Meeting Notes 2015 03 17
These are the notes from the The 502nd Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: louis ; Moderators: Patrick.
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- Patrick, SWE in the city, maintain infrastructure at noisebridge, changing focus to security and crypto;
- Torrie (crypto-anarchist trying to be an artist, will move in SOMA soon if it works out);
- Kevin, hosting neural hacking at Noisebridge, serving EEG over Websockets;
- Scotty: nomad who like building both hardware and software, going to Nevada for the America land sailing cup;
- Dan: host the neural hacking meet-up on Wednesday;
- Molly: engineer from Berkeley, like to build stuff;
- Dave: from the tech industry recently working on more art related stuff;
- Niir: SWE for about 8 years new comer fond of sensors want to develop sensors development;
- Mohammed: learning new skills and technology has been coming here for two years;
- Josh: like to tinker stuff;
- Steve: Scientist;
- Daniella: long time innovative noisebridger;
- louis: note-taker, system programming background.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Kevin: Noisebridge board election, the legal facing entity of Noisebridge, one term year, check the wiki. Count is on April 15.
- Dave: working on a calligraphy show, would like to use the microscope because the kind of calligraphy I do using very fine lines.
- Torrie:
- we got new safety things (gloves, goggles);
- we go new Phillips screwdrivers;
- we have some demand for a new shop safety class;
- will probably happen in the middle of April on 7pm on a Wednesday;
- This week we would like to mount the new laser antenna from Monkeybrains. We also have global sisterhood day this 21st. cool CNC stuff will be demoed on 30th.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
People in the binder and present at this meeting:
- Daniella: wk2, Noisebridge has been part of my life since I started my polyglot keyboard project;
- Louis: wk1, I'm not gonna speak for myself here.
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
The reboot did cost a lot of Money. 5 tons of e-waste went missing. Walls were demolished, floor was added…
- Funds in bank: 24k;
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of 9k+ from the above 24k;
- We spend between 3 and 4k every month;
- Matching donation fundraiser: 10/11k right now, Rubin and Patrick have a list of people to reach out to get more donators to commit to donate and will work on it soonish.
Consensus: we need moar money, keep in mind that we are only running on donations.
You don't have to be a member to donate.
Concerns about higher rent: to make things clear, there is no plan to move in another place. The lease is ending this year in the summer or fall and yes we need to start thinking about how we are going to negotiate the new lease given the state of this building and the market state.
Consensus and Discussion[edit | edit source]
Board election process consensus passed last week. Nothing postponed from last week.
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
If any important discussion happens, it should be happening after forward progress is made during consensus.
Closing the space:
- Kevin: It felt uncomfortable, I don't wanna do it again. The people who where here felt more trustable than me (the only member in this space) at this particular moment;
- Steve & Louis: we think that the access control we have in place is one of the success of this reboot;
- Dan: I sympathize with Kevin's feelings, but giving the space hours helps bringing-in balance to it;
- Mohammed: tell the people that get kicked out in the evening or who are stuck in the mornings to come at the meeting. Scheduling members who open and close the space is interesting because it makes you identify regulars;
- Louis: I really like the concept of balance, I think closing and opening hours bring balance to the space; I also really like Mohammed idea of a schedule of people to open or close the space.