Meeting Notes 2015 09 22

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These are the notes from the The over 9000th Meeting of Noisebridge.

Note-taker: User: Ashwath (Ash); Moderators: Mitch

Introductions[edit | edit source]

300th meeting

  • Mereline: What even is Noisebridge: Noisebridge is about sharing with each other and learning. Covers hardware, software, everything.
  • J- Do anything you want as long as you are excellent to everyone. We don’t make money and we run on donations. Education is for everyone and only cost is time.

  • Mitch- Co founder from 2007. Now I travel the world – teach and help hacker spaces
  • Rezza- trying to find my footing in the Bay area. w
  • Mereline- I work with wearables. Professional hacker
  • J- I used to fix nintendos. I teach the Monday classes..
  • Henner – I write software during the day time and night time. Want to learn hardware
  • John – two missions: I want to make a project with the Jetson TK1 board- a PDA

second mission: make Taipei hacker space better.

  • Trent – I teach the python class here. I work with the library at noisebridge library working group. Need help to make it better.
  • Olivier: electronic designer. Just checking out the * Signal - I am brief. I hack on things related to biomedical interpretation.
  • Robin: used to do software. I became an organic farmer later. Want to learn electronics here.

Ana- Consultant on internatoional maker moment. I work with fab lab and maker moment organizations. I am studying social impact of these spaces Imay- I mess around with computers. Samir-I want to make furtinute! I want to open source hardware. Carl- Write software, mobile apps. Mari: I am hacking wearables right now.


  • Saturday is the MADE’s birthday party in Oakland
  • MIT media labs (AR platform):
  • First hack night: bring projects at geekdom 6:30- 9:30

Look up Hackster on meetup.

  • Transformative technology Event- consciousness hacking:

Discount code still available

  • Feedback on 1 liner:

Creative community centers for hands on learning , exploring and sharing.

  • Contact to help revitalize a dying hacker space.

Membership Binder [edit | edit source]

  • j- No empowerment. Everyone has equal rights. It shows commitment to the space and gives us rights to accept contributions: 40$(beginner) or 80$ a month. Grants 24 hour access to the space.

Best way: hang out here, get to know people and you can become a member by filling forms and getting it signed by atleast by 2 members and no one objects.

  • Mitch- Decision is made by concensus. People who are not members can have 24 hour access by becoming a philanthropist. As long as no members object. Ther is a form for that as well.

Philanthropists[edit | edit source]


Financial Report[edit | edit source] No updates

Last week:

  • Funds in bank: $33,095.98
  • Approximately - $22,000 of which is allocated to Noisebridge alone.
  • Our rent went up!! We need more recurring donations.

Consensus and Discussion[edit | edit source]

What is consensus:

  • To do big things: things that affect all in the community.
  • consensus: all core members talk about issue and agree on it before it goes through.
  • Frowned upon to just say no without reason or solution.
  • Anyone can join conversations, anyone can make objections with reasons however only members can make decisions. Proposal changes until everyone is happy enough or postpone consensus.
  • Consensus is a long process so do-ocracy is followed. Do it if it will not bring any objections. Objectors can help do/undo the activity.
  • Consensus is usually a 1 week process.
  • No proposals right now.

Proposals from last week [edit | edit source]


Proposals for next week [edit | edit source]

Maybe buying caron fiber.

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

  • This Friday cyberdelia party. 8:00 pm on Friday watch hackers then go to 20th anniversary
  • Fundraiser for gaming archivists. In January. Help, objections contact Mari.
  • J- security @ noisebridge. Doors are secured at all times. But during an event its an issue. Come up with a community solution to make space very accessible and secure, to assure safety of space and the people.
  • Airplane grade carbon fiber fabric: who wants it? Mari will bring up for consensus.

fixing up noisebridge[edit | edit source]

Mitch: a year and a half ago we almost had to close noisebridge for ever because people who didn't belong here were here and were destroying the place. Had to do a reboot. And now reboot is an annual thing This year- noisebridge is doing a reboot right now. Can you contribute and grow from being a part of noisebridge? Before reboot noisebridge was open 24 hours.

Cultural immune system: are new people a good cultural fit? Hang out here a while. Anyone can give a tour. Reinforces what you know.

Someone can volunteer for an hour to be a greeter. So only the greeter knows of a new person and rest can focus on their work.

If you come regularly, ask for an RFID pass.

Continuous discussion about what is excellent. If someone is not excellent, bring it up and ask for help. People who don’t belong here CAN'T stay. We want to keep noisebridge happy and healthy for all of us who do belong.


When lots of new people come here for an event, have a class student let people in and have a tour for all interested people later.

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]