kevin: cool with tracking as long as the web is public.

Patrick: A lighter take, revoking a key doesn't mean you're banned.

RAYC: Should be vetting process, maybe 2 members and 2 other community members vets you before you're granted with privilleges.

Torrie: Topics, Key revocation, and vetting new keys

Mohammad: vetting keys, maybe 3 ppl with keys should agree together before a new key is granted

Monad: this topic is messy

James: This is a public system, but at the same time respect ppl's anominity.

Marcell: if one is not around to be responsible for someone on your tree, your key will also be revoked

Monad: One guy does something, you ask him who's sponsoring him, and he tells you to go to hell - how do we deal with that.

James: Check their card

Steve: I've given a keycode to someone and they fucked up - now it's my responsibilty to come to the meeting. I'm just going to revoke his key, before anyone else does. You don't need to go to the meeting, you just need to kill him before someone kills you.

RAYC: should be a working group for this. there are a lot of good points and constructive dialog.

James: how can we find out what the RFID ppl want, how can we talk to them about this?

Torrie: There is a slack channel: The Security Working Group, talk to Henner Casey.

Discussion Notes[edit | edit source]

Torrie: Working on 3D printers working!

RAYC: Inspection is going to be the week after this. We are not done with the list of things that Neil recommended we do, crucial need to pass inspection things. Sheet Rocking - Back stairs flooring - board with list of other things that need to be done. This is crunch time! We need more volunteer help. 36 hours left of work to do. We need to get this done! Anytime really does help.

James: What needs to be done this week and then the following week? Torrie: Working on stairwell in back.

RAYC: Spoke to ppl about flooring, plans are more set. No construction experience required. Majority of work left is sheet rocking, mudding and patching - to pass the one-hour fire rule. Let's shoot for Thursday evening - critical mass at 6pm. Call for shopping list.

Torrie: Need to organize IndieGoGo and mail gifts out. We have yet to fulfill any of the perks. Stickers and evelopes need to be packed and mailed. We need a book of stamps (~100). There is a list of the people, their addresses, and their perks to be mailed out. We need about 9 more hacker suvieners. T-shirts need to be packed and mails. Need to 3D print Empor Norton crowns.

RAYC: I will work with others to organize and stay in sync with IndieGoGo donors. Thank you letter could be improved.

Kevin: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Pod: when you have big tasks, we should make a public posting, a shout out for people to come over and help.

Torrie: Saturday at noon.

RAYC: For IndieGoGo, have a list of what we are doing: we need 77 keys

James: Will look at list of things to do.

Meeting Ajounred.