Meeting Notes 2015 06 30

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Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Mitch - gets people to quit their jobs
  • Bedja - First time to visit noisebridge from Serbia
  • Jade - Neruohacking meetup group
  • J - Just a techie
  • Patrick - Has blue or green or some other shade of hair
  • Greg - *shrug*
  • Lee - Not allowed to be here. A hacker, obvs. New father, grad student, married, new life. Hopefully we can change the banned bit.
  • Jerri - Technology educator
  • Torrie - Wonderful Fairy from the future. Confirmed by Patrick.
  • Kevin - Cohosts neurohacking on wednesday nights. Been doing it for ~2 years. Attending two meetings at once.

(J introduces Noisebridge to us)

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Next 5mof - July 16th, 8pm
  • Jerri is bringing a group of students here next wednesday for an electronics summer camp.
  • J - Every third friday I'm hosting geek friday of the month. We bring beer and pizza and hack and talk.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

(Mitch and Torrie elaborate on "Membership")

  • Trent and Meredeth are stil up for consideration. Meredeth needs sponsors. Trent will be in on the 7th.

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]

(Mitch and Patrick explain Philanthropy)

  • Kyle is up for application, sponsored by Patrick

Financial Report[edit | edit source]

  • Funds in bank: $30k technically in the bank. Noisetor was just paid, so that means Noisebridge actually has about $20k in the bank.
  • Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
  • Any other details by those participating in handling our financials

Consensus and Discussion[edit | edit source]

(Patrick introduces Consensus)

  • Mitch proposes the unbanning of Lee Sonko
    • Mitch: Lee was banned during some really unexcellent times in noisebridge's past.
    • Kevin: At the time, NB introduced our anti-harassment policy. Just to add context, the person who did the ban did in fact feel harassed by Lee. However, that was a long time ago.
    • Torrie: Today's the first day I've ever met Lee and they don't give any big red flags or negative vibes. So they've at least fooled me that much. Seems fine to me :+1:
    • Patrick: Most of the historical record around Lee's banning was a discussion between two people. Didn't feel like consensus, its very murky, and there is little evidence that it was legitimate.

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]


Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]


Discussion Items[edit | edit source]