Meeting Notes 2015 04 07
These are the notes from the The 505th Meeting of Noisebridge. Note-taker: Noah; Moderators: Kevin.
- One or two bullet points of high-level meeting summary.
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- Kevin - meeting facilitator, has been coming to nb for 2 years. Into electronics hacking data analysis
- Trent - been around 2 years, frequently for a year. Facilitates mon/thur python class.
- Torrie - crypto anarchist, writing own wiki
- Alex - Hacker etc. likes crypto.
- Oliver - Just discovered NB 3 months ago. Works on data analytics w/ python
- J - Sys admin, likes to tinker with things
- Emily - first time visitor. video producer and writer, wants to get kids to come here over the summer and learn hacking, for a camp for foster kids and kids who don't get exposed to tech.
- Jeff - like sfront end and design, curious about crypto
- Mark - Been around a lot over the last month. Working on game development. Interested in setting up a Cargame hacking station.
- Noah - Haven't been around NB for a while, hosting a hackathon in May
- Carl - been around for several years, writes mobile apps. Wants to learn Ruby on Rails
- John - Works on bookscanners, works with bay leaks
- Steve - Been around for 3 years, physicist and software dev
- Signal - Likes to work on de-identification and would like to talk about other ways to use the space
- Nth Most - Built library shelves, wants to work on a new project.
Melissa - Builds and modifies computers
- Ryan - makes computers less terrible, lurks on the mailing list, and wants to be around more. Hosting a meet-up about emacs tomorrow
- Dan - Programmer artist, Involved in the wednesday meet-up
- Jade - Neurohacker.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
- Stupid Shit Hackathon May 9-10
- Thursdays 7-10 makerfair table making
- In the midst of voting, if you're an elligible voter you should vote! (election concludes next week)
- has a new exhibit about women in gaming, check it out
- Last monday was circuit hacking monday, people should lead future ones! Looking for volunteers for next week. Starts at 7:30pm.
Membership Binder [edit | edit source]
Read off Louie's application for the 4th week - wants to keep the space running, has been coming for years, wants to become more involved in the space after the reboot. Involved in lightfix hacking. h No new applicants
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
NB has $29,105.03, $18k after typical money worry. We're over the 3 month slush! There is interest in more fine-grained financial info
Consensus and Discussion[edit | edit source]
No new items
Discussion Items[edit | edit source]
Stupid shit hackathon
Lots of people! Torrie: Maybe we can distribute this between a number of hackerspaces, Vidoe stream? Sudo Room? Double Union? Alec: Rent a different space and get a sponsor to cover the cost? Signal: Doesn't foresee a problem, expecting high attrition rate. Greet people, suggest they donate!!! Have greeters! Steve: ++ talk to Sudoroom ++ Donations Josh: ISO suggestions for specific wording for promotional materials wrt to size Noah: how to get greeters? Kevin: Put a sign-up on the wiki, put up shifts for people to be greeters
opening up NB to host events where people use the space and make a donation
Signal: Sean Stevens wants to use NB to run a training. People will be paying him for the training. Signal worries that this could hurt feelings wrt inclusivity. Sean may not use the space for this, but how do people feel about running events like this. NB would get a donation from said event, and we could participate, but it would also require $$$ Patrick: Sounds a lot like Optimizely circuit hacking. Fine as long as it's inclusive enough that someone around would be able to join if they were interested, but no global concerns for this type of event. Signal: it's not that the event costs money, its just that it might have resources that cost $$$. If resources aren't an issue then any person around would be able to join. Are we more like Clarion Alley or are we more like tech shop. J: I think it's good as long as there's transparency and forewarning. Is it on the wiki, is there a good plan? Torrie: I think it's great idea, and I trust signal's judgment. Any reservations are withheld until we try it and see what it's like! I think we can comfortably take that risk. Kevin: Echo Patrick, as long as people aren't getting their resources used up or it makes people uncomfortable.
Need to make more indiegogo fulfillments, we need to buy things
18 people opted into this tier, 14 t-shirts that are confirmed and need to be bought. Cost is $25 a piece. $450 needs to be spent. If we bought more 10-34 $25 a piece, 35-49 $20 a piece, 50+ $16. A noisebridge logo shirt that lights up based on noise levels. We thought we could sell it over time, since they're cool. If we bought more it'd be cheaper. People want to buy more to fulfill this and sell more. People agree that spending $800 is good (for 50 shirts), re-sell for $35-40 a piece, make +100% margin. "bring them to makerfaire, they'll sell out!"
Access Control!
how does one get a key - early morning access Jeff:I've come here a lot and have had trouble getting in, it makes me come here less, I'd like to have access Torrie: There's no real process for this, if I see you around a lot I'll offer people a token.
- people say they do a similar thing*
Signal: Token works for both doors? (A: yes from 10am-11pm) Patrick?: gave rundown of access types
Early access
It might be nice to have the opening hour moved early, have it move with sunrise. sun +2, +3? Kevin: This sounds possibly hard? Contribute to the github project for the sensor! Do we want this? I like this idea! Torrie: I like this idea, my concerned about a slippery slope, this will lead to the end of access control. Not a huge concern, would like to talk more about it. Steve: space is open when people are here to open it, I'm against it being auto-opened at a certain time of the day, unless there's someone here to open it. Torrie: We should clarify what open means, I think this means the door being able to be opened by a token. Steve: Oh I think I misunderstood Nth most: Fine with bumping the hour earlier, I feel more confiednt about the saftey of noisebridge. Moving time with sun is a cute/adorable idea. J: I like the idea of having a more open space, but concerned about saftey and it being inviting. If people want to be here earlier, they should become more involved. ???: Worried about a sunrise sensor, is it suceptible to a flashlight Torrie: I encourage more people getting involved in front gate internals, our bus factor is really bad. And lets not use a light sensor, lets use a software library.