Meeting Notes 2014 12 30

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These are the notes from the The 341st Meeting of Noisebridge.

Note-taker: (evil) Dan; Moderators: n/a (small group, brief meeting)

Drama-free holiday season at NB, so far so good. New Years Eve tomorrow: plan on NB being generally "closed" possibly earlier than 10 PM - sorry, not looking to entertain much Mission party scene, boisterous drunks, etc. That said, expecting a few volunteers will be here to keep an eye on the place and enjoy a quiet vibe New Years Eve. Doorbell not currently working - for access contact (415) 530-7661 / check other Gate_keepers.

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Joe - testing Turing, apparently not a replicant
  • David - NB fan, watcher of movies, writer of stories, cooker of beans
  • Gustavo - woodworker, audio mixologist, new to NB, psyched about teh (currently very clean) Dirty Shop
  • (evil) Dan - taking notes and talking shit
  • (not evil) Dan - fixed NB network with a one finger salute. (thanks!)
  • Mohammed - learning and teaching

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

New Years Eve tomorrow: plan on NB being generally "closed" possibly earlier than 10 PM - sorry, not looking to entertain much Mission party scene, boisterous drunks, etc! Should have a few volunteers here to keep an eye on the place and enjoy a quiet vibe New Years Eve anyway.

Doorbell not currently working - for access can contact (415) 530-7661 and other current Gate_keepers.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

(skipped, no formal Members present anyway)

Financial Report[edit | edit source]


Consensus and Discussion[edit | edit source]

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]

small group, didn't discuss

Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

no new consensus proposals

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Gustavo is looking forward to using the Shop, has some questions.

  • Will check with Jarrod.
  • Would like to arrange for more tools and equipment such as a planer, clamps.
  • Suggests a wish-list on the Shop wiki page.

That's all folks ...!