Meeting Notes 2015 03 31

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These are the notes from the The 504th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Patrick, Louis; Moderators: Kevin.

Introductions[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge is a hackerspace founded in 2008, moved here in 2009. We have some members and lots of non-members that use the space. We're a 501c3 and we have only one rule which is be excellent to each other (Naomi).

We're a non-profit. Everything you hear is free and you can always donate. Lots of workshops and classes, lots to learn (Mitch).

  • Kevin - Moderator here tonight. Kinda tired and loopy, but entering a second wind state. Coming here 2 years and likes to hack brainwaves
  • J - Been here for ~10 months. I do sysadmin things by day and tinker at night with software and hardware.
  • Jade - I like psych, neoroscience and programming. I'm with the Neurohacking group here on Wednesdays
  • Daniela - I have a startup that makes poly keyboards. Launched my app 2 days ago in Noisebridge. Given French classes here before, been coming a while.
  • Louis - SW engineer in the bay area, coming to NB for ~2 years. Working on the Lifex bulbs.
  • Olivier - Data Analist working w/ python.
  • Dan - Programmer also involved w/ the neurohacking cabal on wednesdays. That's all
  • Scotty - Coming here for ~4 years. SW engineer turned entrepreneur, full time nomad. Spent the week sailing land yachts in the desert
  • Patrick - I'm a SW engineer, working on infra here
  • Torrie - Mad at mediawiki, have an intimate relationship w/ bike
  • Alex - Security analyst recently here from Baltimore
  • Francis - Here for the second time. Found Noisebridge looking for SDR stuffs. Decided to come and check it out.
  • Frank - Also doing SDR stuffs
  • Harry - SW engineer. I love noisebridge
  • Angie - 1st time here. Former EE, now teacher at an all-girls school where I run a makerlab
  • Naomi - Member here since August '09. I'm apparently a librarian, and relationship is complicated
  • Henner - I write SW that that deals w/ 200bytes to 200PB. I hack hardware. I like soldering things and writing the firmware for siad thing.
  • Mitch - Cofounder from back in `07. Also sleep deprived. Headed to EU for 2 months tomorrow. When here I lead Circuit hacknig Monday and teach folks things w/ electronics.
  • David - Background in psych. First time here, just enjoyiyng the space
  • Phil - SW engineer, but originally a EE. Getting back into it recently.

Announcements[edit | edit source]

  • Daniella: launched the polyglot keyboard last weekend at Noisebridge 9th April, launch party at 547 Howard street, the venue is called "Ecosystm";
  • Daniella: conference at the Moscone center at the end of may: "apps world congress";
  • Mitch: June 26th all day event here from the library association, will be teaching librarians how to use Arduinos, afternoon will be a panel with the librarians, please contact me with any cool project to demo to those librarians.

Membership binder[edit | edit source]

  • Daniella, wk4: I have been coming at Noisbridge for several years and it has been part of my life since I have been working on my Polyglot keyboard project!
  • Louis, wk3: not writing for myself.


  • Mitch: I invite you to post-pone your application;
  • Kevin: Why do you want to become a member? I've been coming here very often, it's been a great resource to build my company and meet people. I used to teach French here which has been a great-time. Since I speak many languages and I feel like a bridge here. I'm also from the neighborhood which allowed me to keep the space safe at several occasions;
  • Hanner: How would you improve the diversity in the space? Well as I woman, being here is already a good thing. Be myself, stick it out and make it easier for the next generation;
  • Dan: How you've seen conflicts get resolved? Have you seen things working in the long run? Be natural, be yourself. I have been avoiding slack, and discuss because of the drama and I prefer coming here and face people, talk to them directly get away from drama;
  • When was the first time I came here?: before occupy in 2012, I was sharing vegan meals. And by meeting the people running those occupy, meal-sharing, squat operations I learned that NB was one of the two hundreds collectives here in the city.

Consensus says: Daniella hasn't been accepted as a member tonight.

Financial report[edit | edit source]

  • Checking+Savings: 22k, some of that being Noisetor which has been hovering around 9k;
  • 13k after rent and everything this month (3 months of runway).

Consensus and discussion[edit | edit source]

No current consensus item.

Discussion[edit | edit source]

  • Angie ( schools are getting mackerspaces but people don't know how to run them, can we host an event the 16th in the evening? We have been doing at the exploratorium so far about 30/40 people. -> We are all good with that, please make it happen, there is some instructions in the wiki.
  • Kevin: board of directors election: Jonathan More has been added to the list after the deadline, does anyone knows how to contact him? There is a debate about how he ended up in the list.
  • Kevin: board of directors election: Does anyone know Fishman?
  • Mitch: board of directors election: If we can't get a hold on them, let's just move to the next person in the list.
  • Dude, probably Harry: Dave from optimizely wants to host a circuit building hacking thing as a team building event for his job. -> This is cool, new people are always cool, as long as it respects Noisebridge: the event should stay open for anyone. Harry will follow-up with him.
  • Mitch: I'll be gone from April 1st to June 1st, so I will not be leading circuit hacking on Monday at 7:30PM. If other people wanna do that, it would be very excellent. You don't need specific engineering skills since it comes as kits, just basic soldering skills. Torrie will help with that, please join him in this!
  • Harry: when does our lease expires? Mitch: August 31st, this place isn't rent controlled, Andy has been good to negotiate the lease last time, we should discuss with him. Should we try to sell Noisebridge as a marketing tool for the building?